Your cock is beautiful – 13

“Your cock is beautiful” Part-13 Continues…

I turned to Stella to see her beaming at me. I rolled my eyes again, and she quickly struck up a conversation with Becky.

I sat mostly in silence, eating slowly and letting the conversation wash over me without contributing, like I usually did. Derek, Stella, and Becky talked quickly and comfortably with each other, with Frank chipping in every now and again.

Frank’s calm demeanor didn’t change much, so it was hard to say if he was always like this, or if he was like this because I was here. It felt like he was deliberately avoiding looking at me, but that could have been just because I wasn’t talking.

Derek was pretty funny, I found myself laughing or smiling along with most of the jokes he made. He seemed like a warm, friendly person, although he got a little loud sometimes. Becky seemed a little serious, but she had a real sarcastic streak too.

I slowly realized that I was probably the least attractive person at the table. I didn’t really think they were shallow or anything, but it just became apparent to me that Becky, Derek, and Frank were all just attractive people, objectively. Stella and Mia too, but I already knew that.

What really interested me was Mia. She hadn’t said a word since we sat down and seemed even colder than Frank, barely smiling or laughing at anything. Maybe actually sitting with me and her other friends at the same time reminded her of all the stuff we did together, and it freaked her out. The weird thing was that no one seemed to notice, no one asked her any questions or tried to include her, not even Stella.

But it wasn’t long before Stella tried to get me to respond. They were talking about some report they had due in History. I didn’t share that class with any of them, but all the classes had to do it, with the deadline being Friday.

“Did you get it done yet?” Stella asked Becky.

Becky shook her head, taking a drink of coke.

“It doesn’t seem that hard though, I’ll probably get most of it done tonight.” she said.

“Yeah it’s pretty easy.” said Derek, “It’s meant to be, what like 1,500 words? I only did like a thousand, but it’s probably fine.”

Becky shrugged. “Yeah probably.” she said.

“What about you,” said Stella, turning to me, “Have you started it yet?”

I immediately felt nervous again, having to talk, but I mentally shook myself. It was just a conversation.

“Well, it’s due on Friday. I’ve got like three whole days, why wouldn’t I wait until the very last minute?” I joked.

Becky and Stella laughed.

“Ha ha yeah, fuck it.” said Stella.

“Seriously though,” I said, feeling confident from the laugh I got, “There are just so many more interesting things I could be doing. And everything’s so much more fun when you’re ignoring boring shit you have to do.”

Everyone laughed at that, and out of the corner of my eye I even saw Mia smile.

I said it jokingly, but that was actually how I felt about most things. There were always so many interesting and fun things to do, books to read, movies to watch, not to mention all the time I spent on the internet. Pretty much every piece of homework I had to do, or test I had to study for, was done the night before, if not the morning of its deadline. Probably why my grades were so overwhelmingly average.

“Procrastination is one of life’s greatest little pleasures.” said Becky sagely, smiling at me.

I smiled back, and the conversation moved on.

I didn’t talk much after that, but I was surprised to find I’d enjoyed myself. When we went to get ready for class, everyone said goodbye, and Derek stressed again how “really great” it was to meet me, the same warm smile on his face.

Later, Stella caught up with me at my locker.

“See, wasn’t that fun?” she said.

“It was Ok. Your friends seem cool.” I said casually.

“Good. That wasn’t even all of them, Lissie had some dumb club thing to do today. You’ll probably like her.” she said.

“You have a friend called Lissie? Is that even a name?” I joked.

“Alyssa. Lissie. You’ll like her.” she said.

“Oh, and when would I ever meet her?” I said.

“Well obviously you’re sitting with us tomorrow too.” she said smiling, walking away.

I’d had fun, but I didn’t know if I really wanted to be spending all this time with Stella and Mia. If we started meeting at lunch, and after school, and on the weekends, then I’d pretty much have no time to myself. I’d already been spending less time alone, and as weird as it sounds, it made me a little uncomfortable.

I used to spend all my time alone because I had to, but over the years I’d really come to enjoy my solitude, my privacy. I wasn’t really sure if I was ready to give that up.


The next day, they met me at the line in the cafeteria again. Stella had an expression that let me know she wasn’t going to give up on this, and again, Mia looked like she didn’t really care. I hadn’t spoken to either of them since the day before.

When we got to their table, Derek and Becky were already there, as well as a girl I vaguely recognised. It was probably strange not to know the name of everyone else by now, but I’d spent so little time outside my own small social groups that I didn’t even really have to try to avoid gossip. The groups I hung out with were usually more interested in their own niche hobbies than their classmates.

“Oh hey man, what’s up?” Derek said, as soon as I sat.

Becky was reading a book, and didn’t look up to greet me. I looked at the other girl. She was very beautiful, I noticed right away. There really was a pattern here. She had sharp, well defined cheekbones and dark hair that fell past her shoulders, and very fair skin. Her eyes must have been brown, but they were so dark they seemed almost black.

“So you’re Stella’s little brother?” she said, giving me an almost stern, appraising look.

“Kinda.” I said nervously.

“What do you mean ‘kinda’? Do you not know if you’re her brother?” she said, her voice sarcastic and almost accusing.

I felt a swell of nervousness rise up at her aggressive tone, but I met her eye. I was determined not to act as awkward as I’d felt yesterday. Besides, the way she was looking at me was nothing compared to how Mia had been treating me for years.

“I mean we don’t actually know who’s older.” I explained, trying to sound confident, “As far as I’m concerned, I’m her big brother.”

She raised her eyebrows slightly, before turning to Stella.

“You said he was younger than you by like, a few minutes.” she said almost angrily, her voice still firm.

Stella just shrugged, smiling. The other girl’s almost hostile manner didn’t seem to bother anyone else. Derek was just watching with what seemed to be a permanent half-smile, and Becky still didn’t look up.

“He is younger.” Stella said eventually, her voice full of humor, “He just won’t admit it.”

Your cock is beautiful – 13 will continue on the next page

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