Should you want to see mine

“No!” I laughed back.

“You’d actually do that?” she now asked once again half seriously, once again adding…”No you wouldn’t, so take it back!”

And then just as seriously I looked at her. “I would, and I already have.”

Xavier sat up releasing my arms, the look on her face pure surprise at my admission.

“You really have, haven’t you?” She stated, though not in an angry sort of way at all, more in wonder that I actually might have.

I was in fact blushing, a flush spreading across my face, the earlier episode downstairs still too fresh in my mind, along with the somewhat enjoyable cum while watching her. Not to mention the way she was sitting on me now, her hard nipples clearly evident, and my prick suddenly stiffening again, which I only then realized she’d soon feel if I didn’t move her off me. I took the offense by way of an excuse,

grabbing her arms and suddenly flipping her onto her back instead, now pinning her down. She squealed in surprise, laughing again at the unexpected turn of events, though I didn’t continue to sit there, using the maneuver as an excuse to stand up. My erection becomes far too noticeable if I were to stay there, turning my back towards her quickly, my hand rapidly making an adjustment in front before turning back around once again to face her. To my surprise, her eyes were focused right there when I did. My ploy hadn’t gone unnoticed or undetected.

“You’re horny!” she said simply only then looking up into my eyes.

“So? So are you,” I said, glancing down at the front of her tee shirt, forcing her to take stock in herself.

“No I’m not!” she said though she continued looking at her hard pressed nipples even as she said that. “Just because they’re hard, doesn’t mean I’m horny. But you…certainly are!”

At the moment she had me a bit flustered and confused. It was in fact very possible she was telling the truth. There was no reason that she actually might be, not really. After all, I was her brother, even if I was her stepbrother, and there had never been anything, or any indication ever expressed between us that would imply any other interests or curiosities beyond the normal. And now, I felt embarrassed, even a little guilty for having spied on her earlier, let alone confessing to her what I’d basically done earlier.

“I need to get my laundry going,” I said, ending the conversation. “Mom will be back soon, and I want to get going before she gets here and finds something else for me to do, and keeps me from meeting up with the guys.”

Xavier stood, walking towards the door though she looked back briefly towards me. “I don’t think we’re finished talking about this,” she stated, and then turned and disappeared from my bedroom.


Several days went by without anything further being said about the incident in my bedroom. On Wednesday, which was my parents bowling night, and pizza night for us, I had already ordered and taken my fare share of the pizza with me down stairs into the den to watch a little TV. Mom and dad wouldn’t be home until late, which was always the case on Wednesday nights, as after bowling,

they would usually sit around and visit with their friends in the bar for an hour before finally coming home. I looked forward to Wednesdays for several reasons, usually Xavier went out on a date, or was with her friends most of those nights, leaving me alone. I would very often kick back with my pizza, watch a somewhat risqué movie on TV, or even if I was lucky enough, borrow an X-rated DVD or two from my friends.

I’d been planning on doing just that, having heard earlier in the day Xavier talking to mom about going out shopping with June after school and hanging around for a while. I’d just settled myself in, had even turned on a dirty movie to watch when I heard the back door open and then close. Seconds later I heard the sound of June’s voice along with my sister’s as they headed down stairs.

A simple touch of the remote hid the movie I’d been watching, though having to do that irritated me to some degree. I heard June’s voice as they reached the landing, and then my sisters as she told June to go ahead on into her room and that she’d meet her there shortly after looking in on me.

“Can you save us?” She asked to enter the room.

“In the kitchen,” I said without turning to look at her, pretending to be too absorbed in the movie I hadn’t been watching.

There was a momentary pause. “June’s here…we’re going to be trying on some clothes we just got, so behave yourself,” she warned me.

“Boring!” I said waving my hand over my shoulder at her still without turning to see her, and then heard her leave. The reality was, I’d have loved to see the two of them changing in and out of their clothes, though I knew that was in fact an impossibility.

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