Trapped in the Snow – 3

“Too often siblings grow apart once they move out and away from one another…lose touch so to speak,” she said smiling. “Just know that your dad and I are pleased to see the three of you getting along so well, we sort of always hoped that you would,” she added leaning over giving me a kiss on the cheek just as dad pulled up by the back door. I stood, intending to give him a hand with the plow, though mom’s comment and look had unnerved me a little.

Mom followed me outside and climbed into dad’s truck as he and I dragged the plow off and set it aside. I stood by his door as he then got in and prepared to leave.

“Call if you have any problems,” I asked them.

“No worries, we’ll be fine,” he assured me, then adding. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he grinned, “While we’re gone. We should be back before nightfall, but for some reason, if we can’t…we’ll call you.” Once again I had caught a strange look coming from mom when he’d said that, but it quickly turned into a smile as she blew me a kiss and as dad put the truck into gear heading out.

I stood watching them for a moment until the falling snow hid the truck from view and entered back inside the house. When I did, it was Collette who met me in the kitchen, pouring us both a coffee though she stood in nothing more than her robe and a towel on her head.

“They leave?” she asked.

“Yeah, just…” I said thinking to myself, and then asking her.

“Did you notice anything weird or strange about either one of them this morning?” I asked her.

“Weird? Strange? What do you mean?”

“Oh, probably nothing, maybe just me thinking too much, especially after last night,” I said as the erotic images once again flooded my head. “But if I didn’t know better, I’d almost swear mom was hinting around at the three of us being much closer than we used to be, and that in fact…mom and dad were happy to see it.”

“Well I’m sure she didn’t mean it in quite the way you seem to be worried about,” Collette told me as she came over and sat down at the table. I noticed as she did, that the front of her bathrobe parted, revealing most if not all of her right breast.

Even she knew that she had, looking down at herself and just smiling without covering it. “Though I will say this,” she added as she sat there thinking. “There was an incident the last time I came here for a visit, just before you came home from school as I recall,” she told me. “Which had me wondering about it for a few days after it happened,” she added.


“Well, we were all planning on going out to dinner that night, shortly after you got home from school and got ready yourself. Dad was using the upstairs bathroom, so I came down to shower in yours. I’d just gotten undressed and was about to step in when mom entered bringing in some fresh towels which she told me she was going to do, so I wasn’t surprised by that when she entered.

What did surprise me was when she commented on how beautiful I looked, honestly standing there admiring my body. I mean it didn’t make me uncomfortable or anything, in fact…I was actually flattered that she did, and commented on her still looking pretty good too.”

I smiled inwardly, so familiar…

“Anyway, she then said she’d might as well do a load of washing, intending to gather up my things which as always, I’d just left piled on the floor when I undressed. She then commented on the fact she might as well include her own clothing as then otherwise it would be too small of a load to be worth the bother, so surprised me a little when she stood there and took off her own clothing in order to add hers to mine. Of course,

once she had, she again commented on how shapely my breasts were in comparison to hers, and how age was obviously beginning to have some effect on her. Once again, I complimented mom on how good of shape she was still in, which she was…and still is of course. But I swear Max, there was a bit of sexual tension in the air as we did that, especially after what happened next.”

“What happened?” I said taking even greater interest, though Collette’s nearly exposed boob went a long way towards making me feel that, especially when she undid her sash exposing them both to me.

“If you’re going to stare, you might as well see both of them,” she told me before continuing. “Now…where was I anyway? Oh yeah…so then, mom actually reaches up and thumbs one of her nipples,”

“You’re kidding me!”

“No, really…she did! Looking up and over towards me, she then asks me if my nipples are as sensitive as hers still are!”

The image of mom standing nude in the bathroom tweaking her own tit I found interesting, especially after asking Collette if hers were.

“I told her in fact they always had been…and were, not really thinking too much about the conversation we were suddenly having. I mean after all, growing up, we’d been open enough around mom and dad to discuss sex openly whenever we had questions or were curious about something.

You know how it was. So anyway, I just figured we were having one of those impromptu little discussions, which is when she asked me if I’d ever been able to have an orgasm just simply by having them played with. But before I could even answer that, she told me she could! I hadn’t…not then anyway, though I did later, but I found it curious that she could, and obviously did, even asking her about it, whether she could do it herself, or whether someone else, meaning ‘dad’ had to be the one touching her when she did.”

“Holy shit,” I said softly, listening to my sister, already the sensation of my cock stiffening inside my pants alerting me to the fact I was becoming aroused by all this. “So then what?”

Collette laughed. She could tell I was becoming excited by hearing this, not to mention the fact she’d actually begun to finger one of her nipples as she sat there telling me the story.

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