Your cock is beautiful – 16

“You hate me!” she cried, meeting my eyes again. I could see tears welling up. “You’ve always hated me! And I knew that, but…but I thought it would change…or that I could deal with it…”

She looked down.

“I just…I love you so, so much and…” she started. Tears started to roll down her cheek. She wiped them away with her sleeves. “And…I don’t know what…what we’re doing here. You hurt me…but then you kiss me…and-“

“You told me you like it when I hurt you.” I interrupted.

“I do!” she almost shouted back, “It’s…it’s just all so fucked up! I mean, what are we doing here?”

She paused, her tears silently flowing, eyes downcast.

“Sometimes I think…the way you look at me…that you might… But then you want to be with someone else? With Becky?” she said, meeting my eye again. “I just don’t know what I am to you.”

She hadn’t even mentioned her punishment. After all I’d done to her, it was how I felt about her that mattered? It was our relationship she was worried about? After hurting like I had, it was talking about some other girl that she remembered?

I stood up and took a step towards her.

“Mia…” I said, lifting her chin. “You’re saying…you want to know how I feel about you? You want to know what kind of relationship we have?”

She nodded, staring into my eyes.

“Mia…sweetheart…” I said gently, “Our relationship…how I feel…it’s simple.”

Her eyes widened when I called her “sweetheart”. I wasn’t really sure why I’d done it, it had just kind of slipped out naturally. It was what my parents called each other. It felt weirdly old-fashioned, but intimate. But I wasn’t really focusing on that. I knew exactly what to say to her. For the first time in a while, I knew exactly how I felt about Mia.

“Mia, I…”

I paused. Anticipation was written in every detail of her face.

“I own you.” I said.

She let out a tiny gasp, and her face fell in confusion.

“You…” she said, her voice shaking.

“I own you.” I repeated. “I have all this…control over you, and I didn’t even have to take it from you. You gave yourself to me.”

Her expression didn’t change. She didn’t react at all.

“I mean, week after week, coming to my room, begging me to pleasure you, hell, begging to pleasure me. You gave me control of your body. And now you’re mine. You belong to me, Mia.”

I took a half-step towards her and curled my arm around her back, my other hand still holding her face. She leaned into my body instinctively.

“Have I ever had to force you?” I asked, “Have I ever done anything to you that you didn’t ask me to do?”

Immediately last night came to my mind. She hadn’t asked for that. But I pushed on.

“Didn’t you tell me that you liked being hurt by me?” I asked, smiling.

I leaned in and kissed her lightly on the cheek. I could taste the salt of her tears on my lips.

“Didn’t you tell me…” I almost whispered, “That you wanted to be mine?”

Her whole body shivered. I pulled back and swept my hand up through her hair.

“Didn’t you?” I asked again.

I couldn’t read her face. It was like she was in a state of shock.

“Answer me…Mia.” I prompted gently, “What was it that you said to me the first time we fucked? When you begged me to come to your bedroom? When you deep-throated my cock, and begged me to fuck you?”

I dropped my arm and let it join the other one behind her back. I pulled her into a tight hug.

“What did you say to me?” I whispered into the heat.

I felt her arms slowly rise to cross behind my back as she returned my hug.

“I…I said…” she whispered.

She suddenly seemed to shake herself. She cleared her throat and pulled away from me. I dropped my arms to my sides as she took a step back.

“I said…I wanted to be…to be yours.” she admitted, “But I didn’t mean it like that…I meant…”

“You meant what?” I asked, my voice becoming firm, “You wanted to be my girlfriend? Is that it? I told you that’s not what you were to me.”

“I know…” she said. “I thought…I don’t know…I just wanted to be your…your…” she trailed off, unable to find the word.

“My what, Mia? My lover?” I asked mockingly.

“Your slut!” she shouted, “I wanted to be your slut!”

“And what does that mean?” I asked quickly, “What does that mean, Mia? I didn’t force you to say it. I didn’t force you to say or do anything. You wanted to belong to me. You wanted to be mine!”

I took a step backwards and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I couldn’t lose my temper. Not again. I felt like I was on the side of a cliff.

I opened my eyes to find her staring at me. She didn’t react at first. Had I pushed too far? Had I scared her off?

She slowly bit her lip. The fear and tension seemed to be leaving her body.

“Right, Mia?” I said slowly. “Isn’t that right?”

The corner of her mouth twitched up into the smallest of smiles, and she nodded.

Relief crashed through me like a flood, and I let out a long sigh. I stepped towards her again, wrapping my arm behind her back.

“Say it, Mia.” I said, brushing her hair from her eyes.

Her smile grew.

“I…I wanted…I want to be yours.” she said, her quiet voice charged with excitement.

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