Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 2

“Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter” Part-2 Continues….. I dozed off, though I vaguely remember Dancy coming out of the bathroom, Sophia shushing her saying, “I think your dad’s asleep,” she’d started and then giggling. Once again I dozed off after that, somewhat waking again, though the room was now pitch […] Read More… from Hidden dreams with my stepdaughter – 2

Something special beyond my home – 4

“Something special beyond my home” Part-4 Continues….. “Oh jim! Your dick feels so damn good inside me!” she said. Hearing her say that when unlike her sister, she was more vocal in the moaning/groaning department rather than actually speaking the words. But perhaps having heard Thomas saying so much as […] Read More… from Something special beyond my home – 4