Something exclusively in my own mind

this is a new story called ” Something exclusively in my own mind” let’s begin….. Frankly, I’m not surprised that none of my friends believed me after I’d returned from my weeklong stay in the mountains. Hell, I’m not sure I believed it myself, but it happened.

At least…I think it did.

Every year I made what was for me a personal pilgrimage to a particularly hard to get to place high up in the Uinta Mountains nearby where I live. It’s time for me to get away from it all, alone. Time to gather myself, think, and simply enjoy the peace and quiet of nature as well as the beauty of the surrounding forest and wildlife that is so very much in abundance around the place where I camp. It is a time for reflection and memory of better days, better times.

I had a small easy to put up tent that would provide more than adequate shelter against any unforeseen inclement weather, though the reports had assured me I was to expect warm sunny days without any rain whatsoever. Certainly warm during the day, the nights would still be on the cool side, perfect for sleeping. I’d been looking forward to this one man excursion for weeks, the stress of work and a recently failed relationship weighing heavily on my mind.

The sun had just set on my first night’s stay here. I’d gotten a nice warm little fire going and broke out the cooking gear for my light easy to make dinner. The smell of fresh coffee brewing, blending in with the freshness of the mountain air always tended to relax me, and I was looking forward to just sitting there sipping a cup and staring at the stars in the sky.

Aside from the crackling fire, there was little else that could be heard in the stillness of the night, so the sound of twigs being stepped on somewhere beyond my range of vision in the darkness, alerted me to the fact that I wasn’t alone. There was an abundance of wildlife of course, and I had seen herds of Elk, several pairs of deer and even a bear or two in the past. But usually the fire kept most animals at bay during the evening, so it was a little strange to assume that something was lurking nearby, even though I couldn’t yet see it or determine what it might be I was hearing.

I did have a powerful handgun with me in the event I might run into something, though the intent would be to preferably scare away anything that might get too curious, particularly a bear. I continued to hear the noises of something wandering about just outside of camp, still hidden and cloaked within the darkness, but there was no doubt that whatever it was, was drawing closer and closer towards me.

 I put my hand on the pommel of my gun, prepared to draw it out of the holster strapped to my side if I needed to, my heart suddenly beating a thousand miles an hour. It was then that I saw a shape suddenly appear, and knew instantly it wasn’t a bear, or anything even remotely like that. It was a woman!

“What the fuck?” I said aloud, though actually speaking to myself.

“You in the camp…can I come in?” The soft sounding female voice asked as she drew closer towards the edge of the fire, finally revealing herself along with her features as she did so. She had long blonde hair, pale skinned with bright sparkling eyes though I couldn’t as yet determine their color. Her lips were full, almost too red in appearance as she approached, smiling at me as she did, totally unafraid.

“Come ahead,” I called out, watching her step closer, and then adding. “What the hell are you doing out here all alone?” I now asked. “Are you lost? Hurt?”

“Sorry…I didn’t mean to scare you, if I did,” she told me, stepping in even further into the light. She was beautiful as I stood there staring at her, my mouth agape, still in a state of shock upon seeing her. She was tall, certainly well built and wore what appeared to be a simple white shift, barely covering her body, form fitting as hell, and damn near see through as flimsy as the garment was. I could easily see the prominent outline of her breasts, dark areola showing clearly through, and even more oddly, she was barefoot.

“You didn’t exactly scare me,” I explained though to be honest, in a way she had, though she still hadn’t answered my question as to how the hell she had found me, or what she was doing here dressed like that in the first place. “Are you lost? Hurt?” I asked once again.

She smiled softly, telling me in an instant that she wasn’t hurt at least. “No…not lost, I’m with some friends, we’re just a short ways away from here,” she told me. “Went out for an evening walk, saw your fire and became curious.”

“You went for a walk? Alone? Dressed like that?” I asked incredulously. “And without any light to get back to your camp in order to see by? That’s pretty foolhardy you know, especially up here. Not to mention there are bears up here that I’ve seen wandering about.”


“Yeah Bears, you know…big brown or black furry things that have big teeth and claws that can eat you?”

She laughed. I wondered briefly if she was simple minded and had wandered away from camp. Her friends, parents or whatever were no doubt worried sick about her and wandering about even now looking for her.

“Maybe I’d better help you find your way back.” She ignored my statement however, wandering closer towards the fire, her nose sniffing the air as she caught the aroma of the beans and franks I was cooking, along with the coffee.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“Dinner…you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need something to drink? Water?” I was blabbering and I knew it, but this vision of loveliness, though now worrying me she wasn’t playing with a full deck here, especially wandering about in the middle of the night dressed the way she was, nevertheless had caused me to become aroused. I even chastised myself for thinking those sorts of thoughts. She was obviously helpless, and I could just see the headlines now…

She reached out her hand to touch the hot coffee pot and I immediately jumped into action, slapping her hand away before she burned herself.

“No! Don’t touch that! It’s hot!” For the first time I saw fear and worry in her eyes as she stepped back. “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, to frighten you, it’s just that the coffee’s hot, and I didn’t want you to burn your hand.”

She stepped forward again, her hand coming up to rest against the side of my face. I flinched, not expecting the movement. “Don’t be afraid,” she said, smiling at me. “I won’t hurt you either.”

I actually laughed, though her touch had felt like a thousand pinpricks of delight, goose bumps suddenly covering my entire body. “Yes…I am thirsty,” she now stated once again looking at the coffee pot. 

I decided to pour her a cup and freshen mine, still wondering what it was I was going to do about her, but deciding that some hot coffee was just the thing to help warm her up some until I had a chance to think things through. Though to be honest, she certainly didn’t appear cold. And then punctuated that thought a second later as she sat down on the log I’d dragged over by the fire, though not before taking the simple shift she’d been wearing up over her head.

Now she was naked. I was more confused than ever. “Ah, I’m not sure that was a very good idea,” I told her. “Maybe we’d better…”

“Don’t you…like me?” she asked, once again lifting her hand to rest it softly against the side of my face. And like before, I felt the same refreshed wave of goosebumps tattooing my flesh.

“It’s not that…but, I’m a stranger to you, and well…your friends, family, they’ll no doubt be out looking for you, and I’m not sure it will be a very good idea for them to find you sitting here with me, looking like that.”

She leaned over to kiss me, taking me by surprise. Normally I’d have jumped up…well maybe, at the very least I’d have done something. But I didn’t. Not because I didn’t want to…I simply couldn’t. It was as though my entire body had suddenly gone numb from head to toe. I just sat there unable to move, yet kissing her back.

“What the hell?” I thought, unable to speak, even my lips felt tingly numb as she broke the kiss, speaking again.

Once again she smiled. “I won’t hurt you,” she announced, and then began running her hands all over my body, fingers nimbly undoing the buttons on my shirt, moments later unbuckling my belt, unzipping my pants, and all I could do was sit there and stare at her, unable to respond, speak let alone do anything else but mentally ask myself.

“What the fuck is going on?”

I don’t know how she managed it, but she’d eventually removed my shoes, socks, and finally my pants, lifting me up off the log just enough to accomplish all that until I was sitting there just as naked now as she was. She stepped back as though admiring her handy work, and then grinned as she looked down at my crotch. At least my eyes could move, even if my head couldn’t. I could just see that my cock was about as hard as it had ever been in my entire life, though I hadn’t even felt it when it had done that!

She looked down at herself, and then at me again. Repeating this several times. Once again she walked over, placing her hands on either side of my head and simply stood there for several long moments, her magnificent breasts just inches away from my face as she did so, her nipples suddenly hardening.

 A weird moment for me perhaps, as cool as the night air had been, that only now they seemed to stiffen as opposed to doing so earlier because of the coldness. She seemed to take delight and notice of that, reaching down with her hands, fingering each of them briefly, taking obvious delight in doing so as she did. I then watched as her hand traveled down between her legs, the look of surprise on her own face as she touched herself.

If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought she’d just discovered her own sex for the very first time. Once again telling myself that she wasn’t playing with all her marbles, or if she was…she was missing quite a few as she unabashedly stood there masturbating herself in front of me.

“You are aroused and excited the most…here,” she said suddenly reaching down, wrapping her small delicate hand around my enormously stiff cock. She stroked it for a moment, once again sending wave after pleasurable wave up and down my entire body. She straddled me then, and I felt her silk pussy try to force its way over the head of my shaft.

“Holy shit! She’s a fucking…VIRGIN!” I mentally screamed, unable to do so otherwise as she impaled herself, the head of my prick suddenly tearing through the barrier of her hymen. Even she screamed upon doing that, looking into my face with surprise, a little fear, and curious wonder. And then she began working herself upon me, and her look turned from all of those into one of pure pleasure, again surprise and delight as she continued to sit there in my lap slowly fucking me.

It seemed like an eternity that she did that. The pleasure greater than any I had ever known before, my cock eventually spewing its seed deep inside her warm wet pussy, though alarming me and worrying me as it did. That however…was the last waking thought that I had.


When I woke, I was inside my tent, still naked, but at least I could move. I lay there trying to shake off the cobwebs, wondering for a moment if I hadn’t dreamed all that, finally crawling out of my tent and towards my now very cold fire pit. My beans and franks were burnt to a crisp, the pan ruined. At least I knew now it hadn’t been a dream. 

I actually poured myself a cold cup of coffee, needing the caffeine more than anything, and then spotted my clothing lying on the ground where she’d taken them off and dumped them the night before. Needless to say, she was gone and there was no sign of her anywhere.

I quickly dressed, but then noticed as I did so that my handgun was missing. Though the holster on my belt remained, the weapon itself was nowhere about. Once again I was worried, alarmed that she had obviously taken it, and again my thoughts ran to those she was with, who no doubt would be out looking for me as well, if they hadn’t as yet found her. 

In a panic I began searching the area, gradually widening my sweeps in a long drawn out circle but came across nothing, no one, and not so much as a single solitary camp that might have suggested that someone else had been there, or anywhere’s close for that matter.

I finally gave up making my way back to my own camp, and collapsed in a fit of exhaustion and promptly fell asleep.

It was just starting to get dark once again when I woke. I quickly got another small fire going, dug into my backpack for some quick fix rations, scooped out what I could of the mess from last night’s ruined dinner, and got the coffee going again. No one had come after me, so that was something at least. But once again I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what had actually happened last night, or what had become of the young woman whose name I didn’t even know.

I had just finished eating, and was working on my second cup of coffee when I again heard movement behind me, coming from an entirely different direction than it had the night before. I stood up, my hand automatically reaching for the nonexistent gun on my side as I saw movement just out of the shadows of the flickering firelight before me.

“Who’s there?” I called out this time, actually expecting an answer. It came in the form of a woman…but this time, she had dark brown hair instead of blonde. I wondered briefly if this was someone else from the young woman’s party who had finally found me, no doubt using the fire as a beacon in doing so. That is…until she stepped more fully into the light, her facial features were the exact same, the garment she wore identical as well, just as transparent as before, the only difference being her darker colored hair.

“It’s you!” I said in abject surprise, once again feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand upon seeing her. She smiled, though her friendly smile didn’t exactly make me feel at ease as she did that.

“It’s me…do you like?”

“What?” I responded a bit irritably. She seemed to immediately sense my discomfort and fear.

“You prefer brunettes,” she stated simply, stating a fact and not a question. I did, but how could she have possibly known that? She continued walking towards me, once again her hands coming down grabbing the simple shift she was wearing, pulling it up and over her head. She was again naked, and I noticed something else upon her doing that, her breasts appeared to be slightly larger than I remembered them being.

“You colored your hair?”

She crossed the distance between us before I could actually respond to her movement, once again her hand just grazing the side of my face, I felt the tingly sensation once again spread throughout my entire body, though this time the numbness I felt didn’t seem to affect my ability to move. The difference was, I didn’t seem to have much control over it even when I did.

“Follow me,” she said, and then stepped inside my tent. Obediently, I did so. I watched her lay down on my sleeping bag. The one other luxury item I had brought along with me, the nice comfortable air mattress, which she seemed to enjoy laying on. “Lay down…touch me,” she now asked, and I simply found myself doing what she’d asked me to do.

The weird part was, my hands and fingers touched and caressed her as though having a mind of their own. I didn’t need to tell myself to cup her breast, explore it, or tweak her hard stiff, very aroused nipples. They simply did so all by themselves. It was as though I was just there watching myself doing this,

 without being aware I was about to do this…or do that. I fingered her, something she obviously enjoyed, strumming her hard little clit with my fingers, toying with her, teasing her. It seemed like hours went by, and no doubt did, but then she again placed her hands on either side of my head, holding them there for a moment. And during this brief time, I was again paralyzed, unable to move, to speak…all I could do was sit there looking at her and wondering once again, “Who the fuck is she?”

When she finally took her hands away from my head, I could move again, this time however she moved down upon me, her eyes curious with wonder. I watched as her mouth opened, the gentle touch of her lips suddenly surrounding the length of my shaft, drawing it deeply inside her mouth, gagging her briefly as she sucked it, tasting it, and finally determined by my responses, what it was that I liked.

“This pleases you?” she asked after a time. I was delirious with pleasure, and told her so.

“Yes, it does, and it’s something that I think you’d enjoy feeling me do to you as well,” I now told her, seeing the curious, yet excited look in her eyes.

“But I do not have this,” she said, grasping my cock in her hand once again, waggling it as though needing to do so in order to show me what it was I had, that she didn’t. I actually laughed, her child-like curiosity and wonder infectious, though I also once again thought of the people who’d no doubt string me up now for taking advantage of a young innocent woman.

“Who was I kidding?” I then thought. I still didn’t know for sure what was going on, who she was, or for that matter…what she was. But her innocence wasn’t borne out of some mindless insensibility on her part. She was intelligent, that much was obvious. And I had the feeling she could have handled me as easily as a bear might have, if she’d had the mind to do so.

“How?” She asked.

Something exclusively in my own mind will continue on the next page

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