Should you want to see mine

I went back to watching the movie I didn’t want to watch, and began munching on another slice of pizza when I heard the girls once again come back down the hall, heading towards the stairs. This time I did turn to look, and saw June as she actually smiled and waved at me before heading up the stairs right behind Xavier. I waved back, but by then she’d already disappeared. They came back down minutes later with their share of the pizza. Once again Xavier took a momentary detour as June headed back down the hall towards her room.

“Brought you a beer,” she told me. “And there’s another for you in the fridge, just make sure you drink it, or get rid of it before mom and dad gets home.” I thanked her, taking it from her and saw she had four more in her hands, two each for she and June. I enjoyed my beer along with another slice of pizza, and then decided to go upstairs into the kitchen for the other one. As I walked out of the den,

I saw the door open to my sister’s room. Unlike my own, which was the main reason I’d preferred the choice of bedrooms over the one downstairs, Xavier’s bathroom was across the hall rather than being connected. We smiled at one another as I turned at the landing about to go up just as she appeared in the hall, heading in towards the bathroom.

“Don’t forget to get rid of the bottles,” she reminded me. “In fact, after you finish yours, come and get ours too and throw them out ok?”

Xavier had bought the beer, so it was only fair that I should. “Ok,” I said, disappearing from view, though rather than going up the stairs, as it would have seemed I had done, I stood there instead for a moment, hearing the bathroom door close. But what I’d observed throughout all of this, was the door leading into my sister’s room was still open.

It was risky perhaps, but I knew I’d be given ample warning, and didn’t have a whole lot of time to stand there and think about it either. The moment I heard the bathroom door close and lock, I raced down the hall, thankful to be in stocking feet, and once again stood at the door looking through the crack in it just as I had done the Saturday before. Sure enough, June was standing in front of Xavier’s vanity mirror looking at herself,

or rather one of the new blouses they’d just purchased together. Which is when she reached down, grabbing the bottom of it, and then pulling it up and over her head. June wasn’t wearing a bra!

Unfortunately, I had only a split second of time to enjoy the view, June had slightly larger breasts that Xavier did, tough they were far pointer in fact than hers were, with much pinker, much smaller nipples too, though they were exquisitely pretty in an entirely different way than my sister’s were. Hearing the flush of the toilet, I raced once again back down the hallway and up the stairs into the kitchen, retrieving my second beer.

I stood there for several moments before taking it back down the stairs with me into the den. After I had done that, I walked to the door, peeked around it down the hallway, surprised to see the door partially open. For whatever reason, Xavier hadn’t closed it fully. Something I found odd as she’d always done so before whenever she’d had her friends over.

Once again, I found myself creeping down the hallway, knowing full well that should either one of them come out heading for the bathroom or anywhere else, I’d be had. But I safely reached the door, peering in through my now familiar little crack, pleased to see the two of them now standing there in front of my sister’s full length dressing mirror.

June was a very typical blue-eyed blonde, though she wore her hair much shorter than Xavier did at mere shoulder length. “I don’t know…what do you think?” She said, “With? Or without the bra?”

“Let’s see it without,” Xavier suggested as she sat on the edge of the bed looking in the mirror at her. I stood there with my tongue hanging out as June once again reached down, pulling it up and over her head. This time she had the bra on, but quickly reached behind unclasping it, letting it fall. I was again treated to another quick glimpse of her bare breasts before she again slipped the tee shirt back on again, and then stood there turning from side to side admiring herself.

“Yes? No?” She asked Xavier. “Too obvious?”

“Not as long as you don’t get rock-tits,” Xavier teased her, which they both laughed at.

“Here, you try it, let me see how it looks on you,” June then suggested, once again taking it off, though she now stood there bare breasted as Xavier stood up standing beside her taking the blouse she had on, off. Along with her own bra. I was again treated to the sight of both of them briefly standing there topless,

though Xavier soon after struggled into the tee shirt, and then posed herself, turning from side to side looking into the mirror at the two of them. June doing so topless, completely oblivious to my presence. I stood staring at the two of them, my eyes locked on June’s tits briefly, then glancing away, just in time to see Xavier’s eyes in the mirror. She was looking at me!

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