Your cock is beautiful – 11

I spanked her again, only to recoil as the pain in my hand suddenly increased after that little break. The pain had a way of making me think that it couldn’t possibly get more intense than this, and then doing exactly that with each hit. I knew she was feeling the same thing, but much, much worse.

“Sssix.” she said.

I put my left hand on the small of her back, and brought another hard slap to her smooth ass.

“Seven.” she said, after only a few seconds.

Her voice was suddenly stable, more solid. I spanked her hard and she barely reacted.

“Eight.” she said quickly.

I hit her even harder, as hard as I could.

“Ah…aah!” she suddenly screamed.

Tears were flowing out of her now, her whole body jerking and shaking with sobs.

“Nnn…nn…nine…” she moaned through her tears.

I hit her one final time, bringing as much force as I could muster and grunting with the effort.

She collapsed with relief, her ass falling to the side as she curled up in the fetal position, clutching my cushion to her chest. I briefly considered punishing her for leaving the position before I said she could, but I ignored it. She’d done well.

As I watched her, I felt a surprisingly real swell of pride, and admiration rise up in me. She could have stopped me whenever she wanted, but she didn’t. As I smiled at her and rubbed my painful hand with my thumb, she almost silently whispered,


I let her lie there for a minute or two, enjoying how she moved around every now and again to try to relieve the pain.

“Mia.” I said eventually, “Get on your knees.”

She moved slowly, lethargically, but did as I asked. She moved back into the spanking position, and stopped.

“No, Mia. Up here, on your knees.” I said.

Again, she moved slowly, but was soon kneeling beside me, with her black panties still pushed to about half way down her thighs. I put one hand on the back of her neck and pushed her hair back with the other. Her eyes were red and a few tears were still rolling down her flushed cheeks.

“I’m proud of you, Mia.” I said softly, “You made it all the way through. You could have stopped it, but you didn’t.”

I couldn’t tell how she was feeling. Her expression was completely blank. I’d seen her in this kind of daze before. It was just like when I’d held her head and fucked her throat in her bedroom, but it seemed even stronger this time. She seemed almost completely unaware of me, not meeting my eye but staring straight ahead.

I pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear,

“Good girl.”

She leaned into me and clumsily wrapped her arms around me. She was breathing heavily, and I could feel her tears against my skin.

I slowly lay down on the bed again, pulling her down with me. I kissed her softly on the neck and just enjoyed the feeling of holding her warm, shaking body against mine, and the sound of her soft sobs in my ear.

As she held me tighter, I found myself amazed at the apparent depth of her submission. I’d basically tortured her, and she was now holding on to me for comfort. There wasn’t a trace of anger or resentment in her. I held her like this for a few minutes before rolling away from her. She let go of me and started wiping her eyes.

“Mia, do you know why I did that?” I asked.

“Because…” she replied, her voice shaking, “Because I talked, and you…you told me not to.”

“I did it because you disobeyed me, Mia.” I told her gently. “I did it because you deserved it.”

She nodded her head a few times, still wiping her eyes. I felt almost light-headed with the joy and satisfaction I was feeling. She’d submitted to me so completely that she didn’t even question her punishment.

“What do we say…when someone gives us something we deserve?” I asked.

She looked panicked for a second, unable to think of an answer. I took her by the chin again, and said,

“You can talk now. Say ‘Thank you’, Mia.”

“Thank you.” she echoed instantly, “Thank you…for punishing me.”

I closed my eyes and sighed happily. I thought about our history together, remembering the countless times she’d stood over me, mocking me, taunting me, making my life hell. To have her like that, just then…I couldn’t remember ever feeling more content. Or, honestly, more aroused.

I opened my eyes to find her still staring at me.

“You did so well, Mia. I’m proud of you.” I said, smiling.

Her eyes widened and she bit her lip softly. She didn’t say anything for a while, but when she opened her mouth, she whispered so quietly I could barely hear her.

“Will you kiss me? Please?” she asked.

I smiled and pulled her into a tight embrace, moving my lips close to hers and holding them there for a few seconds. She hadn’t forgotten my instruction earlier, and didn’t try to kiss me, but only sighed against my lips in anticipation. I kissed her slowly, and tenderly, and she surprised me by returning it with an intense passion. She pushed her body against mine, pressing her soft tits between us. I felt myself being drawn in by her heat, her need. I broke the kiss and pushed her back.

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