Your cock is beautiful – 17

“Because…because I like it?” she asked quietly.

I dug my fingers under her ass and grabbed hard, digging into her bruised skin. She sighed with pain and squirmed against me.

“I do it…because I like it.” I hissed.

She let out a delicious little giggle, which ended in a pain filled moan. I released my grip, and wrapped my arms around her again. I telling her that we were as fucked up as each other.

She lay against me, and it slowly dawned on me that I’d just been unusually open with her. I’d never admitted my blossoming sadism to her, even though she must have suspected it by now. I shook my head, and sighed. I had to watch what I said to her. I didn’t want to reveal too much of myself.

I soon realized that, like the previous week, she was about to fall asleep. Her breathing was becoming slower and her whole body relaxed against me. I was surprised to feel a strong sense of fatigue overwhelm me, like a huge wave sweeping over my consciousness, threatening to pull me away. I knew the symptoms of sleep deprivation well, and I knew I wouldn’t be awake much longer. I shook myself, and slowly slid Mia off my lap. Her feet delicately found the floor, before she continued her graceful slide downward to her knees. She turned and looked up at me, her eyes shining and breath heavy.

I ran my fingers up into her hair, and she leaned into my hand. It felt like we’d done this little action a dozen times by now, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Mia, did you sleep at all?” I asked.

She shook her head, looking down guiltily.

“I…I sat in the bathroom until the sun came up.” she admitted quietly, “I couldn’t…I couldn’t stop crying…”. She let out a forced laugh, her eyes edged with sadness.

I sighed, and again a pulse of guilt Stella up in me. I really had to take more care with my temper.

“Mia, get dressed.” I said.

She looked up at me, confusion obvious on her face.

“You’re going to get dressed, and go lie down in Stella’s bed. I’ll tell her you’re not feeling well, and I’ll wake you before dinner. You can eat here, and then you’ll go home.” I said.

My voice was monotonous, and my mind was working far too hard for such a simple plan. I really needed some sleep myself.

“I…” she said, interrupting my thoughts, “I want to…I mean…can’t we…” she stuttered.

“No Mia, you need to sleep.” I said, trying to put a firm edge to my voice.

She sat up slowly and ran her hands along my thighs until she found my hard cock. She squeezed it through my jeans, and ran her hand up and down along its length.

“Can I suck your cock first?” she asked, her voice light and breathy. “Please?”

I felt a wave of anger flash up in me. Why did it always take her so long to listen to me? I grabbed her roughly by the hair and she gasped and twisted in my grip.

“What are you?” I asked roughly.

She wasn’t sure of an answer.

“You’re mine!” I growled, “What are you?”

“I’m yours…” she whimpered, “I’m yours, you own me! I…Aahh!”

I pulled her close to me and leaned down to her face. I grabbed her roughly by the jaw and held her in place.

“When I give you an order, the only thing I want to hear out of that pretty little mouth of yours is, ‘Yes. Sir.'” I spat quickly, “Do you understand?”

Her face took over a sudden calm, and despite the pain I was causing her, her voice came out smooth and clear.

“Yes, Sir.” she said, staring into my eyes.

I released her, and sat back on the bed.

“Now, what are you going to do?” I asked.

“I’m going to get dressed.”, she said quickly, “Get dressed and go to sleep in Stella’s bed. And when you wake me, I’m going to have dinner here, and then go home…Sir.” she said.

Her voice seemed to get much smoother, and calmer, when she called me ‘Sir’. I’d said it in anger, but now I realized that this was something that could make her feel even more subjugated, even more submissive, which she seemed to crave.

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