Trapped in the Snow – 7

As horny as she was in fact, it didn’t take long forSophiato cum either. In a way, I was almost grateful for it, as hard as she held my dick, squeezing it the way that she did, though I think dad rather enjoyed it, as hard as he still was. After she’d collapsed, and mom had had her cunt thoroughly cleaned out by Collette, we all took a mini breather once again, sipping our Port and listening to the sound of the storm going on outside.

“It’s a bad one,” mom commented walking over towards the window looking out. “Good god Harold! The snow already piled up a good three or four feet in front of the door! It’s going to take us forever to even dig out!”

“Worry about that tomorrow,” he told her. “Right now…I’d sort of like to see if someone’s interested in attending to this,” he said as he sat there, holding onto his big fat schlong, which if anything, looked even angrier than before.

“I’m sure the girls wouldn’t mind helping you out with that,” she told him. “They did a pretty good job double-teaming Max’s cock last night,” she then added, smiling at my sisters.

All three of us immediately looked over towards mom in surprise. “You…you, knew? You watched us?”Sophia Said. Collette simply shook her head like she should have known, and I openly laughed, which I wouldn’t have done only a short time ago. Now I was accepting the fact that just about anything was possible.

“Hell yes…I had a pretty good idea that something might happen between the three of you, like I said earlier, I’ve been expecting it for quite a while now, and the conditions were just too perfect for it not to!” she finished.

“No wonder you came up and woke me from a sound sleep!” Dad interjected. “And here, I thought you were horny thinking about me, not about watching your daughters suck off our son!”

“Oh? And who was it that suggested I climb in your lap there in the parking lot of the grocery store, fuck you silly with a blizzard going on outside, and insist I tell him the story again on how Collette and I first went down on one another…huh?”

“I still want to hear that story mom,” I said grinning at her as she said that, already feeling my cock rise to the occasion once again as we all sat there.

“Maybe tomorrow,” she said, smiling back. “Obviously, we really are going to be snowed in for a few days, so we might as well think up some things to keep ourselves entertained…”

“And horny,”Sophia Included.

“Goes without saying,” Collette added. “But yeah…mom’s right. I rather like the idea. Let’s think up something really fun and naughty to do tomorrow night while we’re all just sitting around during the day watching the snowfall.”

“Well, regardless of that, we should still probably try and dig out some,” dad suggested. “No sense having to do it all at once, only make it harder on us when it is time to really dig ourselves out of here. And I don’t see all this snow melting anytime soon either! Anyway…back to this,” he said, waving his dick about once again. “How about it?”

“You two go see your father,” Mom told the girls. “I’ve been wanting to do this myself to Max ever since I saw the two of you sucking it last night! Still have some juice in there for me?” she asked, licking the tip.

“Maybe not a lot,” I said almost apologetically, but I can assure you, there’ll at least be something!”

She laughed at that, and then proceeded to all but swallow my prick.


I have to admit. Sitting there on the couch while mom knelt in front of me fondling and sucking my dick while I watched each of my sister’s working on dad’s cock was curiously hot. I could almost feel it again, the sensation of their tongues lapping up and down one side of me, and then the other, then kissing one another with my prick sandwiched in between. By the expression on dad’s face, he was sitting there enjoying it every bit as much as I had…if not even more. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a first time thing for him, not counting having both of his daughters doing it when they did, but two women period.

And though that had certainly felt nice, wonderful in fact…mom must have earned some sort of award somewhere along the way, the way she mouthed sucked and gobbled me up was just fucking unbelievable. I didn’t know how she could do it for one, neither of my sister’s had, though they’d both tried. But I saw mom take the entire length of my shaft into her mouth, and then stay there for a moment, still sucking me, her tongue still slithering up and down my shaft even though I had no idea how in the world she was able to accomplish all that.

Hearing giggling, I opened my eyes looking over across the room. It was evident dad was finally getting close to popping one off. The girls seemed to sense it as well as they fenced one another with their tongues, dad’s dick sandwiched between just as mine had been. I had a pretty good idea what he was feeling at that moment, and if he was, he was only moments away from actually climaxing.

“I want to see you cum daddy,”Sophia Said excitedly. “I’ve only seen three other cocks do that before now,” she then added.

I thought silently. “I was the first…then there were two others I didn’t know about. New stories to tell,” I said smiling to myself.

Mom pulled away from me then looked over towards them. “Well…if you’re going to do that, then do me a favor,” she asked.

“What?” Collette asked.

“Run down the hallway to the linen closet, grab one of those towels in there and bring it back with you before he does that.”


“You’ll see why,” mom laughed, though she went back to licking my cock. “Don’t want to get it all over the couch,” she said, still giggling.

“Oh sure…your couch we have to be careful with…my couch…”

“Shut up Harold, or I’ll make you lie down on the floor instead,” mom admonished him.

Collette made it back with the towel draping it between dad’s legs as he sat up. The girls quickly went back to licking and sucking him, and then moments later when he announced he was about to cum, even mom turned her head that way in order to watch, as I now did.

Dad didn’t cry out or anything, he just sort of turned into stone. His entire body went rigid, his face turned purple just like his cock, had I seen that expression on his face any other time, I’d have run like hell. He looked like a man about to murder someone.

“I know…pretty unusual,” mom commented while watching him. “Now…watch this.”

I’d had what even I’d have to admit as being some pretty incredible spankings in my time. Really big squirty ones. And had mom and dad not walked in earlier late that afternoon when they had, I was pretty sure that one would have ranked up there amongst the top three. So I was expecting that to some extent I guess. What I didn’t expect, and which surprised me along with my sister, was when he finally did cum, or rather…how long it was that he came.

It started out almost in slow motion, nothing too spectacular at first either. Just this little bubble of white stuff at the tip, dad’s body like I said looking almost petrified. Even Collette appeared to be a bit disappointed at first, though she andSophiakept slowly stroking dad’s prick up and down, at mom’s prompting in their continuing to do so, until she said otherwise.

“Mom?” I half whispered.

“Shh…just wait for it,” she told me. “Watch.”

In a way, it was like watching a seething volcano erupt…slowly. At first, just a dribble as it began to bubble out of the head of his dick, and then more of it, and then more…and more, and then more. Suddenly, I began wondering if it would ever quit, and understood the reasoning behind the towel now. So ok…dad didn’t actually “squirt”, maybe it even had something to do with his age for all I knew, but the fact was,

I’d never seen so much cum produced in any one time before in my entire life, including my own. A good minute or so had passed, and it was still pouring out of him. I think Mandy’s hand was completely and totally covered in it as she sat there stroking him, still squeezing it out.

“Good god mom, can you even take all of this?” Collette asked, turning towards her.

“No, I can’t…have never been able to,” she readily admitted. “Still surprises me even now.”

“And how often does he do this?” She asked

“Every time, at least once a day, sometimes two, though rarely if ever any more…three. But yeah, he does. I will say this too. It is kind of nice when he’s fucking me, and starts to cum, because he keeps going of course, so like the last two minutes or so of our session, he’s actually still cumming, which is usually when I do, feeling all that hot thick cum filling my pussy. Just something about feeling that triggers mine each and every time!”

“I can see why!” Collette announced turning back around to watch dad, who was still cumming, though it had at least started to taper off. “Maybe it was a good thing after all,” she now added, reconsidering things.

So maybe it wasn’t exactly explosive, at least not the way I’d been expecting, but it really was spectacular even so. And it no longer bothered me, or caused me to realize it was my old man who I watched doing it.

It really was fascinating, erotic, and sensual as I sat there watching my sister’s playing in all that spunk excitedly afterwards. They sat, smearing it all over one another, literally scooping up handfuls of the stuff, very little of which had made it to the towel. They’d both caught most of it in their hands, and now sat sharing it with one another as dad once again became human rather than the somewhat petrified rock he’d looked like earlier.

“Whew! Wow…that was a good one!” He exclaimed shortly after that, much to everyone’s laughter.

And then suddenly it was my turn. Though I didn’t put on nearly as good a show as he did. Not to mention the fact, mom had no intention of wasting whatever squirt I had on her clean floor, or the chair, or even on her. She simply drank it all down. Even then, I was pleased when she had to take some air before finishing.


“Well now, we all have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, and I think we should all get a good night’s sleep. I have a few ideas in mind we should probably discuss tomorrow after, or even during breakfast perhaps. But with your dad wanting to partially dig us out somewhat, I suggest, we all get some rest.”

By now, I really was tired, if not downright exhausted. It had been a bit of an emotional draining day, not to mention everything else. And it was nice to be able to crawl into bed between my two sisters, mom and dad kissing us all goodnight, a throwback to once fond memories of them doing so when we’d occasionally all got to sleep together outside, or even on the floor here in the living room as kids.

It sort of felt that way again. It felt good…comfortable, and secure. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, just as we all did. But I was already looking forward to tomorrow.


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