Sister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 1

Gustafson translated, “The photographer says to remove your top.”

“What?” Ruby asked with a shocked expression.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s just that, I wasn’t expecting this.”

“You’re familiar with our type of work, aren’t you?”Max asked.

“Yes, but…”

“Buckle Fashion Works is a growing brand because of our sexy and classy edge. I assumed you would understand what kind of shoot this is.”

“I do.”

“If this isn’t your thing, then…”

“It is!” Ruby proclaimed.

She reached back and untied her bikini. All the while, she gave her brother a subtle expression which said, ‘sorry about this. We’ll discuss this later.”

And then, she pulled her bikini top away and tossed it to the sand.

And her breasts were exposed.

They were small with an upturned perky shape.

She saw Bryson look extremely uncomfortable, but after a moment, he tried to control himself. Bryson didn’t want the others knowing that they were actually siblings.

For some reason, seeing her brother so flustered actually made Ruby kind of excited. Maybe it was because she was teasing a virgin. Or maybe it was the taboo. Whatever the case, she had a job to do. And she did it.

Her pert breasts had a bikini tan line. Her body had a slight tan, but her breasts were pale white, in the shape of white triangles on each chest. It was the first time her breasts had been exposed to the sun in a very long time. And she enjoyed it.

It was the first time anyone had ever taken pictures of her breasts, and she enjoyed that even more.

A slight breeze came and it made her pink nipples stiffen.

She struck different poses and the camera snapped away.

The moment gave her an exhilarating rush.Max, the photographer, and her own brother were staring at her topless. Her pictures were being taken and she was on a beach with the hot sun on her tits.

The adrenaline only gave her more confidence and bravado. And that translated perfectly towards her modeling.

“You’re something special,”Max said, almost transfixed by her beauty.

She smiled, “Thank you, sir. I feel great.”

The photographer spoke in Italian, andMax listened attentively.

“He wants Bryson to remove his clothes and join you,”Max said. “Let’s make this another couple shoot.”

Bryson immediately protested, and Ruby gave a diplomatic response stating why it shouldn’t happen.

Gustafson listened, and he tried to be understanding.

“Very well,”Max said. “My photographer is a very passionate man. His specialty is eroticism, especially between couples. That’s his favorite.”

“Can we continue with this shoot?”

Gustafson spoke to the photographer in Italian.

“He says he’s done,”Max said. “He doesn’t want to take any more pictures unless it’s a set for couples. I hope you understand, my photographer is a very stubborn man. However, he is the best in our company. A true artist.”

“So, should I put my top back on?”

“Yes, you’ve been amazing.”

Ruby quickly reached for her bikini and put it on. In some ways, it was a relief to be covered again. But in other ways, she had been enjoying the exhibitionist moment.


After the photographer had left, the siblings were alone withMax. They were inside his villa and he had emailed the pictures to his team in San Francisco.

“I’ll text you later when I hear their opinions,”Max said.

“What do you think I did?”

“You’re a natural. You’ve got spunk. There are many beautiful women in the world, but you’ve got something which can’t be taught. I really like you. And I think the rest of my team is going to like you also.”

“That’s so wonderful to hear,” Ruby smiled. “It’s been such an honor working with you, and your photographer.”

“Likewise. And I apologize if my photographer and I had offended you earlier. We should have given you notice about the couple’s pictures he wanted.”

“No worries.”

He nodded. “You two looked bewildered at the idea. Especially Bryson.”

“My boyfriend is a very shy person,” Ruby smiled again.

Bryson simply stood awkwardly with a stiff expression.

“That’s okay,”Max said. “Being photographed is a lot harder than people imagine.”

Ruby pondered for a moment. “Just curious, but what would have happened if we had actually taken couples photographs together?”

“Well, those types of sexually explicit photos show raw emotion. Obviously, we don’t distribute any images like that in our advertisements or promotions. But we often use couples. So I think my team in San Francisco may have potentially looked more favorable towards you.”


“I believe so. San Francisco is a tough market. They need the very best and the bravest. If I recall, some of our recent modeling hires had submitted sexually explicit photos. It showed that they were fearless and open to anything. That type of confidence is very powerful.”


“You look like you’re having second thoughts,”Max noted.

“Not exactly,” she replied. “But what if I was?”

“No big deal. The photographer can come back tomorrow and we can resume.”

“So we can still take the couple’s photographs tomorrow?”

“Why not?”

Ruby raised an eyebrow. “And what sorts of things would that require? I mean, do we have to get naked or anything?”

“That’s usually expected.”

“But I mean, specifically, what do the people in San Francisco like to see?”

Gustafson thought for a moment. “Based on past models who were hired, our managers like to see nudity between couples, to make sure the model has an easygoing chemistry and can work well with others. But also, they like to see actual sex acts. As I’ve mentioned, it shows that the model is fearless and has an open attitude towards sex. And that type of confidence translates well in our official photographs. That’s a big reason why our marketing has been so successful. Our models exude sexual confidence.”

“And these test pictures, no one will ever see them outside of the team, right?”

“Right,” he confirmed. “They’re strictly confidential. And we have an extremely tight confidentiality policy. After we make a hiring decision, we delete those pictures if the model wants.”

“In that case, Bryson and I will come back tomorrow,” she smiled.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Make sure your photographer is here.”

Series NavigationSister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 2 >>

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