Should you want to see mine – 4

I had gone up to my room and immediately fallen asleep for another two and a half hours before waking up. When I did, the house was quiet. Not at all unexpectedly, I knew by the time that dad was out on the course, mom was half way across town visiting with her own girlfriends, and though I couldn’t hear it, I assumed that Xavier was perhaps finishing her wash and most likely by now folding it and putting it away.

I came downstairs needing a cup of coffee, paused at the kitchen window looking out, and saw that my sister’s car wasn’t in the drive. It was now obvious no one was home at all. I walked over to pour a cup of coffee and saw a letter with my name on it propped up against the side of the coffee maker. I continued pouring my cup, then opening the envelope and sat down to read what Xavier had written.

“Robbie,” she began, something she very rarely called me personally, usually only when she was trying to keep things light between us, but it was also a habit she’d begun using whenever she had bad news to tell me too. Already I had a sense of foreboding as I continued. “As much as I enjoyed last night,

as well as the last time we were together, I’ve sat here thinking about where it might be leading us both. As I did, I realized that nothing can come out of it except for heartache, for either one of us. I recalled the way you looked with Michelle, and admittedly I was jealous, and I had to ask myself why it was that I was.

I have no right to be, any more than you have any right to be over me with whomever I may see or date in the future. We both know that to get any more deeply involved in fooling around, as much as we both might want to, it isn’t going to do either one of us any good.”

I took a breath, looked up, peering out the window, not wanting to read the rest of the letter, but I found I couldn’t not either.

“Now, having said all that, I also know the temptation is too great to ignore either. And I know deep down inside that I can’t refrain from wanting to continue, to feel and know the excitement I’ve felt in being with you. But I can’t trust myself, nor you for that matter to leave it as such, not taking it any further than we already have. I do think this, and it’s up to you to decide for yourself now if you can agree to this or not.

Though I will leave it entirely up to you. As I’m sure you now know, I spoke with both June and Michelle at length about this yesterday just before I came over to Kathy’s party. I told them both some of the things we’ve done and talked about yes. Though I didn’t tell Michelle that you were in the closet watching the two of us when she came over. I did, however, tell June that

I later discovered you watching us in the bedroom when we were trying on clothes. She got rather aroused at knowing that you had, as did Michelle, especially after the things we shared together. Anyway, I told them that I didn’t have a problem doing “some” things with you there, provided they were as well, so that nothing else would then happen between us beyond that which we’ve already done. It’s the only way I know that I can keep myself in check around you Robbie.

“So like I said, it’s entirely up to you now if you can’t or won’t agree to this. But I am on my way over to talk to Michelle and June about it. They’ve already agreed it might be fun and exciting to include you the next time we’re together. And in fact, the opportunity to do that would be tonight.

As you know mom and dad are going over to Mark and Joanne’s place for dinner and to play cards this evening. I’ve already told them that the girls are coming over to work on our new routines while they’re gone. So again…it’s up to you. They’re coming over at seven. If you’re there, then know you’re welcome to come down to my room and party with us. If you’re not…I’ll certainly understand and accept your decision Robbie, but you need to know, if you don’t think you can do that, or want to,

then we can’t ever mention this subject again. I can’t keep doing that, or this under those circumstances. As long as I feel like it’s not just you and me, one on one, then maybe I can deal with it a lot better, since I know under those conditions, we’re both aware it’s not going to go any further between us. So…if you’re here and decide to join us after they arrive, then we’ll take it from there. If not…then let’s both accept the situation and not bring it up again, nor tempt one another after this either ok? Anyway, think about it Robbie, whatever you decide is fine by me too. Love, Xavier.”

I sat thinking about what I’d just read, and then read the letter again twice after that. I couldn’t believe what I’d just read, and was now thinking. There wasn’t a single guy friend that I knew or had that wouldn’t jump at the chance to be in my shoes.

To participate in what was obviously a mini-orgy with three very attractive and very beautiful women, who also didn’t mind fooling around and touching one another either, was the kind of thing that wet-dreams were made from. And yet, as much as I did find both June as well as Michelle very, very attractive, and certainly exciting enough, it was the thought of Xavier, my own sister, or rather stepsister as I once again reminded myself, that aroused and excited me the most.

I went back upstairs to my room, slipped back into bed, saying to hell with the laundry and chores I still had remaining to do. I had a lot to think about, and seven o’clock was a long way away, a very long way away.

To be continued…

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