Should you want to see mine

Simultaneously, I felt the liquid surge of my own juice traveling up the length of my shaft and immediately began spurting off inside my briefs, thankful at the moment that I had them on rather than squirting off into nothingness.

I took that moment to collect my senses, and sprinted down the hallway back up the stairs, my shorts full of cum, and my hand equally as sticky as I did so.

I thought briefly about picking up my bundle of dirty laundry, but with only moments to spare, I left it, already concocting a story for its being there as I hurriedly made my way back upstairs to my room. As I expected, though I’d had sufficient time to change my shorts, actually throw on some cut off jeans and a tee shirt, not to mention wash my hands before that, I soon after heard a knock on my bedroom door.

“Rob? Are you decent?” I heard Xavier calling into me.

“Come on in!” I answered back, stepping out of my own personal bathroom, brushing my hair as she entered. By now at least I had managed to collect myself, calm down, and look reasonably normal. Xavier on the other hand looked anything but. Her face was flushed and she had a look of worried concern on her face.

“Umm, noticed you dumped your laundry in the hallway,” she said simply.

“Oh yeah, sorry,” I said, maintaining my unknowing façade. “Brought it down, but heard the washer and dryer still going, so I just dumped it there, figured I’d come back for it once you were all done with yours.”

Her face showed relief in it as I said that. A smile coming back, replacing the worried frown she’d come in with.

“Well, don’t forget and just leave it there either,” she now said somewhat haughtily. “I’m not your personal maid you know.”

Like me, Xavier now wore a pair of faded cut off jeans, though she looked a hell of a lot better in them than I did. In addition to that, she wore a somewhat tight fitting tank top, though it was clearly evident she was also wearing a bra, but the hint of her still somewhat aroused nipples were still peeking through pressed tightly against the material. I quickly averted my gaze, setting down the hairbrush I’d been using down on my desk.

“Just on my way now, provided you’re finished,” I said, meaning one thing, and saying another.

“Just about, just waiting for the last load to dry now, though you can start your first load in the washer,” she said, taking liberty and sitting down on the edge of my bed. “And by the way, June’s coming over later, so do me a favor if you would please, keep your tongue inside your mouth while she’s here.”

Xavier knew I’d had an attraction towards June for quite some time now, and enjoyed teasing me about it, only chasing me off when I’d actually become too much of an irritant or a nuisance to have around.

“Don’t worry, I’m meeting the guys at the mall, we’re going to hang around together for a while, so you and June can have all the secret, private girly-girl time together you’d ever wish for!” I retorted teasingly.

Xavier knew what I meant by that, we’d often joked about such things before, had more than one semi-intimate discussion away from our parents in fact, and had on some few occasions confided in one another about our curiosities, and limited experiences. I’d made the mistake of telling Xavier about one of mine, seeing two girls together. She’d not let me forget it ever since, though I’d fought back the best way I could, accusing her of perhaps actually doing something like that with her girlfriends, particularly June.

“You wish,” Xavier spat at me, though she smiled when saying that, and actually tossed one of the pillows off my bed at me when she did. Unfortunately, there was an unexpected side effect when she did that. After having stripped the sheets off my bed, I had stuffed one of my stroke books beneath my pillow, intending to put it back beneath the mattress later when I remade my bed. I hadn’t gotten around to it yet, and now seeing it lying there, Xavier snatched it up before I could. “What’s this?” She said, grabbing it, and holding it away from me, laughing as she did so. “One of your dirty jerk-off books perhaps?”

I so wanted to say something, but didn’t dare.

“Give it back,” I said instead, standing there with my hand out, though it was immediately obvious she wasn’t about to, especially when she opened it and began flipping through it instead. I put my hand down, waiting for her next malicious comment, but she surprised me as she sat there looking through my dirty magazine.

“Do women with great big tits turn you on?” She asked seriously.

I walked around the end of the bed sitting down next to her. We sat staring at the magazine together for a moment as she continued turning the pages. “Well?”

“It’s not BIG tits necessarily,” I began to admit. “Just that they have tits,” I now said grinning. “It’s not really how big they are…I just like looking at them.”

“You mean jerking off to them,” she teased half throwing the book back at me as she said that.

“Oh like you don’t!” I shot back, wishing the moment I’d said it that I hadn’t, especially by the look on her face, though I quickly tried changing the subject in a weird sort of direction. “You don’t have enormous boobs,” I now tossed out, once again catching her off guard by the comment. “But they’re still nice to look at, hell…the guys tell me all the time how good looking my sister is, and you’re really not even my sister either, yet they tease me all the time about how lucky I am living with you.”

“They say that about me?” She asked curiously flattered by it. One thing I had always liked about Xavier was, she wasn’t conceited, or even considered herself all that attractive, even though she was. She’d never been stuck up about her looks, or the fact that guys very often looked at her with lust filled eyes. That was something she always thought was directed towards June, or Kathy, or even Michelle whenever some of the others of her cheerleading squad had come over, or she’d been hanging around with at the time.

“All the time,” I assured her. “And like I said, you really do have nice looking boobs too sis.”

Once again she hit me, playfully. Obviously I had seen them, though as far as she knew, only by accident. “You really mean that?” she then asked. “They’re not too small?” she said, thrusting her chest out to some extent. I took the moment to pointly look at them, having been basically given permission to do so without the penalty of another hit from her.

“Not hardly,” I half sighed, which did warrant a small slap, though it too was a half-hearted one. “Hell Xavier, I’d jerk off while looking at your tits any day!”

That did warrant a hard one, which I got, though we laughed about it as Xavier suddenly pushed against me, knocking me back onto the bed where she jumped on top of me, and began pummeling me with her fists, though not really hard enough to hurt me, which she easily could have. Finally pinning me,

which I let her do as I could have easily flipped her onto her back if I’d wanted to, I lay there looking up at her chest as her breasts hovered only inches away from my face, her twin hard pointed nipples now suddenly pressing against the material of her tank top. I was half tempted to reach up and bite one through her shirt.

“Take it back!” she demanded, still giggling.

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