Your cock is beautiful – 18

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-18 Continues…..

There was a soft knock at the door.

It was just after midnight, and Mia had come to be with me again, as she put it.

“Come in.” I said.

The door opened and Mia slipped in, closing it quietly behind her.

She was wearing a negligee, the exact shape and design as the black one she usually wore, except this one was red. I took in the thin weave that showed off her body and matching panties, the short hem that drew the eye to her long and sexy legs, and of course the dark red bust that gave her the most magnificent cleavage. I knew before I looked that she’d painted her toenails to match.

I looked back at my laptop screen, ignoring her for now. I’d gotten a taste of this last week. Just making her wait was so appealing to me. This was a girl that on many occasions had called me a “retard” for slurring my words or stuttering the slightest amount, following with the phrase “Don’t waste my time.” We were kids then, but it was stupid little things like this that still stuck with me.

Now I could waste her time all I wanted.

Before she’d arrived, I’d been surfing aimlessly on the internet for a few hours going from link to link, reading about basically anything I found interesting. I did this a lot, and ended up learning about a pretty wide variety of useless crap. The internet was a big place. A lot of opportunities to waste time.

“Hi.” she said softly.

“Get on your knees and shut up.” I said calmly, without looking.

She did as I asked, and I continued to click and read for a while. But I couldn’t really concentrate when she was there.

Last week was disturbing for me. At first it was my own rage that I obsessed over, the absolute cruelty I’d unleashed on Mia’s body. She told me later, when Stella wasn’t around, that the bruises still hadn’t healed by Wednesday. But it was her telling me this that helped me get over it. She didn’t whimper it out, afraid. She didn’t hiss it at me, angry. Her tone was one of pure excitement, and almost pride.

It became clear to me that she could take so much more punishment than I’d thought.

No, what disturbed me here was how I’d spoken to her. I cuddled her, let her sleep with me, called her “sweetheart” for God’s sake. This wasn’t the relationship I wanted. I’d rationalized over and over that we could have both cruelty and kindness, but I felt we definitely needed more of the former.

All week she’d been looking at me. Subtly watching me when she thought I wasn’t paying attention to her. I’d been sitting with her and Stella, and getting to know their friends some more had been… not horrible, anyway. But since she’d admitted to being “mine”, I felt her eyes on me far too much. Every time I looked at her I’d see her glance quickly away with some stupid, love-struck little smile on her face. It was unacceptable, despite the charge it gave me.

In our conversations with Stella nothing had changed, but it really felt like we were getting too close. I finally had a grip on our relationship. She claimed to be in love with me, but I didn’t have to let that mean anything. She accepted that she belonged to me, and that was how I wanted things to continue. I owned her.

So I made her wait.

And wait.

I wanted so badly to look at her, and I knew she’d just be watching me, so I made her wait a little longer.

The tension was ridiculous. After a little over half an hour, I slowly closed my laptop.

I let out a long sigh and finally looked at her.

She was still kneeling, eyes locked onto mine. Last week I’d criticized her posture, but now she was sitting upright, back perfectly straight, and hands folded on her lap. She was such a fast learner.

“Come here.” I said.

Without breaking her gaze, she leaned forward and slowly crawled over to the side of the bed.

“Up.” I said, pointing to my legs.

I pulled the covers off as she silently climbed up. She stared at me, eyes wide as she waited for my next instruction. She glanced at my crotch a few times and her hands clenched into fists. She was anxious. She was so open with her emotions sometimes, her hope and anticipation obvious on her face. She was practically begging without even speaking.

“Suck me.” I said harshly.

She let out an excited squeak and quickly obeyed, sliding her fingers under my waistband and yanking down my underwear. Within seconds she was holding my soft cock in her trembling fingers and licking slowly along my shaft.

I leaned back against my headboard and put my arms behind my head, staring across the room and out my window at the night sky. It was December, and Christmas was only a few weeks away. The weather had been threatening snow, but so far it had been clear.

I was trying to set up an atmosphere between Mia and I. I ignored her, then only used short commands to order her, and now I wasn’t even looking at her while she went down on me. I wanted to seem more detached than before, after everything last week. I wanted to make some more distance between us.

I could see the bright green of her eyes staring up at me, but I refused to look down. Instead, I leaned back and closed my eyes, focusing on the pleasure she was giving me.

She’d started the same as always, soft kisses and licks along the shaft and head to get me hard, which didn’t take long, before sucking me into her mouth. She was using hard, strong licks against the head which felt amazing, and soon she was sucking in her cheeks to give that intense pressure that I loved. Usually I would start breathing heavier, or sighing, but I resisted making any noise.

She kept sucking me in deeper and deeper each time until I was completely inside her tight throat, my balls pressed against her chin. She held it there for a few seconds before pulling back up and licking around the head again.

She kept this up for around five minutes without me making a single sound, strong licks against the head broken up by slowly deep-throating me. I could feel her determination to get a reaction out of me. She held my cock in her throat for a little longer each time, and her licks got more insistent and varied.

She was really getting good at this. Well, that was an understatement. She was good before, and due to my lack of experience every new blowjob from her automatically became the best one ever as she learned how to better use her tongue and throat to please me. But I kept control of myself, not wanting to let her know the extent of the pleasure she was giving me.

After a few minutes more I heard, and felt, her moan slightly in the back of her throat. She inhaled my cock again, and this time just held it there. After maybe 30 seconds I thought she would pull up, but she didn’t. She just stayed there, not breathing, my thick shaft pushed into her pulsing throat.

A few seconds later she quickly slid off my cock and started panting heavily. She barely waited at all before sucking in a large breath and taking me into her mouth again. I couldn’t help a small sigh at the sensation of being taken to the base so quickly and enthusiastically. And again, she held it. The seconds ticked on and on, far past the point I thought she’d have to come up for air.

Her eyes were closed, her expression a picture of concentration, but her face was bright red. She was practically choking herself on my cock.

Her eyes suddenly shot open and her head jerked upwards. She inhaled deeply and started coughing, probably choking on her own saliva. She never let go of my cock, even as she turned her head and continued to cough violently. There were tears in her eyes, but ones of discomfort, not emotion.

After she seemed to get her breath back, she looked at me.

Your cock is beautiful – 18 will continue on the next page

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