Trapped in the Snow – 10

“Fuck me Max, please…fuck me!” Collette soon cried out passionately, no longer accepting the tease of my cock to her cunt as I continued running it up and down the furrow of her garden.

Now angling myself, I thrust, driving my steel hard cock into her depths, impaling her fully. Her gasp of surprised acceptance forced the air out of her lungs as she expelled it, her ass lifting up off the bed as she strove to take me even more deeply than I already was.

I felt my balls softly slap against my sister’s ass, felt them do so again as I slowly withdrew, before plunging into her once again far more forcefully, once again easing out.

Collette reached up, her hands and then fingernails digging into my back as I fucked into her again, a bit harder a bit more forcefully this time, her breath coming in quick hard pants as our pace quickened until becoming a blur. The rake of her nails leaving marks, which I knew I would feel in the morning, uncaring at the moment as I speared her deeply, over and over again.

Beside us, the unmistakable sounds of dominos falling once more, Sophia’s high pitched squeal of delight as she climaxed, mom’s almost simultaneous mewl of ecstasy as dad likewise plunged into her depths driving her forward until she collapsed, dead weight on my sister. His own deep voiced cry of delight as he came, no doubt the molten volcanic eruption once more of his prick as it filled her to overflowing.

When Collette came, it wasn’t the faucetted squirt of release I was anticipating this time, rather a frothy, slick squishy one that bathed my prick, clinging to it like whipping cream as I added my own to it, squirting copious amounts of my own liquid pleasure, which now mingled with hers. I felt it as it sprayed out around the opening of her sex, the splatters of our still somewhat furious fucking forcing it to do so, once again bathing my balls, running down each of our legs, thoroughly soaking the sheets as we slowed to an after-glowed coupling, swimming in a pool of rapturous delight.


It was now very late. Spent and exhausted as we all were, laying there for what had felt like an eternity, almost dreamlike, I eventually felt mom, and then dad roll out of bed. As she softly padded across the floor towards the stairs, dad once again stoked the slowly dying fire, and then joined her. I sat up slightly, seeing the two of them hand in hand as they quietly and carefully went upstairs to their bedroom.

I smiled resting my head back down on the bed, the softness of Sophia’s breast now my pillow as I snuggled against it, hearing her pleasured sigh of acceptance when I did. I didn’t open my eyes again until it was near morning, the sunlight just barely peeking in through the window, though it wasn’t even that, which had woken me…but the sensation of my sister’s lips and tongues once again fencing with my prick.

I lay there half pretending to sleep, though smiling, moaning pleasurably as my sister’s licked and stroked me fully awake. I then felt the gentle sting on my back, a reminder from the night before, the frantic moans and cry of my sister as she climaxed, the sounds of my other sister doing the same as mom devoured her pussy sending her towards heights of passion and ecstasy matching our own.

“About fucking time you woke up,” Collette teased unable to pretend sleep any longer. “My mouth was starting to get sore,” she added, though immediately engulfing the head of my prick, once again sucking it, giving the lie to the exaggeration.

Sophia’s tongue still paying homage to my shaft, her mouth now gently drawing in my ball-sack as she mouthed it, forcing me to groan delightedly once again. I felt the tingle of release already making an appearance, though they each now strove for it, wanting me to do so. I didn’t long disappoint them either, tensing up and then crying out as the first squirt shot through my prick.

Sophia now hurriedly joined her sister, their hands simultaneously pumping my prick, jacking it, forcing out another, and another glorious hard-felt spurt as they fought over it. I lay there watching them, passing my prick back and forth like a shared ice cream.

When I could finally open my eyes again looking at them, they were smiling at me, the streaks and tracers of my cum criss-crossing their faces, clinging to their cheeks, their chins, with Collette even appearing to be wearing a pasted on cum-stash. I couldn’t help but laugh as she sat there waiting for me to see it before licking it off her upper lip, and then turning towards her sister, kissing her, sharing the essence of my soul with her when she did.

“All right you guys,” mom’s voice came from inside the kitchen. “If you’re through there, I could really use some help here,” she said, calling out. I couldn’t help but laugh. So much had changed, possibly forever. The thought of the three of us actually doing this, with mom obviously very much aware that we had been, patiently waiting until we had finished, only then calling out, letting us know that she had been, was something that would take some getting used to.

“Coming mother!” Sophia called out seconds later, though Collette added her own comment to that in a bit softer tone.

“I wish,” she giggled as the two of them bounded out of bed, hurriedly dressing into what had become for the two of them hardly anything at all as they raced into the kitchen where mom stood waiting for them.

Almost lazily I rolled out of bed, already prodding the fire back to life, adding a few pieces of wood to it until it was burning brightly and hotly again. The moment I had finished, the sudden sound of electricity filling the house, appliances suddenly coming awake that had been asleep alerted us all that the power was back on.

“About damn time!” Dad said half stumbling down the stairs a few moments later.

The worst of it was over, though as we all peered out the windows together, we were in total agreement that there was more snow on the ground than any of us could remember ever seeing before. We were still doing so when the phone rang, making us jump with the now unexpected, almost unfamiliar ring of it when it did. Mom sprang from where she was standing, snatching it up and answered.

They never had given up their landline using and preferring that over a cell phone. Mom didn’t even own one, and dad used his rarely, only then when he was out and about or away, just so that mom had a way of reaching him when he was needed. Otherwise, he kept it turned off, hating to use it. Perhaps now after this, they’d reconsider the necessity of keeping one on, available and handy. It became quickly evident that it was my Aunt Jackie on the line as she worriedly chastised my parents for being out of contact with her.

In moments though, mom had smoothed over whatever fears she might have had, assuring her that we were indeed all fine, especially now that the power had seemingly been restored once again.

“Are you sure you still want to do that?” Mom asked, speaking to her sister, then listening. “I’m not sure the roads will even be passable yet,” she added concernedly. Though now nodding her head as though my Aunt Jackie could see it. “Very well then, we’ll see you around six, just be careful on the drive over…and don’t forget to call us if you run into trouble. Yes…yes, I know, I know…we should have too, and yes sis…we’ll keep Harold’s cell phone on in case you need to reach us.”

With that, she hung up the phone, turning towards us.

“Well, they’re still planning on making the drive over here,” she told us unnecessarily. “She told us to expect around six…so, that means we have a little work to do around her and straighten the place up. But…” She likewise grinned. “We also still have two more fantasies to fulfill between now and then too,” she added. “So…when should we plan on doing that?”

I was indeed curious as to my father’s response, as he’d deferred having his drawing until today, wondering now if he’d explain his reasoning to everyone. Though he didn’t. Instead, he began slipping into his heavy coat.

“I’m going to plow the drive again, see how the roads and highway are,” he informed us. “Max? Go out and turn off the generator, I’m sure it’s also nearly empty as well, so fill it up again too in the event we still need it later,” he told me. “Hopefully, the heavy plows will be heading out this way soon, and clear the highway enough so that your Aunt and Uncle won’t have any problems in getting here, even with them driving that Hummer of theirs,” he’d added.

Dad had always thought that to be a frivolous expense on Frank’s part, though he’d insisted on getting it anyway. And not that dad couldn’t afford to get one himself even if he’d wanted one, but he’d not even purchased a newer model truck either, preferring to drive the ten year old truck that he had. Even the one with the plow on it was five years older than that. But as good as he was in keeping them maintained, it was highly unlikely he’d ever buy a new one again.

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