Your cock is beautiful – 11

She wiped some remaining tears from her cheeks and laughed gently, her smile wide. She somehow looked even happier than she had before I’d hurt her. Her face was a picture of pure joy.

“Roll over again.” I said, getting to my knees.

Her face darkened instantly with fear. She seemed like she was going to say something, but I brought my thumb to her lips.

“Trust me, Mia. Just turn around for me.” I said.

She avoided my eyes as she turned silently and pushed her face back to the bed, raising her ass in the air. I leaned over the edge of the bed, and reached under it to pull out a small jar I’d put there earlier. I turned to show it to her, but her eyes were closed tight, expecting pain.

I silently unscrewed the lid and positioned myself behind her, and a pleasant scent of Stellas filled the air. I dipped my fingers into the surprisingly cool cream inside and slowly touched them to her warm, red ass.

She gasped and her whole body jumped forward in shock, but she began to laugh as I spread it around.

“This is what you get for being a good girl.” I said, laughing along with her.

She let out a little sigh of pleasure as I massaged her, and let out a few small giggles. I scooped a little more out and made sure both bright red cheeks had a light coating.

I bought the cream a few days ago at a drugstore. When I’d gotten the idea to hurt her like this, I checked online about it and a few places said that bruises and welts can swell and hurt for a long time. I didn’t think that would be too much of a danger if I was only using my hand, but it seemed like a nice idea to get something like this, something to make her feel good after accepting her punishment. It felt pretty good against my stinging palm, so it must have felt incredible to her.

When I was finished I pulled her panties up and patted her gently. She turned around and met my eye, smiling. I gestured for her to come to me. I welcomed her into my arms and pulled her into a kiss, which she returned with her usual energy.

When I pulled away, she looked down and rested her hand on the jar I was still holding.

“Did you buy this…just for me?” she said, looking up hopefully.

I smiled.

“I knew you’d earn it.” I said.

She returned my smile and leaned into my body again, kissing me lightly on the neck.

“Thank you.” she said softly.

I was still amazed at the incredible shift in our actions. Just a moment ago I was basking in the pain I’d caused her, but now I couldn’t help smiling at the strangely sweet situation I was in. I’d hurt her so badly, and now she was in my arms, thanking me for relieving the pain that I’d caused.

I reached down and slid my hand into her panties, running the tip of my middle finger along her pussy lips. She sighed and closed her eyes, pushing her face harder into my neck. She was dripping wet, now, and I realized as I pushed my other fingers out that her inner thighs were slick with moisture. I hadn’t seen her like this since we were in her room. This was more than just lust, like last week. This was the effect real submission had on her.

I continued sliding my middle and ring finger against her pussy.

“You’re wet.” I said simply.

“Yeah…” she sighed.

“Did you like being spanked, Mia?” I asked softly, “Did it turn you on?”

“I…I don’t…” she sighed.

I pushed in harder against her pussy lips with my fingers.

“Ah! Aahhhh…” she moaned.

“Mia…did you like being hurt like that?” I asked again.

“I don’t know….” she moaned softly, almost whispering.

I didn’t want to force her to tell me. I wanted her to admit it on her own.

“Why else would you be so wet?” I asked.

She didn’t answer.

“Mia, now, be honest.” I said, almost condescendingly, “You liked it, didn’t you?”

“I…” she started.

I stayed silent.

“I…I think I liked it.” she said.

Her voice was so quiet, but so clear. She sounded almost guilty, like she was admitting a terrible secret, but at the same time so relieved that she could.

“It hurt so much…but…it made me feel good too…I don’t know why, but I liked it.” she whispered.

“That’s right,” I said gently, “You’re a dirty little slut, who likes to be spanked.”

“I’m…I’m…” she stuttered. “I’m your dirty little…slut. Who likes…who likes to be spanked.” she whimpered, another tear rolling down her cheek.

I sighed, and felt my dick twitch yet again at her admission. The first night we’d been together, I’d been worried that she’d just been saying things because I wanted to hear them, and that feeling of paranoia had stuck around for a while. But now it was clear that she meant what she said, the emotion in her voice, the guilt, the shame, the lust. It was unmistakable. She’d even added “your”, when I hadn’t told her to. Could there be anything more perfect than this?

“Good girl.” I said. “Doesn’t it feel good to be honest?”

I brought my thumb forward to the top of her pussy. She started whimpering softly as I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the sensation of her soft flesh. I thought I could feel her clit against my thumb, a slight little nub of hardness surrounded by her soft lips. I pushed hard against it, and her whole body jerked forward, as it had before. I pushed in on it again and started slowly circling it as I pushed my two fingers inside her.

Her pussy was so tight and warm, and as I pushed in she suddenly let out a loud moan and pulled her body tight against me. Her boobs were pressed between us, and I could feel the hard points of her nipples against my skin. I kept up the pressure, curling and straightening my fingers inside her, while moving my thumb faster. Her moaning increased with my pace, and soon she was panting loudly in my ear. I pushed my fingers all the way into her and felt her clit press against my palm. Suddenly, her voice stopped and her body started to shake.

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