Something special beyond my home – 2

“Look Uncle Jim, several days before we flew out here, I heard mom and Aunt Thomas talking on the phone. It was evident that things might happen with the four of us living together, they even discussed the possibility of it, especially when they began talking about the last time the two of them had actually been together. After everything mom has been through, she needed to feel some sort of love and affection again from someone. Hearing them talk about it, and knowing that they’d done so in the past, the concern then was you…and then me.

So when they brought up the idea of doing this in the kitchen just before you got home from work, I was already excited and looking forward to finding out what it would be like to experience hot arousing sex with someone, and not just settling for something that I knew had to be better than what I’d experienced so far.

Aunt Thomas told me that you were a gentle and considerate lover, but that you could also be a wild and passionate one as well. Not knowing how you might react at the two of them being together again at first, we all figured that if I were to come to you, you might see things in a whole new light.”

We had crossed through the bathroom into the bedroom now. Lucy was still leading me by my dick as I walked with her listening in disbelief. “So you’re telling me, they’re ok with this…with you and me, sleeping together.”

Once again she laughed. “Oh, I don’t think we’ll do too much sleeping,” she giggled. “I’d prefer to say…fucking,” she said hotly now pulling me down onto the bed along with her. “Though before we even do that, I’d like to feel what you said you wished you were doing to me earlier.”

Lucy had spread her legs, her hand reaching down between them openly touching herself. “Please Uncle Jim,” she asked with an excited tremor in her voice. “I want to feel your mouth on me…please!”

I knew at that moment there was going to be a big family discussion. But now was not the time. At the moment, I was far too fucking horny to think about the consequences, even if it appeared there wouldn’t be any. As my wife and olive had obviously come into the house, but hadn’t come up the stairs to the bedroom, I could only imagine where they were at, and what they were most likely doing at this very moment.

“Just one thing,” I said, slipping into position, seeing a smile of delight on my niece’s face as I did so.


“Until I’m…until we’re all…a bit more comfortable with all this. Just call me Steve, or Jim while we’re doing this at least.”

She really giggled upon hearing that. “But I like calling you Uncle, it’s so much more exciting to think in those terms,” she informed me. “I’d rather than my Uncle jim is licking my cunt, soon fucking it,” she said wantonly, drawing me up towards her, her hands already on her breasts kneading and playing with them expectantly. I looked down at her glistening wet pussy, her aroma already making me heady.

“Oh fuck…call me anything you’d like!” I said, and then buried my face in her cunt.


When I woke I found myself alone. I don’t remember Lucy leaving, we’d obviously spent most of the night in bed together. And though it was already late in the morning judging the brightness of the sunshine coming through the window, all I could remember was the two of us fucking. I had cum three times myself, though I’d lost track of the number of orgasms Lucy had experienced. I rolled out of bed, stumbled into the bathroom to pee, and then slipped into a bathrobe and wandered downstairs, curious as to what everyone else was now doing.

Although it was late, far later than I ever really slept even on a Saturday morning, I could smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee as I stepped into the kitchen. Olive was sitting at the table reading the paper, two freshly poured cups, one for her…one obviously for me.

“Morning sleepyhead,” she said looking up. The smile on her face immediately reassured me that Lucy had been telling me the truth, though even then I felt momentarily awkward.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, sitting down, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Thomas and Lucy went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I think they wanted to chat for one thing, but for another, we all thought it might be a good idea if I was here when you woke up so that you and I could…if you had any worries or concerns you felt needed to be addressed,” she told me boldly. There it was…it was out. And I did too, though at the moment I still felt a little sheepish.

“And you’re ok…with, ah…with everything?” I asked.

“Are you?” She responded in kind. “Obviously, you know Thomas and I spent the night together, something I needed…something I think we both did. But I think Thomas’s concern was…and perhaps still is, how are you with all that?”

Just being reminded of the incredible night Lucy and I had experienced together sent a throbbing jolt of arousal down between my legs. I considered briefly that perhaps coming downstairs with nothing but my bathrobe on as perhaps not being such a good idea. If we didn’t change the subject soon, I’d be sitting there with a raging hardon again.

“A little surprised, perhaps yes. But not so much about the two of you, to be perfectly honest, I was actually expecting that might eventually happen, just not quite in the way that it did, though now I guess…I should have realized it would as early and as soon as it had. Obviously the two of you did need to share your affections and comfort one another. What wasn’t expected or anticipated of course, was Lucy coming in to me.” Once again I felt my cock lurch, hardening as I shifted in my seat a bit uncomfortably.

Olive stood and wandered over towards the kitchen counter, grabbing up the pot of coffee and then coming back to refill our cups. “Obviously you and Thomas are going to need to sit down and discuss things, so that there won’t be any misunderstandings between you…or between all of us,” she added. “But as for Lucy and I, she’s obviously old enough now to make her own decisions and her wanting to be with you last night was her decision to make. Admittedly, Thomas and I were ok with it after we’d all sat down and discussed it.

But it was again up to you as well, not knowing for sure how you might react. But at least, you knew before anything went any further that as her mother, and with Thomas being your wife, neither one of us had any objections.”

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