Your cock is beautiful – 14

I smiled and ran my fingers through her hair. I loved how she thanked me for things like this, and that she sounded so sincere.

“I really liked hanging out with you this week.” she said quickly, as if afraid I was about to stop her from talking. “At school, I mean. It was Stella’s idea, but I was kinda hoping it would happen.”

“You didn’t seem too happy about it.” I said.

She smiled nervously.

“Yeah, well, it was nice just…sitting with you. I mean…I’m not “big on talking” either, at least not around those guys. ” she said.

I suppressed a smile at hearing her repeat my offhand comment from days ago. She really paid attention.

“They’re your friends, aren’t they?” I asked.

She shrugged, causing her firm, heavy boobs to jiggle the slightest bit.

“I guess they’re more…Stella’s friends, you know? I don’t really get along with…well, anyone…” she said, smiling and forcing a laugh. She really seemed self-conscious about this whole thing. I’d never thought of her as anything other than popular before, it was so strange to consider that she might not really have any friends except Stella.

I decided to change the topic, we could discuss the intricacies of our blossoming group dynamics when she wasn’t naked, and I wasn’t half-hard.

“Well you’re not here to talk about lunch, are you?” I said.

She smiled and shook her head, eager to drop the subject.

“What are you here for?” I asked, gently taking her by the chin.

“I’m…I’m here to be with you.” she said.

“Just to be with me?” I asked mockingly, “Is that all you want?”

She swallowed. It was always like this at first. So slow to accept my prompting, her sentences filled with hesitation and pauses.

“Tell me what you want, Mia.” I said firmly.

She smiled suddenly, and relief washed across her face. She was familiar with this command already.

“I want to suck your cock.” she said, smiling.

I grabbed her roughly by the hair, and twisted. She closed her eyes tight and let out that breathy moan that I knew expressed a mixture of pain and lust.

“You know what you have to do.” I said.

She opened her eyes, and they locked right on to mine.

“Please.” she said, her voice solid and sure, “Please let me suck your cock.”

I pulled harder, and she squealed and twisted underneath my hand. I really liked pulling her hair. It seemed so weird the first time I’d done it, just impulsively wanting to hurt her, but now it felt so right. Like holding her by the jaw, or making her wait before I would even talk to her; it was just another little sign of my power over her.

She completely accepted the pain I gave her, and had long since stopped trying to struggle or free herself.

“Please.” she choked out, her voice becoming soft with emotion, “Please let me suck your cock. I want to swallow your cum, and…and feel you in my throat. Please…please…”

I released her, and stroked her softly across the head, fixing down the hair I’d just abused.

“Good girl.” I said.

I moved back on the bed, and rested on my knees, and Mia wasted no time climbing on with me. She straddled my legs and slid her fingers under the waistband of my boxers, then stopped. She met my eye, unsure if she was allowed to continue. I smiled, and nodded.

She seemed to relax as she slid my underwear down to my thigh, releasing my semi-erect cock. She let out a little moan of excitement and quickly wrapped both hands around it, her fingers gently squeezing. She pushed the tip to her lips, lightly kissing it, before taking it into her mouth and slowly moving her tongue around it. She pushed in harder with her fingers as I got harder, and she licked faster, around and around.

Soon I was rock hard, and she backed up to look at it. She devoured every inch with her eyes, and I felt myself smile again as I watched her fascination with my cock. She met my eye and returned my smile, self-consciously. It was strange to see her still acting shy, considering what we’d done, and what she was doing. She licked her lips and turned her attention back to my swollen dick.

After just staring for a few seconds, she gently pushed her tongue to the base of the shaft, right where it met my scrotum, and began to slowly lick upwards. I let out a small sigh of pleasure, and when she reached the top she opened her mouth to take me in again.

“Stop.” I said.

She looked up at me quickly, a look of panic flashing across her face.

“Don’t put it inside, just yet.” I said. “Just use your tongue, and lips.”

She smiled, relieved that I wasn’t going to scold her. She pulled my cock towards her lips with both hands, and began to plant soft, light kisses along the shaft, from top to bottom. I loved it when she did this. It was something I’d never told her to do, and physically it didn’t feel all that great, but there was something so fucking erotic about seeing her kiss my dick, like she really loved it. Like she was worshiping it.

After a few minutes of small kisses and licks, she wrapped her hands around the base again, and slowly licked around head.

“Stop.” I said again.

She looked up quickly, confused.

“Don’t use your hands.” I said.

She didn’t smile this time, but nodded quickly. She put her hands on my legs, leaving my cock pointing straight out from my body, and started to lick the shaft again. She was having trouble with this new command, it looked like. She had to completely move her body and head in order to give me the same amount of sensation as before. After only half a minute, she reached out and took hold of the base again, pressing the head against her tongue.

I grabbed her by the hair and pulled hard. Her hands jumped to her sides immediately as she realized what she’d done.

“Fuck, I’m sorry!” she squealed.

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