Something special beyond my home – 2

When Lucy entered the bathroom, she no doubt saw me standing at the window in my den. Just enough light from the moon outside to outline my presence in the window as I stood there, though I also now know, that wasn’t the only dead give-away either. I was also breathing very hard, and my dick was very, very slick, and as I stood there jacking it off, I was delighting myself in the very wet slippery sounds I was making as I fisted it, teasing it, and concentrating solely on the scene taking place down below me.

Lucy stood there in the doorway in the darkness watching me for what she later said was only a few minutes, just long enough to become aroused herself, though she too had begun to wonder what it was I was looking at, only then realizing why it was I was standing at the window in this particular room.

 I didn’t even hear her until she was suddenly standing beside me looking out. I know I jumped, but I also know I nearly swallowed my tongue too. It took a few moments for me to find any sort of intelligible words to say. Luckily, Lucy spoke first, giving me something to respond to.

“Mom told me how she and Aunt Thomas used to fool around once in a while growing up, and then even later when they got older. She told me the story about the limo ride, and what the two of them did two days before you and Aunt Thomas got married.”

Lucy stood looking out the window beside me down into the yard below us. By now, the girls had exchanged positions. Olive was now lying between my wife’s legs, her tongue now tickling her sister’s cunt as the two of us stood there looking down. The problem for me was, I stood there with a very hard, almost painful erection, which Lucy now looked over towards. In the next instant, her hand reached out surrounding it as I stood there, unable to move, to speak, to do much of anything, though I did suddenly breathe.


“Shh,” she said. “Don’t worry about it. I’m horny too,” she told me. “I was looking over at your dick all night. I noticed you were trying to hide the fact it was hard, but I kept stealing glances at it whenever you didn’t think I was looking.”

I couldn’t bring myself to tell her I’d been doing the exact same thing. But I wasn’t the one standing there holding onto her Uncle’s hard stiff prick either.

The fact my niece was standing there holding my dick in her hand had made me suddenly light headed. All reason, logic, suddenly evaporating. Lucy looked out the window, her hand now bringing me the pleasure I was only moments ago bringing myself. “That looks fucking hot doesn’t it?” She asked, looking down. “My own mother is going down on my aunt,” she stated, causing me to look at her. “I’ve only been with another girl myself once before…just a few weeks ago in fact,” she then stated. “Another reason I decided to come here with mom.”

“What…why?” I stammered trying desperately to regain my senses.

“She was my best friend, after my breakup she had come over to spend the night with me, we got a little tipsy, and before either one of us knew it, we were doing what mom and Aunt Thomas are. Debra freaked after that, suddenly guilty for some reason and left telling me she didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. She said I was sick and perverted…words I’d heard my father call mom on several occasions. I decided then, I wasn’t about to stay there either.”

Lucy turned towards me, stepping into my arms. “I don’t see it that way,” she breathed hotly, her lips against mine, kissing me. “I don’t see what mom and Aunt Thomas are doing as sick or perverted either. I think it’s sexy…beautiful,” she added, kissing me once again.

The problem here was, I didn’t think it was sick or perverted either. It was fucking hot as hell, but seeing my wife and her sister doing something they’d obviously been doing throughout most of their life was one thing. Allowing my own niece to stand there and fondle her uncle’s prick somehow seemed wrong, even though in a weird way, it felt so right too. I tried using a different tactic in trying to dissuade Lucy’s advances,

the last thing I needed was for my wife, her sister to find out about this, even though Lucy obviously now wanted it, and more. Olive had already been through enough, having her sister’s husband taking advantage of her daughter, his niece, just because he was horny…because she was…was no excuse!

“Look, Lucy. As good as this feels, and believe you me…it feels fucking good! The last thing I want to do is cause problems, or hurt anyone. As much as I would sincerely love to be doing to you at this very moment what your mother is doing to my wife, your aunt…”

Lucy laughed, stopping me in mid sentence.

“What’s so funny?”

“They said you’d probably say that.”

“They?” I said confused as hell, taking a moment to look back out the window just as Lucy was. Olive and her sister were now walking towards the house hand in hand. Seeing that, I began to panic.

“Yeah, it was their idea that I come in before anyone else did. The idea was to get you all nice and horny, I was to come into your bedroom after you did. But this worked out too,” she said smiling.

I was shocked. “Their idea?” Once again she laughed, now leading me by the dick through the room towards the bathroom.

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