Your cock is beautiful – 10

She stood at the door and awaited instruction, as usual, but as I continued to leer at her she shifted her body slightly, as if posing for me.

“You look beautiful tonight.” I said, meeting her eyes.

Her smile grew wide.

“Really?” she said, surprised.

She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Thank you.” she said.

I loved how much she seemed to enjoy the simple compliment. This girl had probably been told she was beautiful all her life, but only I could make her smile like this.

I stood up out of bed and walked over to her. Her eyes widened in surprise. I closed the distance between us and slid my arms behind her back, pulling her close to me and bringing my lips to hers. We kissed deeply and passionately. She moaned into my mouth and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I broke the kiss, but kept my face close to hers. She was breathing heavily and her expression was so intense, so alive with lust. She tried to bring our lips together, but I pulled back. She smiled and leaned forward again, but I brought my hand up to her shoulder and held her in place. She was still smiling, but her face had a hint of disappointment, and confusion. After a few seconds of waiting I kissed her again, slower this time, our tongues moving together in a gentle rhythm. Once more I pulled away from her, but kept our faces close.

Again she tried to kiss me, and again I stopped her. She pouted and let out a small whine, but didn’t resist. I leaned in, bringing my lips close to hers. I held the position as she squirmed against me, wanting to kiss me but learning that she wasn’t allowed to. I slowly kissed her chin and cheeks, but stayed away from her lips. She moaned again in frustration and I couldn’t help but laugh gently.

She moved forward again, trying to bring our lips together. I reached behind her and pulled on a handful of her hair. She jerked back and gasped with pain.

“No.” I said firmly.

She looked at me again, and I could see her expression change. Her smile was a little darker, her eyes a little more fearful. She understood that she wasn’t allowed to kiss me, and she was realizing that this wasn’t going to be like last week.

I took a step back from her.

I pulled my t-shirt off and dropped it on the floor. She let out a tiny little moan as I did, which surprised me. I didn’t really have a body worth moaning for. I guessed she was just excited about what we were going to do.

I decided to keep sweatpants on for now. I stepped forward and kissed her again. As she pushed her tongue into my mouth, I brought my hands down to her ass and started massaging it roughly. She let out a surprised little yelp as I grabbed both cheeks hard and squeezed. Not very hard, though. I didn’t want to hurt her too much.

She almost growled into my mouth, pulling me away from my thoughts of the future. I pulled away from her but kept my face close, to tempt her into trying to kiss me, but she didn’t. She slid her arms around my waist and leaned in, letting her forehead rest against mine, and bringing our lips right up to each other, but didn’t let them touch. I loved how she filled my entire view like this. All I could see was the sharp green of her eyes, and nothing more. I felt a little sigh of her warm breath against my lips, her mouth open in anticipation.

I pulled my right hand away from her ass and rubbed the soft, thin fabric of her gown between my fingers. I remembered what she’d told me the first time she’d worn it.

“You bought this just for me?” I asked, pulling on it slightly.

She pulled away from me, biting her lip and nodding. She was smiling proudly.

“Why?” I asked.

“I wanted to look good for you.” she said quietly, “I wanted…you to think I was sexy.”

I smiled and slid my thumb under the waist of her panties, letting my fingers slide down to cup her flesh again.

“They had to order it for me. They didn’t carry this design in my…size.” she said, bringing a hand up to her ample chest. “But I wanted this one. I looked for a while, this one was my favorite. The woman in the picture just looked so hot…I knew you’d like it…Do you really like it? I can buy other things, if you-“

I gently took her face with my other hand, cutting her off.

“Mia, I want you to do something for me.” I said.

“Yeah?” she whispered, staring excitedly into my eyes, her gaze shifting quickly from one to the other.

“Shut up.” I said.

She immediately pursed her lips tight and looked away from me, embarrassed.

“You talk…way too much. In fact, unless you’re answering me, you’re not allowed to talk at all. Do you understand?” I said.

She nodded, her face serious.

“Mia…” I prompted.

“Yes.” she said, “Yes, I understand.”

“Good girl.” I said.

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