Sister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 1

This is a story about a sister, her virgin brother and her modelling contract. story comes in 2 parts, make sure you read both stories. if you did’nt get the 2nd part, click on the author and you can easily find. Enjoy.

Day 1

It was a family vacation.

Ruby sat in the backseat as they headed down the California coast. Everyone in the small family was there. Her father, her mother, and her brother.

She hadn’t seen much of them in the past several months. Not since she moved to San Francisco for art school. She wanted to be a fashion designer. Or anything in the field of fashion.

Her younger brother lived at home and attended a nearby university.

And since they had time off for summer, they decided to go on a trip together, down to the nice resorts of Southern California.


It was heaven, Ruby thought.

There was hardly anyone around the private resort. Her father, a corporate attorney, had paid top dollar for a small private villa by the shore. They had a perfect view of the beach.

The villa only had two rooms. One for the parents. And another for Ruby and Bryson. Luckily the siblings had separate beds.

It was going to be a lovely weekend.

After relaxing for the morning, they had a nice family picnic on the sandy beach. Ruby wore her bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it. She was eager to work on her tan, but she didn’t want to do it in front of her family. That would have been much too awkward.

Other couples from nearby villas came and befriended Ruby’s parents. They got along quickly and had a lot in common. Even though it was supposed to be a family vacation, the parents appreciated having adult conversations with other business professionals.

‘Perfect,’ Ruby thought.

It was her chance to sneak off and work on her tan.

“Ruby, take your brother with you,” her mom said.

Her mom was a caring person, and she always made sure the siblings stayed close with each other. And she especially didn’t want Bryson getting bored while the other adults were talking.

And so, Bryson was reluctantly made to follow his older sister. Ruby became slightly upset at the sudden loss of privacy, but she was going to tan anyway, she figured. She carried a small beach blanket, some lotion, a small bottle of water, and off they went.

“Where are we headed?” Bryson asked.

“I don’t know. Any place where there’s privacy. I don’t want anyone seeing me tan. Well, except for you I guess since we’re stuck together.”

They continued their short walk down the shore. It was a hot day and the sun was already taking its toll.

Finally, they found the right spot.

They were by the edge of the beach. There was no one nearby. It was more than enough privacy for sunbathing. Ruby spread her beach blanket on the sand and prepared to lay on it.

“I’m going to take off my T-shirt,” she said. “Don’t make this weird, okay?”

“Holy shit.”

“Bryson, this isn’t a big deal, okay? I’m sure you’ve seen a hot body before.”

“Not you,” he said. “Look, over there.”

Ruby turned her head to see what her brother was looking at.

“What is it?”

He pointed further down the beach. “Do you see that?”

When Ruby squinted her eyes and looked closely, she saw a small hut, with two people, and someone taking their picture. The two people were completely naked. A lady was on her knees with her face in a naked guy’s crotch. Her head was going back and forth.

“Is that a fucking blowjob?” she asked incredulously.

“Either that or some new yoga technique.”

“Jeez. What kind of place is this?”

“That definitely wasn’t in the brochure that dad showed us,” Bryson replied. “But hey, who’s complaining?”

Bryson kneeled down, and so did Ruby. They didn’t want to get caught. But they wanted to watch for a moment, especially the enthusiastic young Bryson. They simply watched for several long moments.

In a flash, a thought came to Ruby’s mind.

“Wait a minute, why are we watching this?” she asked.

“I don’t know.”

Bryson’s eyes were still glued to the sexual action.

“Pervert. I’m going to work on my tan. Keep your eyes on the blowjob and don’t look at me. Okay?”

His eyes remained forward. “Got it.”

Ruby pulled off her T-shirt and laid on the beach blanket. Her bikini-clad body is on full display. She stretched and found the perfect position to lay. At least Bryson wasn’t going to be looking at her body, she thought. Bryson was too busy looking at something else.

It was serene. She finally got the sunbathing experience she wanted. Through the corner of her eye, she saw her brother still occupied by watching the oral encounter. It was weird, but gratefully, there was silence.

“Excuse me. You two are on private property.”

The voice was strong and stern. Ruby turned to see a much older man with a peeved expression on his face. He looked upset that they had (apparently) trespassed, and more importantly, that Bryson was watching the oral encounter.

The man continued coming closer.

“You’re not supposed to be watching this.”

Ruby got up and quickly put her T-shirt back on.

“We didn’t know this was private property,” she said.

“Fair enough,” he said, calming down. “But now you’ve been told. So please, leave. People your age shouldn’t be watching this.”

“We’re both legal adults,” she staunchly replied.

The man calmed down even further. “Oh, my apologies then, I assumed you were younger.”

“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment then,” Ruby replied.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re on private property.”

“Okay, okay, we’re going. And if you’re so concerned about the law, then you should really do something about that public blowjob over there.”

“You should check the local ordinances lady. And we also have permits.”

“What are you, some sort of porn company?” she asked.

“Modeling company, now please leave.”

Ruby looked closely at the guy’s T-shirt, which had a small company logo on it.

“Do you work for Buckle Fashion Works?”

The man smiled, “Yes, that’s us.”

“Wow, I’m actually an admirer.”

Ruby went over to greet the man with a handshake while Bryson looked relieved that he wasn’t in trouble for spying.

“I’mMax,” the man said.

“I’m Ruby. That’s Bryson,” she replied, pointing to her brother.

“You two are dating, I’m assuming.”

“Yes, we are,” Ruby said before her brother could comment.

“Well, it was nice meeting you both. Enjoy the rest of your stay here.”

“Do we still have to leave?” Ruby asked.

“Yes, we’re working.”

“You know, I’m an art student in San Francisco. My goal is to work in the fashion industry. I’ve actually studied some photographic images from your company. And I’ve even used some for presentations.”

Gustafson gave a hearty laugh. “You know, I’m the founder of Buckle Fashion Works, don’t you?”

“Apparently not. I didn’t know that.”

“Well now you do.”

Sister’s successful and unusual modelling contract – part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationSister’s successful and unusual modelling – part 2 >>

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