Your cock is beautiful – 15

She interrupted my memories by continuing.

“I was just doing that, and it felt really good, squeezing my…my pussy like that. And then you started to cum inside my throat…your thick cock just…pulsing and thrusting…and it felt so good…I just went off…” she said.

I hadn’t heard of this, but I made a note to research it later. I couldn’t help but notice how she kept hesitating before saying sexual words, like pussy or cock. I remembered what she’d said earlier, about how I’d been talking to her.

“Did you like the things I was saying?” I asked.

She hesitated.

“I…I don’t know.” she said quietly.

I rolled my eyes. She always resisted when it came to stuff like this, she always had to be prompted into admitting the truth. I reached down and grabbed her right breast hard, digging my fingers in.

She let out a pathetic little whimper of pain, and I tightened my grip. I loved how her boob felt, and realized I hadn’t really explored her body as much as I thought I wanted to. I hadn’t played with her boobs much, and I hadn’t licked her pussy yet, which was something I wanted to try. I continued squeezing her for a while, before I focused my thoughts.

“Don’t lie to me.” I said calmly, “If you don’t know, then think. Did you like what I was saying when I fucked your mouth?”

“I…think so…Yes!” she gasped, her breath getting short again, “I did…I liked it!”

I used my other hand to pinch her other nipple, and started to twist it roughly. With her arms tied she was powerless to stop me, but she didn’t even try to move her body away.

“Did you like sucking me off? Did you like it when I used your hot little throat to satisfy me? ” I asked.

“Yes!” she moaned, “I love it!”

My cock was getting hard again, hearing her talk like this.

“I love sucking your…big cock…” she continued, still panting, “I love being yours…your little slut…your little…cock sucker!”

I released my grip on her, and she sighed with relief.

“I love it…” she whimpered, pushing back against me, “I love being your slut…”

“Good girl.” I said, wrapping my arms around her.

She’d said things like this to me before, called herself a slut, but it seemed to get a little harder for her at times, it seemed to mean more. I guessed that there were times she could just act like she was saying what I wanted her to, that she was only applying that label to herself because she wanted to submit to me.

But other times, like this, she seemed to really believe it. She couldn’t lie to herself, and make excuses. She just had to admit that she was a slut. My slut.

I gently caressed her hair as she let out little purrs of contentment, and we just lay like that for a while. But something was bothering me. Something wasn’t quite right. She sighed against me, not asking what was going to happen next, or if I would untie her. She was just content. But I wasn’t.

The realization came to me in a flash. I felt my smile grow wider.

“Mia?” I asked her gently.

She sat up and turned, looking up into my eyes. I couldn’t wait to see her reaction.

“Mia…did I give you permission to have an orgasm?”

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She was the perfect picture of surprise.

“I couldn’t…I mean…” she stammered.

I grabbed her chin hard, and she let out a squeak of fear.

“Did I. Give you. Permission.” I said slowly.

She shook her head, before spitting out, “No.”

“So what do you think should happen now?” I asked.

She swallowed hard.

“You should punish me.” she said.

Her voice was strong and clear, despite how afraid she looked.

“Do you want me to punish you?” I asked.

She hesitated for a second, looking away from me, but quickly met my eye again and nodded once.

“I want you to punish me.” she said. “You didn’t give me permission. I…I deserve it.”

Before I could stop myself, my face broke into a wide smile. I normally tried to keep my expression neutral when I was with her, but she looked so adorably certain.

She returned my smile, happy to have pleased me.

“Good girl.” I said.

I took her shoulders and gently rolled her over into a kneeling position. I spanked her hard, and she quickly counted “One”. Just like before, she kept up a rapid pace, and so did I.

Hitting her like this, I could feel the anger rising up in me, and I vented it on her shaking body, ignoring how much my own hand was hurting. She counted well, and despite breaking into tears as the final numbers approached, she didn’t make a single mistake, and barely hesitated. It seemed that after she got over the initial shock of actually being spanked, she could take a lot of punishment.

Maybe ten wouldn’t be enough in future.

My cock was rock hard again, and as soon as I finished, I quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and span her around. She moved with me, and I slammed her down onto her back. She stared up at me, tears streaming down her face, naked body bound and quivering, and whimpered;

“Thank you…for punishing me…”

I felt myself become overwhelmed with lust, and with an almost literal growl I threw myself at her. I put my face an inch in front of hers and grabbed her tightly by the hair, and I felt my cock slide against her dripping pussy lips. She was driving me insane, I’d never felt this much raw passion.

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