Should you want to see mine – 3

It was then that I saw Michelle had allowed her hand to drop down between her legs. She wasn’t exactly being obvious about it, but even from where I sat, I could see she was still rubbing herself through the material of her bright red “goldies” as they called them. I wasn’t too terribly surprised to find my own cock once again begin to stiffen while I sat there watching her do that either.

“You have nice boobs too,” Michelle then offered, complimenting Xavier on hers, though she continued to sit there still wearing her bra.

“Thanks, so do you,” Xavier said, finally looking more directly at them, though once again she had taken a quick peek over the couch towards the door before doing so. I actually smiled upon seeing her do that. It was obvious she was still half expecting me to appear out of nowhere. Little did she know.

“I actually wish mine weren’t nearly as big as they are,” Michelle said cupping them in her hands now, looking down at herself. “Especially my nipples, they’re a lot bigger and darker than most girls I’ve ever seen. I’d rather have tits like yours in fact,” she then added as I watched Xavier smile at the compliment.

“That’s funny, I’ve often wished mine were a tiny bit bigger than they are,” she confided.

“Oh no, you don’t want that, trust me. Your size is perfect, they’re very pretty. And not every guy that passes you looks at your chest first before your eyes like they do with me. At least the women look at your eyes first, and then your tits,” she grinned, laughing as she said it. I watched as she looked at Xavier, and then down at her tits. “And speaking of…would you mind?”

Silly as this might sound, I sat there holding my breath along with my cock. And even though I’d enjoyed seeing Michelle’s tits as they sat there completely revealed, I found my excitement level rise over finally seeing Xavier’s boobs once again. Without saying a word, she nodded her head, smiled, and reached back around herself undoing the clasp of her bra. It came away in her hands, and she casually dropped it onto the floor beside her. Now they both sat facing one another, admiring one another’s breasts.

“Oh yeah, yours really are beautiful!” Michelle stated appreciatively, and then without really asking, reached over, cupping one in her hand, hefting it as though judging its weight and softness. “God, I really do love your tits Xavier, they feel so soft, yet so firm in comparison to mine. See? I think mine don’t feel nearly as nice as yours do.”

Michelle had actually picked up my sister’s hand putting it on one of her breasts, which Xavier now sat fondling at the same time that Michelle continued on doing to one of hers. “Oh fuck that feels good, sometimes I swear I could cum just by having my nipples played with they’re so sensitive,” she admitted.

“Yeah, mine too,” Xavier moaned pleasurably as she continued to finger the taut hard nipple on Michelle’s breast. “Sometimes, when I’m masturbating, I do that for a much longer period of time even before I finally touch myself. Just something about having my boobs played with, even if I do it myself, that sends all these nice, hot, naughty electrical charges down to my clit like there’s a direct wire linking them together or something.”

I sat, stroking my cock watching and listening to all this. The head of my prick was so swollen I thought it was going to burst. The silky lubrication oozing out of my dick in thick rivulets of liquid pleasure that I began using to further stimulate myself with, rubbing it around the head and then up and down my shaft in slow fingering strokes.

“Are they doing that now?” Michelle asked, still lightly toying with one of Xavier’s nipples, pulling on it a little away from her breast.

“Oh yeah…especially when you do that,” Xavier moaned, closing her eyes, and then doing the exact same thing to Michelle’s tit. “I…really like that,” she purred.

I now watched as Michelle lowered her free hand, allowing the tip of a finger to press firmly against the material still covering Xavier’s pussy, though it was evident when she did, that Xavier could feel it, her moan suddenly intensifying though she once again opened her eyes. “Would you like it if I fingered you?” Michelle asked hopefully, “The way that June and I did it the last time?”

“Fuck, yes!” Xavier mewled softly, lustfully, which caused Michelle to stand suddenly as she then quickly pulled down her goldies, along with the tiny brief matching white thong she’d been wearing. Without a word, Xavier stood as well, now doing the same, and for a moment giving me a tantalizing view of the two of them standing there together entirely nude. I expected them to sit again, but they surprised me,

moving close to stand there together instead. They kissed, and as they did so, I nearly lost it just watching them do that. It seemed so sensual, so erotic watching my own sister and her friend standing there with their lips pressed together, hands down between one another’s legs, likewise fingering each other as they stood there doing so.

It was all I could do to keep from cumming myself, I’d had to completely let go of my prick, to even touch it at all at the moment was to invite disaster, at least the disaster of allowing myself a too soon release, though I then realized I hadn’t thought far enough ahead to have brought anything with me either.

A drawer full of clean fresh cum-hankies, and not one I had brought! I didn’t even have a “just in case” rubber in my wallet. I could have used either like so many of the other guys did. The telltale circle of having one forever embedded within the leather, though rather than seeing that as some sign of manhood or prowess, I laughed having vowed never to do that myself. To me, all that said was, “I want it…but I’m not getting it either.”

Michelle slowly began to slither down Xavier’s body, her finger still working her now very slick cunt however, though it had forced Xavier to quit fingering hers. I held my breath, still unwilling to tempt fate with my cock, remaining untouched as she soon gathered one of my sister’s nipples in between her lips and softly began sucking it. Xavier put her hands on the top of Michelle’s head, keeping them there, holding on for support as her knees obviously weakened. Michelle soon switched sides, paying homage to Xavier’s neglected breast, and then began making her way down even further, lingering briefly near her naval as I watched Michelle’s tongue dart out, gently fucking it.

To my surprise, as Michelle made it obvious as to where she was now headed, Xavier gently held her shoulders, moaning the words, “No…I can’t not yet…” she said almost pleadingly. Michelle stood, once again kissing her, though only quickly.

“Why not? I promise, you’ll enjoy it if you let me,” she said wantonly.

Xavier laughed. “Oh, I have NO doubt that I would!” she grinned wickedly. “But no one ever has done that to me.”

“No one? Not ever? Not even your boyfriend?”

I winced at that, yet at the same time surprised by Xavier’s unexpected revelation. “No…no one. And no offense Michelle, as much as I’d like to feel that, and knowing you’d no doubt drive me insane if I were to let you, I want to experience that with someone I really care about first, so…I hope you understand.”

“I do,” Michelle said softly, only then stepping back, breaking the intimate contact they’d been sharing. “As much as I’d love to take your clit cherry, I really do understand that,” Michelle told her. “And you might be surprised to know, even though I’m gay, and prefer being with women Xavier, I do on occasion enjoy a nice hard cock inside me too. So you see? I really do understand, perhaps a lot more than you might realize. And I hope that won’t change anything between us. Whenever you are ready, if you are…I’d love doing that for you.”

“You? You’ve fucked a guy?” Xavier laughed incredulously.

“A few,” Michelle said laughing back. “Though I don’t make that generally known to everyone. If I did, I’d have more men fawning over me than I’d really prefer. And I prefer picking those men I actually might consider fooling around with,” she confessed.

“Anyone at the moment?” Xavier wondered as they sat down on the couch once again, though I was pleased when Xavier reached over, her hand once again beginning to toy with and finger Michelle’s split as she lay completely on her back, spreading her legs and allowing Xavier to have full and total access to her.

“You’d die if I were to tell you,” Michelle said. “And not that I’d ever act on it either. But admittedly I have fantasized, and thought about him a few times.”

“Come on…who?” Xavier pressed curiously.

“I don’t know,” she said hesitating, though I could see Xavier now really working on Michelle’s pussy, by the way she was squirming, and the way one of my sister’s hands was moving, I could tell she was really fingering her now, along with tickling her exposed clit with the other hand.

“Come on…tell me!” Xavier pussy teased.

“Promise you won’t freak out? Get mad?”

Xavier quit working her cunt. “I promise…who?”

“Your brother, Robbie,” she confessed, and I could see the look of surprise in Xavier’s face when she said it.

It took a moment longer before she could actually speak, though she seemed to have finally composed herself when she did upon hearing that. “Yeah, he is sort of cute isn’t he?” she said. “And not like a lot of other guys either.”

“One of the reasons I’d make an exception for him,” Michelle stated. “And ah…you going to finish what you started here? Or just leave me hanging?”

“Oh…sorry,” Xavier grinned, once again toying with Michelle’s pussy, as my hand once again began toying with my cock, the imminent danger finally having passed for the moment anyway. “You do know that Rob’s not really my brother either, my stepbrother,” she then told her.

“Yeah, I know,” Michelle moaned, obviously enjoying the touch of my sister’s hand on her. She opened her eyes then looked up at Xavier. “Hey…doesn’t that mean that you could actually do something with your brother, I mean step brother since you’re not really related by blood and all? I mean…that’s not exactly incest now is it?”

“No…it’s not, not really. Nothing illegal about it either, just more of a moral, social acceptability more than anything else I guess.”

“So have you two ever done anything?” Michelle asked curiously. “I mean after all, you two are bound to run into one another once in a while, haven’t you?”

“Well sort of, yes…” I heard Xavier tell her, which surprised me. “I mean nothing major mind you, we’ve never fucked or anything like that, but we have played with one another…yes.”

“Oh fuck, that’s hot!” Michelle groaned thinking about it as Xavier continued working her pussy in earnest now. I was surprised she had told her that however. “So does he have a nice cock?”

Xavier laughed. “Very nice, yes, not overly big…but certainly not too small either. But the one thing about it, it does get fucking way hard!” They both giggled over that, though once again Michelle was doing more moaning than giggling as Xavier continued toying with her cunt.

“So would you ever fuck him if you could?” Michelle asked.

Once again, I found myself holding my breath.

“I don’t know…maybe. But I also do know this, and please Michelle, keep this to yourself, I don’t want his friends and buddies teasing him about this, but I do know he’s still a virgin. So it might very well be, he’d rather save that, and share it with someone he really cares about, and not just his sister.”

“Step sister,” Michelle said, reminding her.

“Yeah, well…still.”

“Keep going, I’m getting closer, don’t stop now…tell me more, tell me something else you’ve fantasized about doing with him or want to do with him.”

“Like what?” Xavier asked, once again paying more specific attention to Michelle’s pussy as she toyed and played with it, especially her hard swollen little nubbin.

“Would you let him eat your pussy if he wanted to?” she then asked her.

Xavier giggled, “Honest answer?”

“Fuck yes…please!”

“When I told you that I was sort of saving that for someone special?”

“Oh my God! You meant Robbie?”

I saw Xavier’s face turn beet red as she sat nodding her head. “Yeah…Rob, though I’d never ever in a million years tell him that, so don’t you either! It’s one thing to sort of fool around the little we have, something else entirely to take it to that level,” she explained. And even though I’ve actually thought about it, I’m still not even sure I’m ready to ever let it go that far myself. So I might think about it, wonder about it, but I’m not sure I’d ever permit it to go to that extent.”

“Hmm,” Michelle moaned. “You know what I’d like to see or do.”

“I can only imagine…what?”

“Would be to lick you, while Robbie was fucking you, now that…would be really fucking hot!”

Even Xavier sighed pleasurably over that one. “Yeah, maybe that would be,” she mused. “And maybe, that’s what I’ll lay here and think about when it’s your turn to get me off,” she openly admitted. “And speaking of which…”

“Almost,” Michelle sighed pleasurably, reaching up to begin pulling on both nipples with her fingers, “Start working my clit up and down, like you were jerking off a cock,” she told my sister. “Oh yeah, yeah…just like that. That’s perfect! That’s perfect! Keep going, keep going! Fuck…I’m almost there!”

Only a few moments later she was. I sat, watching as Michelle lifted her ass up off the couch, my sister’s fingers still twiddling Michelle’s clit, holding onto it, and working it just as she’d asked her to do. I could feel the cum threatening to skyrocket up my shaft, but I knew without any doubt whatsoever, that I wanted to wait. Wanted to wait to squirt, to cum, to explode, only when Xavier did.

Once Michelle had come down from her exquisite high, she leaned over, pushing Xavier down onto her back, and proceeded to toy with my sister’s cunt in much the same way she had done to hers.

“So…you thinking how nice it would feel to have Robbie’s cock sliding in and out of this wet little pussy of yours?” Michelle coaxed, “While I’m licking it?” she then added.

“Oh yes…yes!” Xavier moaned excitedly, as I sat now stroking my cock, imagining it only now sliding in and out of my sister’s pussy.

“Hmm, can you feel how hard it is going in and out of you?” Michelle went on, furthering the fantasy. “Can you feel it throbbing inside, wanting to cum, squirt, fill your pussy with all his hot wet sticky cream?”

“Oh fuck yes! Yes! I do! I do! I do!” Xavier cried out, and it was obvious not only to Michelle, but to me, that she was at that very moment, seeing that very thing as she came.

I didn’t even realize I was as well, until the wetness of my own spurtings were suddenly running down my chest. I could feel the streamers of my climax dripping down to the pool on my stomach, then down around my balls, likewise covering the folding chair I was sitting on.

Once again the girls took several moments to compose themselves, and then stood as Michelle dressed, though I was pleasantly surprised to see that Xavier didn’t.

“Well, whenever you’re ready to turn that fantasy into reality, let me know,” Michelle said with a serious wink. “Because like I said, that’s one of the few exceptions I’d be willing to make.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Xavier said, smiling back, and then serious. “But remember Michelle, don’t tell anyone I told you about any of this, especially about Rob’s still being a virgin, ok?”

“Mum’s the word,” Michelle promised. “So…see you at practice tomorrow then yes?”

“Yes,” Xavier said, and then followed Michelle back up the stairs into the kitchen. I opened the folding doors, stood…and wandered out towards the hall where I stood listening. Hearing the back door open and then close, I stood waiting as I was fairly confident that Xavier would return downstairs. When I heard her begin to do so, I stepped behind the wall waiting for her. The fact I hadn’t dressed yet never crossed my mind,

particularly, because I knew that Xavier hadn’t either, and she was no doubt on the way back down the stairs to gather up her things. She entered the room, unaware of my presence until I stepped around behind her, slipping my hands around her waist. She screamed, turned and took a punch at me, which I just barely ducked away from.

“How the fuck!”

I burst out laughing, seeing the surprised, wild-eyed expression on her face, which suddenly turned to one of complete and total embarrassment.

“You were here? The entire time? Where?”

I looked over towards the storage closet having left it open where she now saw that I’d rearranged a lot of it, making just enough room in which I could sit the folding chair. Xavier followed my gaze, and then knew I had seen as well as heard everything. What she then did confused me more than anything that had happened between us so far. She cried out once again, grabbing her uniform and dashed out of the den down the hall towards her bedroom. I heard her door open, and then slam shut, the lock turned.

Dumbfounded, I stood there naked in the hallway cum still running and dripping down my legs, wondering at what the fuck had just happened.

To be continued…

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