Your cock is beautiful – 12


It was the following Tuesday, lunchtime at school. The cafeteria was crowded with other kids eating and generally killing time. Friends talking and laughing, making stupid jokes and throwing stuff around. I always marveled at the sound of crowds, how a hundred different perfectly ordinary conversations could combine to make a continuous din of meaningless noise.

I was standing in line when someone nudged my arm with theirs. I turned, and there stood my sister, with Mia at her side.

This was weird. I think it had been literally years since I’d spoken to my sister inside a school building. We never had any classes together, and even though we shared a car, I was always the one to drive it to and from school because she got a ride from Mia every day. Once we left the house, we acted like strangers. Of course, we’d been acting like strangers at home too, until very recently.

“Hey, little brother.” she said cheerily.

“Uh, hey little sis.” I answered.

This was a running joke between us. Around age ten or so, we figured out that one of us had to be the “older” twin, but our parents had decided not to tell us, so we’d never be able to argue about it, or something. And thanks to a lazy or careless nurse at the hospital we were born in, the “time of birth” on our birth certificates were identical. Since we had no way of knowing, we’d both just decided that we must each be the older one, and had stuck to it.

It was an old term of endearment that we hadn’t used in years, and the fact that it came to me so easily really only served to make this whole thing weirder.

“You should sit with us today.” she said, smiling and confident.

“Um, what? Why?” I said, moving forward with the line.

“Because.” she said simply.

I rolled my eyes at her and she sighed impatiently, as if I was missing something obvious.

“Because you’re my twin brother, but we never even talk to each other at school. It’s ridiculous. Sit with us, come on.” she said.

I added some stuff to my tray, and moved along some more.

“You know, I do have my own friends to sit with.” I said.

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

“Yeah right, do you even like any of those guys? You just sit there and barely say two words to them, I’ve seen you.” she said.

There were actually a few different groups of people I sat with, but she was right, I didn’t talk to any of them very much. I’d long suspected most of them wouldn’t notice if I stopped coming into school altogether, but it didn’t bother me. It was enough just to hang out with them, and listen to them talking about whatever was going on with them. It made the meals pass quicker.

I shrugged.

“I’m not big on talking. They’re good company.” I said.

I reached the end of the line and paid for my food, then stepped off to the side while they did the same. I noticed Mia hadn’t said anything yet. I hadn’t seen her since she’d left, Saturday evening. We hadn’t gotten a chance to talk about what we’d done, the new step we’d taken, but she’d seemed pretty comfortable with it.

It actually made sense that this was happening. The three of us were getting along really well at home, now that Mia had stopped attacking me every time I walked into a room, but I didn’t know any of their other friends. I hate to use an old cliché, but if there were in fact “popular kids” at that school, it was Stella and Mia they were sitting with. Not that I could name any of them. I tended to avoid high school drama if I could, it just didn’t interest me.

Stella caught up with me, and I could tell she wasn’t going to drop this.

“Come on, I’m serious.” She said, “You should sit with us. You should meet my other friends, you…” she trailed off.

I looked at Mia, and I could see how uncomfortable this was making her. She was staring down at the floor, not meeting my eye. There was still the huge, unspoken understanding that Mia was the reason I hadn’t been sitting with them all along, and that it was only thanks to our new, secret relationship that things had changed.

I looked back at Stella, and I could see the guilt lurking behind her eyes. They wanted to make it up to me for isolating me all those years. At least, Stella did. I actually didn’t know what the hell Mia wanted, except that she clearly didn’t want to be standing here having this conversation.

As I thought about it, I just decided to go with it. Why the hell shouldn’t I eat lunch with my sister, her best friend who I was secretly fucking, and a bunch of people I didn’t know?

Well, probably a lot of reasons, but I went with it anyway.

“Fine.” I sighed, “Where are we sitting?”

She grinned with victory, and led me over to their usual table. I tried to meet Mia’s eyes, but she didn’t look at me.

There were only three other people at the circular table, two boys and a girl. Both the guys seemed pretty surprised when they saw me sitting down at the seat Stella guided me towards, sitting opposite the girl, with Stella on my left and one of them on my right. I remembered that the girl’s name was Becky. I recognised her from one of my classes, but I couldn’t remember which. I’d never paid much attention to her, but she was really pretty, with light brown skin, short black hair, and strangely bright amber eyes. Mia sat in between her and Stella.

Like I said, Becky didn’t look surprised as I sat down, just watched me with a small, almost knowing smile that I found weirdly unnerving.

“Guys, this is my brother.” said Stella as I pulled my chair in. She patted me firmly on the shoulder, as if trying to comfort me.

I introduced myself. The guy to the left of Becky gave a silent nod, and quickly looked down at his food. He had jet black hair, and was quite well built, with wide shoulders and defined muscles on his arms that showed through his t-shirt. I’d seen him around, he was easily 6 ‘4 or 6’ 5 when standing, but I’d never learned his name.

The guy to my right slid around the table so we were more spread out, then suddenly stuck his hand out to me, waiting for me to shake it. I took it after only a second of hesitation, ignoring how strange and formal it seemed.

“I’m Derek, it’s great to meet you buddy.” he said as he shook my hand.

He was smiling, and seemed to actually mean what he’d said. He had messy blond hair that covered his ears, his fringe swept out of his eyes.

“Yeah, you too.” I replied, smiling back a little.

“I know you,” said Becky.

I turned to her to find that same knowing smile, her eyes narrowed as if she was trying to remember something. Something about her made me nervous.

“Uh, yeah. You’re…Becky, right?” I said. “We have…something, together.”

“Yeeah…” she said slowly. “English, right? Mr. Winters?”

I couldn’t actually remember if that was true, so I just shrugged.

“Well, it’s nice to actually meet you, anyway.” she said.

“Right.” I said, smiling nervously.

She was the first girl I’d really spoken to in a while. Well, unless you count Stella or Mia. I suddenly remembered the reason I’d never had a girlfriend until very recently. Hot girls made me nervous.

‘Not that I have a girlfriend now’, I thought to myself. I’d made it clear with Mia that she wasn’t my girlfriend, so why did I just think of her that way? Had to watch out for that.

“Frank.” said the guy to her right without looking up.

He had a deep voice, but spoke quietly. I didn’t know if he was being rude, or if I made him nervous. For some reason it felt like the latter, despite his size. Maybe he just wasn’t good at talking to new people.

“Hey.” I answered.

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