Trapped in the Snow – 10

“Trapped in the snow” Part-10 Continues…..

“So? What now?” Sophia asked as she made a slow pirouette standing next to me, her finger placed delicately on her chin as she turned, showing off her magnificently sculpted body clad in white lace, garters and sheer stockings. Collette was similarly dressed, though all in black, her long hair hanging full about her shoulders, adding to the sultriness of the sexy look she posed. And then there was mom.

There’s something to be said about a woman in red, at least for me anyway. And it was a subtle red, sheer rather than bold as I stood there watching her reach the bottom of the stairs. Her full breasts though partially revealed were encased in the sheerest of fabric, the sheen of almost non-existent material encompassing her breasts highlighting them in a way that was extremely erotic. The silk garters holding up her identical stockings shimmered as though on fire as the light from the fireplace tended to flicker as though part of the act as mom joined my sisters standing next to me.

“What about what you had in mind?” mom asked not only to look sexy, but to sound it too. Dad had been right, it was obvious by the way they were all acting that they felt seductive, sensual, and more importantly aroused.

While waiting for the girls to come back down stairs, dad and I had both slipped back into our bathrobes and nothing else. As though on cue, dad opened revealing his hard meaty cock as it stuck out fully, rigidly hard and once again swollen almost beyond reason. Mom’s smile spoke volumes as she looked over towards him seeing it, almost daintily reaching out with her fingertip and drawing an imaginary line up the thick veiny shaft causing him to shudder with excitement.

Mine too was rock hard, peeking out of the opening of my robe on its own accord, though I didn’t fully expose myself as dad had.

“So Max, what do you have in mind for the first shot?” Collette asked, sounding more seductive than I’d ever heard her sound like before.

It was time to get down to business.

Remembering dad’s strength and how he had so easily lifted up my sister, impaling her on his shaft as he’d stood next to us at the kitchen table, me fucking mom at the time, I’d been given an idea because of that.

“Mom? If you’d come over here and stand in the doorway of the hall?” I asked walking over where I’d already set my camera up on the tripod. She did so waiting for more instructions. “Dad? If you wouldn’t mind coming over here as well and standing behind her? And please…go ahead and remove your robe,” I told him. He did so and then likewise waited as I ran through the image in my head trying to envision it. “OK, now…pick mom up, using the wall to support herself against, facing away from you as you do.”

Dad did so easily, mom reaching up as though trying to touch the ceiling, her feet completely off the floor reaching back slightly as dad skewered her from behind.

“Perfect, just like that…now go ahead dad…fuck her. I’ll work around the two of you.” I told them both.

He began doing so, and as they did I saw the look of surprise and delight in both of their faces, capturing it on film as well, though subtly so, only a hint of an eye or a smile showing through in the darkness, though the lines of their bodies entwined came through sharply within the image.

Sophia’s soft intake of breath punctuated the sensuality of the moment as mom groaned passionately, dad’s cock sliding in and out of her slowly, yet continually as he held her against the wall.

“Ok, let’s try a slightly different position only with Sophia this time,” I instructed them. They were almost reluctant to stop, the smile on dad’s face clearly evident that he’d been enjoying this, though so had mom. “You need a moment to regain your strength?” I asked dad.

“Are you kidding?” He said, easily picking Sophia up, holding her in the air with his arms. She squealed in delight as he lifted her waiting on me.

“In that case,” I grinned back. “This time, hold her up with her back against the wall, her legs wrapped around your torso, but try and keep enough distance so that Sophia can also arch her back some while you’re holding her like that.”

Once again dad was easily able to hold her up like that already sliding into her, fucking her ever so slowly even before I had resituated the camera for the angle I wanted. As I did that, slowly making adjustments, Collette came over, her hand opening the sash on my robe, freeing my cock which she playfully stroked as I stood there.

“You’re not going to make this easy on me are you?” I said jokingly.

“No…I’m not,” she almost purred, her hand slithering up and down the length of my shaft like a snake as I pressed the shutter taking several pictures at once in rapid succession.

“Ok, now…try and step back a little more, not so much that you actually fall out of her, but just enough that I can focus on the space between you.”

I had brought in a small step ladder earlier, which I now climbed until I had reached a point where I could focus the shot from up above looking down between them. This time, mom came over and became my distraction, stepping up on the opposite side of the ladder, just high enough that she could reach me with her mouth, which she now did. Even as I once again clicked off several provocative photos, her mouth wrapped about my shaft gently sucking it. Almost reluctantly I pulled away climbing back down forcing her to release me.

“This is almost like work,” I half laughed, feeling the sweat on my forehead. “Especially with the two of you doing that,” I added.

“You know what they say, all work and no play,” mom teased, suddenly reaching over to almost casually toy with the tip of Collette’s nipple which was pressing against the sheer fabric of her lacy black bra.

“Hold that!” I said suddenly seizing my camera, forgetting all about dad and Sophia for the moment, though neither one of them seemed to mind, Sophia moaning and groaning now pleasurably as dad continued to hold her there against the wall, fucking her.

In seconds I had Collette leaning over the back of a standard chair capturing images of the two of them as mom quite naturally moved around and about her, touching her, toying with her teasing her. When she knelt behind her, her tongue and lips coming out to kiss my sister’s ass, I caught what I honestly believe to be one of the most erotic sensual poses I’d ever done. Even Sophia and dad had come over, standing nearby watching as the two of them danced around one another in what became a ballet of almost epic proportions.

“Come, join us,” mom beckoned towards my other sister, which she now did, the three of them simply indulging themselves as they almost seamlessly came together, my camera clicking off images faster than anyone thought possible. I didn’t want to miss a single moment of any of this.

“Whew, that was fucking hot!” Dad said as we finally took a break. He stood, fisting his cock, a glistening droplet of moisture suddenly appearing on the head as he stood about to wipe it off.

“No! Don’t!” I actually yelled out surprising him along with everyone else. “Freeze!” I all but demanded, and then zoomed in, focusing on just the head of his dick and that almost clear droplet of fluid that now bubbled out of his head, slowly dripping and then sliding off to one side. I caught eight pictures of it in rapid succession as it did.

Things progressed quickly after that. As the intensity of our individual passions escalated, the images I captured became more and more erotic, in some cases hardcore, yet sensual as I switched to black and white film. Close ups of nothing more than twin tongues coming out of the darkness, faces hidden in shadows, though tongues clearly revealed as they each chased additional droplets of dad’s arousal which ran down the length of his enormously thick shaft. I got pictures of my sister’s firm breasts pressing against one another, nipple to nipple,

dad’s cock kissing each other, another droplet of moisture shown as being deposited upon the hard sensual tip of each one. Mom’s tongue, actually lifting one long stream of dad’s slick cum drool which hung suspended from the tip of her tongue, connected to the tip of dad’s dick. The light of the fire actually highlighted it when I did, giving it the appearance of a shimmering string of light as though electrical rather than liquid.

“Let me try taking a few,” Collette said after we’d been at this now for well over an hour. She had taken an interest in my work when I’d first started doing this as a hobby, seeing the potential in me that I had. She’d been the one to encourage me to continue, even when mom and dad initially balked at the expensive equipment I slowly began to purchase and collect, not seeing it as a trivial experiment,

but one that truly brought me a great deal of satisfaction and delight. I had shown her how to use the camera’s, taught her how dramatic lighting effects could be on an image, and had even once conned her into baring her shoulders for me, as well as a portion of her breast though she’d never revealed her nipple as I took pictures of her like that.

I had admittedly retired to my bedroom afterwards and masturbated like crazy, thinking about just that, a simple soft curvature on the side of her breast. That image had lasted with me for days, and I’d even framed the photo of it, enlarging it, though never daring to hang it in my room of course. Though I did take it out on more than one occasion, more for admiring the soft lines and delicate sculpturing I had actually caught on film after that as I obviously matured.

Though the pictures Collette took became more and more X-rated, it had served its purpose as things heated up, images of me licking my sister’s split, and then mom’s.

Mom…holding my dick against dads, an interesting comparison as she licked and tickled them both simultaneously. It went on and on forever until we were finally all at fever pitch, the camera finally forgotten.

I now lay on the bed half kneeling between Collette’s legs as they reached up draping over my shoulders. The head of my prick sliding back and forth between the slick folds of her juicy split, not quite entering, though teasing. Her hard little clit protruded wantonly, as she reached down further spreading herself, my hand purposely holding my prick, circling it as I rubbed it back and forth against that sweet little nodule.

To the side of us, Sophia on her back, her hands kneading her own now unencumbered breasts, mom between her legs, fingers probing, tongue and mouth sucking, kissing, licking as dad knelt behind her, his prick firmly and deeply embedded inside mother’s cunt.

Trapped in the Snow – 10 will continue on the next page

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