Something special beyond my home – 2

“Something special beyond my home” Part-2 Continues…..

As the three of them continued to chat, I allowed myself the luxury of pretending to follow along quietly, though taking in the sights. In five years time, I had pretty much forgotten what olive’s body looked like, two things immediately coming to mind as I periodically looked at her. One, the last time I remembered seeing her, she still had a bit of a bush, though even then she had seemingly trimmed it.

 Now…just like my wife, she was entirely bare, as was Lucy. Two, her nipples were a little lighter in color than Thomas’s were. More like a very light brown as opposed to being pink, whereas Lucy’s nipples were a true rosy-red color, perky, not too surprisingly, though still full, with fairly large dollar sized areolas just like my wife’s.

As I sat there enjoying the similarities every bit as much as the differences, I realized a little too late that I was once again, very, very hard. Slipping back down into the water in order to conceal that, I caught a look from olive as I did so. She had obviously seen my aroused state, too noticeable to have ignored, even though I had made some effort to conceal that fact as I slipped back into the tub. 

But, it was also at that precise moment that the timer on the jets shut off, stilling the water almost immediately for one. We usually used that as a signal we’d been in the water long enough and that it was time to get out. I turned, just then seeing a brief smile likewise coming from Lucy’s face as she turned and then swung her beautifully nude body out and onto the steps leading down.

“Well…I’m cooked,” she told everyone. “And very relaxed as well as tired too. I think I’ll call it a night.” Once again she looked over towards me smiling however. “Good night Uncle Jim,” she said, blowing me a kiss. “Sweet dreams!” Though she held the towel against herself, she didn’t wrap it around her as she headed back inside the house. I sat there watching that firm young ass in all its glory as she crossed the yard. My wife spoke my very thoughts.

“Well, Lucy has certainly grown into a very fine young woman hasn’t she?”

“Yes she has,” Olive said in agreement. “I’m just sorry that she’s had to go through all this. It’s been very, very hard on her. More than you two really know. One of the reasons she decided to come out here with me, and perhaps look for a university in the fall to go to, was because she had also recently broken up with her long time boyfriend. It had hurt her deeply when they did, but the honest to god’s truth of it was,

she just couldn’t see herself ever getting married to him. By the time they had finally decided to become intimate, she had soon after discovered, and then realized, their sex-life would have been horrible. I was surprised when she told me that, but pleased too. I mean after all, I didn’t want to see her making the same mistake I did. Maybe sex isn’t everything, but…a lousy sex life is just as difficult to endure being without, even if you still love the person you got married to. So, needless to say, I was glad when she told me that, and then ended it.”

Hearing my wife and her sister sitting there discussing Lucy’s sex-life didn’t make things any easier for me. “Well you two, I think I’ve about had it myself,” I told them, hoping upon saying that, they’d agree and decide to get out as well. But…they didn’t.

“If you don’t mind honey, I think Olive and I are going to stay up and girl-chat for a while yet. We’ll be sure to put the cover back on and button things up before going to bed.”

Once again, I couldn’t help but wonder. But…I also now had to deal with the very hard fact, I was in fact…hard. And would have to crawl out of the tub in front of them both. Seeing the look in my wife’s eye, I could see she was actually challenging me to do just that, wondering how I’d manage, or accomplish it. I decided that stiff dick or no…I’d simply get out as though not realizing I even had one. 

I stood up, walked over and stepped over the edge down onto the steps, though by now my back was towards them both. I had sensed, more than actually saw the two of them looking at me as I did. There was no denying the fact I was about as hard and as erect as I’d ever been, but under the circumstances, I felt they were as much to blame as I was. Gathering my towel, I too dried off, and then simply carried it inside, giving them both a nice good look at my ass. Something, I was still proud to say, didn’t look half bad as I headed back inside.


I know that for me at least, what happened next is one of those I was either in the right place at the wrong time, or the wrong place at the right time.

There was no fucking way I was going to fall asleep, not with a full-blown erection! Entering our bedroom, I collapsed onto the bed intending to wank one off, and hopefully fall asleep shortly there afterwards. But that was about the same time I heard giggling coming from outside, back by the hot tub. It was the same sound of giggling I heard coming from Olive’s room earlier, and knew upon hearing it, that Thomas and her sister were definitely up to something. The problem was, even from our bedroom window, I wouldn’t be able to see a thing.

We had put in the tub around the side of the house, an oddly sized piece of property that would have had no real function or value to it if we hadn’t done it that way. So, we had built a nice little deck, installed the tub, making the side of the house not only functional, but very, very private as it turned out.

 The only room looking down on that side of the house was from the window in my den. As I lay there, I could only wonder and imagine what it might be they were up to. Too curious, and far too horny to ignore, I then slipped back out of bed, still naked, and entered the hallway. I passed by the bathroom, which connected both rooms, and then slipped into the den. Before doing that, I had glanced down at the closed door leading into Lucy’s room and saw that the light was off. No doubt, she had already gone to bed, and perhaps by now was fast asleep. 

With that assurance, I then stepped into my den, closing the door quietly behind me and ventured over towards the window looking out. Like I said…I was, and I wasn’t surprised at what I saw.

Olive was lying on her back on the sitting bench surrounding the outside of the hot tub. My wife was likewise lying between her spread legs. There could be no mistaking what it was the two of them were doing either.

 I certainly wasn’t angry at discovering this, again…it’s not like I didn’t know it had happened before, and the fact that the two of them had always been close, obviously a lot closer than most siblings were, especially being sisters to share so intimate an act together such as they were. But I figured too, olive had been through an awful lot lately. After eavesdropping on the fact she hadn’t had any real sexual satisfaction of any sort for three years, it actually stood to reason that Thomas would have been the one to actually offer her some much needed, intimate contact and relief.

 I didn’t see it as her cheating on me either, though I did hope at some point she’d at least be honest enough to come forward and tell me about it. Be that as it may, I was standing there watching my wife going down on her sister, reminded once again of the hard stiff cock sticking up between my legs as I began playing with it.

Just seeing the two of them together like that, so sensual, and so erotic. My wife’s hands reaching up to gingerly toy with, and fondle olive’s breasts, wishing I was now doing that myself, wondering what it might be like to actually fuck her, let alone lick her cunt just as my wife was now doing.

So engrossed in what was happening below me, I hadn’t heard Lucy leave her room. Nor had I heard her enter the bathroom across the hall, which she’d obviously done. What I had also failed to observe or do anything about, was to close the door leading from that room into this one. 

Something special beyond my home – 2 will continue on the next page

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