Trapped in the Snow – 12

The next scene had been set, and I wasn’t about to disappoint him if I could help it, I just hoped that after two very intense orgasms that day already, I’d still have enough left to pull off another good one for him.

As aroused as I was, had been…and would be, there was no reason for worry, though I didn’t know it at the time.

It was cool as hell feeling my Aunt come. I was beginning to realize that even in that, no two women ever seemed to climax the same way. And she was a bit like dad was in that regard too. She didn’t really say anything or warn anyone that she was about to. The only indication

I really got was this sudden vice-like grip of her pussy as it clenched around my cock, holding it. Now I had some sense of how dogs get hung up together when they fuck. I swear that there was no way in hell I could have thrust even another inch inside her, let alone been able to draw it out of her without help either. She just held me, and I felt her quivering inside, then this low wail as it finally escaped her mouth, followed by a series of shakes and shivers that finally released the death-like grip she had on my prick.

Perhaps when she did that, she had choked off the sensation of my own impending climax, tempering it perhaps. But the moment she had, I felt this surge, this overwhelming immediate rush of ecstasy, and new damn good and well, I too now was coming!

I almost leaped from inside my Aunt’s cunt, fisting my prick as I stood, watching the fountain of jisim as it erupted, and then just the way dad described it, in seeing it, so did I do it.

There were perhaps only two or three that actually went that far, but it was more than enough.

The first shot went far over my Aunt’s back missing her completely. I watched as it grazed my mother’s forehead, and then literally parted her hair, perfectly. The second, only somewhat less forceful than the first, hit my aunt’s shoulder, then like a tossed rock, skipping against the waves,

it landed with a splat against the rounded portion of mom’s right breast, causing her to cry out pleasurably when it did. The third made it perhaps about halfway up my Aunt’s back, landing there, which is when she finally rolled away, onto her back, and then reached up, gathering my dick into her mouth where I poured out whatever remained of my copious discharge into her there.

Though I heard dad’s cry of release, and then Collette’s, I was too far into the zone myself to really care much. Nor did I remember hearing Sophia when she did, though she claimed she had nearly passed out from the sweetness of her own ecstasy when I spoke to her about it afterwards.

I finally staggered over and collapsed onto the couch where I lay there for what seemed like an eternity. I honestly think I had actually dozed off, until the sound of voices, much like a buzzing in my ear finally brought me around once again. Mom and Aunt Jackie stood in the kitchen making sandwiches as no one really felt much like cooking,

though everyone was famished. We were soon all sitting around the table eating, everyone with enormous smiles on their faces, gorging themselves hungrily, sometimes actually giggling, and even blushing as we looked at one another.

“Well? Was it everything you hoped it would be?” Mom finally asked dad curiously.

“That and then some,” he told her. “Now I have new jerk off material for whenever you’re not in the mood,” he teased her.

“Yeah, right…like that’s ever going to happen,” she shot back playfully, then turning towards my Aunt and Uncle as they sat grinning back and forth between one another.

“So…you like hearing about and participating in our naughty little games there?” mom asked her.

“Oh yeah, you might say that,” Jackie said wistfully. “And, I don’t mind saying, I have one or two of my own I wouldn’t mind acting upon perhaps someday, if you’re ever in the mood to do this again,” she said hopefully eyeing me.

“How about you Frank? Think you might come up with something?” Mom asked, winking at her sister.

“Oh yeah, pretty sure I can come up with something,” he grinned back looking at her, “though one of those, I’ve already managed to fulfill,” he added, giving my sister’s ass a friendly little pat on the behind upon saying that, making her giggle in response.

“Well, you two are certainly welcome to spend the night if you want to. The storm has pretty much blown over now, though I’d imagine Harold will want to spend most of tomorrow really pushing all this snow out of the way, and out of the drive,” she then added, as dad nodded his head in agreement.

“All play and no work…makes a man lazy,” he grinned.

“But…there’s always the day after tomorrow,” mom added.

And she was right about that too. There was.

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