Should you want to see mine – 2

I wondered what that might be, but took the opportunity to head back to my room, stash the movie and toss my cum-hanky in the dirty clothes hamper in my room. We still had perhaps an hour or more before mom and dad got home, as I curiously headed back downstairs to my sisters bedroom. By the time I got there, she was in bed, the sheets drawn up over herself, but it was clearly evident she didn’t have anything on, on top at least.

“What were you going to tell me?” I asked, sitting down on the end of her bed. Xavier sat up, but she brought the top sheet with her, ensuring that she remained covered when doing so.

“I’m going to tell you a secret, something a little naughty. But I swear Rob, if this ever gets out, I’ll know where it came from, and if that happens, I’ll never, ever trust you again, and I’ll never ever share anything with you again either if it ever does!”

“What?” I now asked curiously excitedly, just having heard Xavier tell me it was something naughty, and something to be kept secret had me suddenly aroused with interest.

“We masturbated too!” she said almost whispering it when she said it.


“Just before June left,” she said grinning. “And it’s not the first time either,” she told me. “We’ve done it before.”

“You have? When?”

“Not all the time, or every time she comes over either, just sometimes. Sometimes we just get horny talking about guys and stuff. It was June who first taught me how to use one of the vibrators she’d brought over to show me that she’d gotten. I’d never seen one, let alone used one before, so…she actually showed me how to do it!”

“No shit! Really?”


I grinned looking at my sister. “Prove it!”

Xavier laughed. Obviously it was a bit more difficult for her to prove that she had, or that they had as opposed to my being able to.

“Oh sure…how?” she giggled “It’s not like…”

“Show me.”

Her eyes popped wide open. “You’re serious!”

“What were you two thinking about when you did…IF you even did,” I continued to press, acting like I didn’t believe a word of it, even though I was actually beginning to.

“You really want to know?”

“Yes,” I actually hissed. “Yes…I do.”

“Ok…well, to be perfectly honest about it, we were thinking about you, well at least June certainly was, I told her about another guy I’ve been seeing, though I will be honest with you to that extent, it wasn’t really him I was thinking about when we did it. I was thinking about you too, about Saturday when we were messing around upstairs in your bedroom. But I couldn’t very well tell June about that now could I?” she said.

“You…you two were talking, thinking about me? Why?”

Xavier giggled at that. “I told her how I thought you had a thing for her, and that you were probably at that very moment, jerking yourself off there in the den thinking about her.”

“You didn’t!”

“Oh yes…I did. And the thought of that actually got her horny, especially as we’d already spent half the night naked in my bedroom, which you obviously saw,” she winked. “Which I did for you by the way,” she then added.

“Yeah, I know that now…and thank you. But I still can’t believe you told her that, or that you and June actually played with yourselves afterwards, in front of one another no less.”

“And like I told you, it’s not the first time, we’ve done it before, several times, and we’ve even done it a couple of times when Kathy and Michelle were here too!” she now added.

“No fucking shit! Really?” Suddenly this image of the four of them together, all watching one another as they played with themselves suddenly had me rock hard, and I didn’t even know it yet. “Nah…no you didn’t, you’re bullshitting me!” I finally decided.

But I could see by the look in Xavier’s face she wasn’t lying to me about it. She’d just told me the truth.

“Holy shit!” I said again. “I’ve heard of guys sharing a circle jerk…but never heard that girls did anything like that together.”

“Oh? And why wouldn’t we?

It was then that I noticed the subtle movement beneath the sheet Xavier was covering herself with.

“What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?” She tossed back. “You told me to prove it…so I am.”

“The only thing you’re proving is that you can move the sheet a little,” I said, feeling a flood of goose bumps suddenly running up and down my spine. I sat there actually hoping that she was, and just not teasing me into believing that she was, which is something I could honestly see her doing as a way to spite me.

She laughed at that.

“What? What’s so damn funny?” I asked not angry, but now more confused than ever.

“I was just about to say…I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours,” she told me. “You know Rob…that’s something we never once did ask one another to do growing up, you realize that?”

She was right, we hadn’t. “So…will you?” I asked, swallowing hard as I said it.

“Only if you will…first!”

Now it was my turn to laugh.


“You know what this feels like don’t you?” I said, seeing in her eyes the same thing I was. “We never did this as kids, and suddenly sitting here like this now, I sort of do feel like a kid once again, like maybe in a way, we missed something. Here we are, almost like we’re playing Doctor, you know? Only we’re adults, but still…I’ve got this sensation, this giddiness running through me. Mom and Dad coming home soon, the thought that you might actually be lying there touching yourself…”

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