The 50ft tall women made it with Allen

“Yes.” Allen answers, balancing himself against her smooth, soft tit as he stands up.

“Thank you, Allen.” Elizabeth says as she picks him up and kisses his chest. “That was amazing!” Then she starts laughing so hard he watches her tits bounce around on her chest.

“What’s so funny?” Allen wants to know.

“You!” Elizabeth laughs. “You’re covered with my juices from head to toe and they’ve dried to a milky white flake all over your body. You look funny!”

“Do you think I got carried away?” Allen asks.

“Yes, but in such a good way!” Elizabeth asserts. “I loved every minute of it Allen and I love you so much! Even though it wasn’t exactly intercourse, I’m glad we were able to do something. It’s been building for some time hasn’t it?”

“Yes, I believe it has, Elizabeth, and I’m glad too!” Allen says, leaning forward and kissing her upper lip. “I also have an idea that I think will make it even better.”

“Wow! Do you mean even better than last night? I don’t know how!” Elizabeth sighs.

“I want to penetrate you with my whole body.” Allen says seriously. “I want to sink into your pussy, feet first, and fuck you with my entire body. What do you think?” He asks excitedly.

“Mmmmm. Are you sure?” She asks. “I mean, it sounds wonderful, but will it work?” Elizabeth wants to know, then adds, “I’m getting wet just thinking about it. Can you really do it?”

“I think we should try! How about tonight?” Allen says, excitedly, his cock getting hard thinking about it.

“We’ll see.” She says, teasingly. “I might have a headache.” They both laugh and Elizabeth kisses his chest as she adds, “I can’t wait!”

They work hard all day in their vegetable garden, the sexual tension thick in the air around them. Suddenly, in one night their entire relationship has changed. Elizabeth’s pussy is moist nearly all day as she silently relives her orgasms from the night before. Allen, likewise sports a hard cock throughout the day, but more from watching Elizabeth Allend over or swing her hips than from his memories of the night before. Finally, the day’s work is done.

“Let’s get cleaned up, and give my idea a try.” Allen says when they’ve finished dinner.

Allen watches Elizabeth shower again, but this time instead of jacking off, he just admires her immense beauty and dreams of immersing himself in her pleasure center. Allen bathes in a nearby stream and takes care to trim his toenails very short so they won’t scratch Elizabeth. They’re both naked when they meet back in the cavern to execute their erotic plan.

“Elizabeth, did you like it when I licked your nipples last night? Was that worthwhile foreplay? Would you like me to do it again?” Allen asks, trying to determine if his meager attempt at sucking her nipples turned her on.

“Oh yes!” Elizabeth answers enthusiastically. “That was wonderful, Allen. It made me wet before you even got near my pussy.”

“Okay, let’s start there again tonight, but I’m going to use lotion rather than my tongue.” Allen says, lifting his arms up for Elizabeth to pick him up. Elizabeth again sets Allen under her large breasts and he leans his naked body against her soft tit. Allen opens the bottle of lotion and pouring a large amount over her nipple, he wraps his hands around it and begins stroking up and down.

“Oh Allen, that’s wonderful. That’s different from last night!” Elizabeth says, lifting her head so she can watch him. Her nipple responds immediately to his caress, growing to about four inches long. Allen continues stroking and squeezing her nipple and then rubs lotion across her areola and the top of her breast. Elizabeth loves the feeling of Allen’s hands on her tit and again senses the arousal emanating from her pussy. Allen switches to her other breast and does the same thing getting the same reaction from Elizabeth.

After caressing her breasts for a while, Allen stands between her tits and looks at Elizabeth’s face. “Ready?” He asks. “We’ve read about virginity and you know this will hurt, right?”

“Yes. I know and I’m ready!” Elizabeth answers.

“Okay, here I go. You need to pull your knees up as high as you can and spread your legs very wide.” Allen tells her as he turns to go. He stops momentarily and turns back toward Elizabeth’s face. “I love you!” He says, then lies down and rolls across her stomach to her pubic mound.

Her knees are already pulled up, creating a small plateau between her legs, with her pussy lips pointing straight up. Allen pulls himself up and lies on his side next to her moist pussy. With his body stretched out along the side of her pussy, he gently rubs his hand up and down her lips, sending shivers of pleasure through her body. The heat coming off her pussy looks like steam evaporating into the air.

“Oh, Allen! Mmmmm!” Elizabeth moans.

“Allen is 6’4” tall and very muscular. He calculated that Elizabeth is about nine times as tall as an average woman, making his height equivalent to the length of an average penis for her. Sitting up he swings his legs between her pussy lips, slipping them inside of her up to his knees. His toes and heels glide along the hot, wet tissue of her pussy walls, sending shivers through her body.

Then, resting one hand on each side of her pussy, he raises himself up; much like he would on parallel bars and slowly lowers his legs into her hot, wet hole. He’s in nearly to his waist, feeling his hard cock rub against the hot, moist lining of her pussy, when his feet hit what must be her hymen. Allen stops and looks up at Elizabeth’s face.

“Are you ready?” He asks. “This is the part that may hurt.” Allen says, as he holds himself up by his arms.

“Please, Allen. It feels so good already, keep going!” Elizabeth pleads, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her labia as much as his legs inside her pussy.

Allen pushes down on her pussy lips with his arms, raising most of his body out of her pussy and Attending his knees, he pulls his feet up as high as he can. Then in one quick thrust, he kicks his legs out straight, while letting go with his hands, plunging his body forcefully down into Elizabeth’s hot, wet pussy, breaking through the barrier and burying himself up to his armpits. Her muscles close around him like a cocoon, snugly wrapping him in her soft, moist tissue.

“Ohhhhh!” Elizabeth yells as she feels Allen tear through her hymen. Gritting her teeth against the sharp pain, she feels her pussy filled with his body and her grimace slowly turns to a grin. He’s actually inside of her. It’s the most unbelievable thing she’s ever known. She feels so full and even though it hurts a little, she spreads her legs wider to accommodate him. Lifting her head up she looks at his head and shoulders sticking out of her pussy. Un-fucking-believable!

Allen slowly pushes himself up again and calls out to Elizabeth. “Are you alright?” He asks, with only his legs inside her.

“Yes! I can’t believe you’re actually inside of me, Allen! It’s the most incredible feeling. How does it feel to you?” She asks him.

“Elizabeth, you can’t imagine!” He tells her. “Everything about being inside of you is so erotic. Your smell, your taste, my cock rubbing against the lining of your pussy. It’s like I’m actually fucking you!” He yells at her. “Ready for me to start moving in and out?” He asks her.

The 50ft tall women made it with Allen will continue in the next page.

2 thoughts on “The 50ft tall women made it with Allen

  1. Haha, that was so fun to read. It was so erotic as she was discovering what it felt like to orgasm. Plus I love anything that is SciFi!

    If you shoot me an email, I will pass on a few that I have written.


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