Trapped in the Snow – 3

“So she actually blushes, but then tells me that if she’s horny enough, aroused enough, she can do it herself, make herself cum just by fingering her tits, the way she is doing now. Admittedly, I was intrigued, not to mention a little surprised she was being so candid with me about it, but I must say Max, standing there naked, with mom naked, and thumbing her pretty good-sized nipples was hot as hell. What’s more…I could see that she was getting more and more aroused the longer she stood there, playing with them, while watching me, me…watching her. It was very erotic, even though it was my very own mother!”

“No shit!” I responded, reaching down to nonchalantly rub the fullness of my prick through my jeans. “So then what happened?” I continued to press.

“Well about that time, it became obvious that if she indeed continued, she actually might…orgasm!”


“That’s what I thought. But then she seemed to get embarrassed, self conscious about it all of a sudden, and quit, started talking about the laundry again, and not wanting to embarrass me more than she felt she might already have. And she seemed embarrassed herself for having shown me what she had, which she felt was more than she probably should have. Next thing you know, I actually asked her…asked her to show me.

I mean fuck Max, now I was horny as hell, and frankly I wanted to see her do it! See if she could, how she did it, so yeah…I did. I asked her to show me what she did. Surprised, yet pleased, she dropped the clothes she’d gathered up back on the floor. After that, she took a seat on the toilet, she poured a little baby-oil on each one of her breasts, and then handed it to me.”

“This helps,” mom said. “So your nipples don’t get too rough or too sore, go ahead, try it yourself, and then do what I do.”

“Before I knew it, now I’m standing there still in the shower, though I hadn’t turned the water on yet. Following mom’s lead, I’m now coating my boobs with the oil, still watching her, watching as she now pinches her nipples and pulls on them, even twisting them almost painfully. I mean it’s not like I haven’t done that myself, or that a few guys I’ve dated haven’t either, but admittedly, it felt different, doing it the way she did, emulating her movements. Before long, she’s sitting there panting, just as I am. And then, much to my surprise, mom came!”

“Damn!” I exclaimed, just trying to imagine it. My own mother, having an orgasm in front of my sister, even though all she’d really done was fondle her own breasts.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought too. And funny enough, after she had, I still tried to, but I just quite couldn’t get there. And then because it was taking so long, and because you were due home any minute, I finally gave up. After which, mom said that perhaps if the opportunity presented itself, she’d try showing me again, only this time…she’d do it, if I wanted her to. Oddly enough, the opportunity never did come again,

and we never brought the subject up again either, so I didn’t pursue it or think about it until after I’d returned home again. But…there was something about it that told me mom would have been more than willing to do more, or at least I thought so at the time anyway. So who knows…maybe?”

“Maybe what?” Sophia said walking into the kitchen just catching the tail end of our conversation. She was dressed in her warm flannel pajamas again, though this time they actually looked sexy on her, especially the way her breasts moved beneath them as she walked over to the table and sat down joining us. She immediately saw Collette’s fully exposed breasts and lifted her eyebrows.

“Obviously, the two of you have been having an interesting conversation, so what’s up?”

Collette and I then filled her in on everything we’d just shared and talked about while she listened.

“They really are a couple of horny old farts aren’t they?” she said teasingly.

“What makes you say that?” I had to ask. “Why…what have you seen or heard?” We both asked.

“Well, remember last summer? I came home for a visit with mom and dad. I’d gotten some unexpected time off, so decided to make the best of it. Unfortunately, that was the same week you’d gone off camping with your friends, which is why we never saw one another,” she said looking at me. “Anyway, the second or third day I was here, I’d made plans to go to the bar that night with Charlene, my best friend in high school since she was still living here. We had agreed to meet, have dinner and catch up with one another. Which we’d started doing, up until the time that J.D. showed up.”

“J.D.?” Collette asked.

“Oh yeah, you didn’t know him, his name was actually Jim Daniels, though everyone called him Jack…because he loved to drink the stuff by the same name. Those who didn’t call him that, simply called him J.D. Anyway, Charlene had always had a huge crush on him during high school, but at the time he was banging the head cheerleader, and didn’t have eyes…or a cock for anyone else, well…as far as anyone else knew anyway. But…he’d always had a bit of a thing for Charlene too, always playing up to her.

Needless to say, when he came into the bar and saw her sitting there with me, he came over. I could see she was anxious to go elsewhere with him rather than spend the evening with me, even though we’d planned it, so eventually I made up some excuse to leave, and ended up coming home early. Boy…was I in for a surprise when I did!”


“Yeah!” she said, grinning at me. “I think the reason they didn’t hear me come home early was because of where they were, and what they were doing. I’d come in through the front door for one thing and immediately came in here to the kitchen. I’d even called out, but didn’t get any response. I walked over there,” she said pointing at the window that overlooked the back patio, “which is when I saw them,” she grinned. “They were out on the porch, sitting in the swing, at least daddy was anyway,” she chuckled further.

“They were both naked, mom was on her knees kneeling in the grass in front of him, but as the chair swing was sitting at an angle to me, I could easily see the both of them, not to mention what they were doing. At first I thought about looking away, letting them have some privacy, but to be perfectly honest you guys…I couldn’t help myself! I couldn’t tear my eyes away!”

Collette had thrown all pretense to the wind at this point. While sitting there, she’d completely opened her bathrobe and now openly fingered herself listening to Sophia as she told her story. Already aroused enough as she was, as we both were, she proceeded to make no bones about what she was doing to herself as Sophia continued. Though Sophia too had taken notice of her sister, her own hand suddenly slinked down the loose fitting waistband of her flannel pajama bottoms.

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