Should you want to see mine – 7


After we finally arrived, it took us the better part of an hour to haul everything inside and put it away. Unlike the motor home, the cabin had two separate, though still small bedrooms downstairs, mom and dad of course having the much larger, very spacious bedroom upstairs. After we had put everything away, dad wanted to take the small boat out onto the lake and get some fishing in. Mom’s number one desire was to sit on one of the deck chairs out on the upper deck outside their room, catch some sun, read a book and no doubt end up falling asleep for a while.

As we’d often done in the past, Xavier and I threw a few things together to snack on, and then tossed in a small blanket to sit on and have our picnic once we’d reached the top of Crystal Peak which was about a half mile’s hike around the other side of the lake, which was what the Lake was named for. It was a rather large hill that could be climbed fairly easily, offering a breathtaking view of the entire lake below.

After immediately setting out for it, and once safely out of sight of the cabin, Xavier once again removed her tee shirt, now hiking with her bare breasts fully exposed. I knew she was doing that to further tease me, but I enjoyed the sight of her hiking like that, watching her breasts jiggle and bounce every step of the way, especially when we began climbing. At times,

you had to grab handholds as well as foot holds as you made your way up the hill. Just steep enough that it was a bit of an arduous climb. But seeing Xavier’s boobs occasionally swing out, or just dangling the way they were, soon had the addition of me having an erection, making it an even more awkward, and more difficult climb than it should have been.

Nearing the top, Xavier sprinted ahead of me, climbing like a monkey the rest of the way. By the time I had reached the top a few minutes later, she had already spread out the blanket, now sitting there atop of it looking out over the lake admiring the view. I stood doing it myself after I created the top, but it wasn’t the lake I was looking at, but her entirely nude body as she sat there. She reminded me of a violin weirdly enough,

looking at her from the backside. Her curvy ass, the well rounded hips jutting out on either side tapering up her back towards her neck as she sat there. For another split second, I saw my cock strumming her like the bow that would, grinning as I unzipped myself, removing my cock so that it now pointed towards her stiff and hard as I approached. Xavier turned looking back towards me, seeing what I had done and laughed.

“Thought hiking up here like this might make you horny,” she grinned provocatively, and then lay back on to the blanket, spreading herself even more revealingly as she did so. “Hungry yet?” she now asked. I knew as she said that, bending her legs at the knee, spreading herself rather obscenely that she wasn’t talking about the sandwiches we’d brought with us either.

We had of course made this hike several times in the past, but never before had we sat here like this, me now like Xavier entirely naked as I joined her there on the blanket. Far below us, nearer the shore on the other side, we could just make out the small boat dad was using to fish from. Even with binoculars had he taken any, he’d be hard pressed to see us at the angle we were at, so sitting there on the top of the hill entirely nude gave neither one of us any concerns. Only a handful of times had we heard and then seen anyone else there.

There was a small KOA campsite on the other side of the lake, where some campers made the hike up the hill we were on. But anyone approaching could be easily heard if they did. At the moment, there wasn’t a single sound to be heard except for Xavier’s somewhat excited breathing as she reached down between her legs, and once again began teasing me further by playing with herself.

“Well?” she asked, looking at me.

She didn’t need to ask me twice. I immediately crawled over joining her there on the blanket, the sun shining down on us directly from above. It felt nice and warm, the cool morning air now heated as I slipped between Xavier’s legs, my hands automatically drawn up towards her breasts like magnets.

Even as I began playing with those, the wonderfully erotic feel of her twin nipples rolling around between my fingers, my tongue snaked out, spearing her lightly at the same time. She shivered as though cold, which I knew she wasn’t, seeing an immediate eruption of several goose bumps covering her legs and arms as she reached down further spreading herself, exposing her clit even more to me than it already was.

I took it, kissed it, and then gently began sucking it, which I had now learned, she loved whenever I did, perhaps more than anything else. Xavier moaned wildly, deeply as I tongued her cunt, the freedom of being able to do so laying on top of the hill the way we were, my head buried between her legs, tickling and flicking her clit, playing with her breasts, soon had her striving towards orgasm.

I have to admit however, I was still somewhat nervous when she finally came. I know how sound can travel across the water, even though we were on top of the hill, I still wondered if anyone might actually hear her as she came, screaming out her pleasure more loudly than she had ever done before in the past.

“Cum on me,” she soon after asked. “I want to watch you, standing over me, jerking yourself off, and cumming all over me…please?” she half begged me.

I had actually been looking forward to a bit more than that, another nice slow blowjob perhaps, or even more…especially here on top of the hill which I’d had in the back of my mind all the way up here. Obviously by Xavier’s request, she hadn’t, so I figured that perhaps now wasn’t the time to bring the subject up again. Though I had every intention of doing so, especially after what she’d said back in the motor home.

Obviously rock hard and horny as hell, I now stood, still standing between her outstretched legs looking down at her as she lay there looking up towards me. Even with her sunglasses on, she still partially shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun with her hand, though the other was once again busy between her legs as she lay there fingering herself, now watching me as I stood over her stroking my dick.

“Try and squirt it all over me, from head to foot if you can,” she asked. “I want to watch and feel you bathe me in all your hot creamy juice!” She lustfully told me.

I stood over her, though looking back over my shoulder across the lake. I could barely make out dad’s boat, though wondering as I did if he should look up over to where we were, if he could make out the fact I was butt naked standing there. With the distance, and glare of the sun in his eyes should he look, I still doubted it. But again, being naked, outdoors, fisting myself, about to spurt all over his daughter, the sensation of doing so rapidly brought me to the edge.

“Oh yeah…yeah!” I announced joyously, and then watched as the first massive spurt of my cock shot from the end of it, hitting her shoulder along with the side of Xavier’s face. Even as the second streamer of spunk flew from the tip, I was already aiming it at her breasts, hitting the left one almost squarely. I then aimed at her navel, but missed, though leaving a nice line of white cream across her abdomen, near the top of her mound, redirecting the next, which still felt as powerful and intense as the first, splashing against her wide spread pussy, eliciting a burst of excited pleasured laughter from her as I did.

“Yes! Yes! Squirt Robbie, squirt! Cover me in all your hot delicious spunk!” she cried out.

Though my ejaculations were now beginning to finally diminish, I still milked out two more fairly decent squirts, one hitting her knee and calf, the last covering the space between her big toe, making me laugh as it reminded me of the days when we used to use Elmer’s Glue on one another, gluing our toes together as kids just for the fun of it. When I did that, Xavier laughed too, though I hadn’t said anything, screaming out…”More glue! More Glue!”

Once I had thoroughly and completely emptied my balls all over her, I dropped down beside her there on the blanket. For long moments, we just lay there together, the hot sun baking my cream into her skin until she began to sparkle and glisten just like Crystal Peak seemed to do when looking at it from a distance.

“Xavier,” I finally said in low tones, gathering her attention, though I could see by the expression on her face, she already knew where this was now headed. “Back in the motor home…”

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