Strange charity service in the Neighborhood door – 03

She squealed when I lifted her up, spinning her around to sit on the arm. I took my still hard cock, and forced it back into her, pulling her against me, until just the edge of her butt was still resting on the couch. I could see she had tears in her eyes, and wet streaks running down her cheeks. I slid my arms around her, holding her close, squeezing her frail body. Her arms slid around my torso and she pressed her face against my chest.

I held her while I felt her body shaking. I felt horrible, sickened at what I’d done. I’d fucked her viciously, using her, venting my aggravation and unhappiness on the one person I knew who’d already suffered enough on her own. I could feel my own eyes welling up.

We held each other, desperately, clutching to anything that might let us ride out this horrible time in our lives. My hands relaxed as did the tightness that had been enveloping my body. I caressed her back, feeling her ribs under the soft skin. I pressed my lips to her hair, kissing her softly. She was returning my kisses, pressing her lips to my chest and shoulders, rubbing her hands over the scratches she’d given me earlier.

I realized I was nudging in and out of her, surprised to find my cock staying hard, eager to continue. I held her, slowly screwing her, while she sobbed against me.

I massaged her back, nuzzling her hair, kissing her temples. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Don’t,” she sobbed. “Don’t you dare apologize! Not now. Not ever.”

I pushed her head back, and lowered my lips to hers, kissing her softly. “I won’t.”


She looked up and touched my lip, drawing back a finger red with my blood. “Oh God! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“No apologies. Remember?”

She answered by reaching up and kissing my lip. When she drew back I could see a little red on hers.

I kissed her back, feeling her return this time, still moving inside of her. Her legs spread wider, accommodating me. I looked down to see where I was entering her. When I looked back into her eyes they were smoldering.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?”

“No. Do it anyway.”

I stood carefully, my pretty little sister-in-misery still impaled on my rod. She wrapped her legs around me tightly and clung to me with both arms. I held her by her sweet little ass and slowly climbed the stairs. With each step I lifted and lowered her, screwing her along the way.

Nearing the top step she surprised me by giggling.


“You’re stronger than you look,” she said, softening the words with careful little kisses bestowed across my chest.

“You’re light as a feather. I need to feed you.”

She smiled wickedly. “A protein oral injection?”

I almost dropped her, and she giggled, “What?”

“You, young lady, have a dirty mind.”

I saw a storm flitter across her face, but she shook it off and smiled. “It’s been a long time, David. I’m not so good at flirting and teasing.”

“Ditto, beautiful. Bear with me.”

She made a little rolling movement of her hips, ending with my cock completely sheathed within her moistness.

She giggled. “Damn! I can’t believe you can just hold me like this.”

I pulled her up and down on my cock a few times, drawing a quiet gasp out of her. “I could hold you like this forever.”

I had cleared the last step and was walking her into her bedroom.

Once again a flurry of emotions danced across her face, ending with a smile. “But then how would you ever feed me?”

I reached back and closed the door behind us.

Mischievously, I pulled her high in the air, making her squeal. She really was as light as a rag doll. I doubted she weighed a hundred pounds. I held her in my arms like a baby, rocking her. A very sexy baby.

I had one arm under her legs, and the other under her back, and she turned in my arms, her lips closing around my nipple. I lifted her shoulder high, then removed the arm under her back, causing her to fall downward. Not far, since I caught her by the hips, hanging upside down. She gasped, her legs kicking out, her arms circling my waist. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her legs down onto my shoulders, pressing her warm pinkness against my face.

Her face was down around my waist. She squeezed her legs tightly around my head, her thighs pressing hard against my ears. “You’re crazy!” she gasped.

“See. I can hold you and still feed you,” I teased, then licked her, my tongue probing her moist slit.

She giggled, and I felt her warm lips engulf the head of my cock. I grabbed her near the hips, and lowered her a bit, feeling my cock enter her mouth. I lifted and lowered her a few times, licking her on the upward movement, filling her mouth on the way back down.

For all my bravado, it was amazingly difficult, and I could feel my arms trembling from the effort. I held her still, her mouth filled with my cock, and walked the few remaining steps to the bed.

She was getting more active, sucking me and moving her head back and forth. It felt incredible. I almost didn’t want to put her down. But I knew if I didn’t there was a chance I’d drop her soon. With one last herculean effort I lifted her up and leaned over depositing her in a squirming ball of flesh on her mattress.

She spent no time at all sitting up and pulled me onto the bed. I reached out for her but she pulled away. “Lay down. My turn now.”

Series Navigation<< Strange charity service in the Neighborhood door – 02Strange charity service in the Neighborhood door – 04 >>

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