She sexually hunting me – 4

This Story is part of Bound Series

The waitress was in his place as soon as he was out of the way, her face buried in Eleanor ‘s dripping pussy. Eleanor had let out a yell and hunched her hips as best she could under the circumstances.

Paxon walked back to his chair and slipped off his slacks. His hard dick was standing up against his belly. With a smile, he moved toward Eleanor and brushed the spongy head against her lips. Her eyes jerked open and then she swallowed as much of him as she could reach, a loud groan sounding deep in her chest.

Between the dick in her mouth, the tongue in her pussy, and all the people watching her, Eleanor was almost beside herself. There was a monster of an orgasm building but it didn’t seem to be in any hurry and that surprised her. She should have been coming to her brains right at that moment.

The hands were missing and had been sincePaxon  had walked to her rear and licked her. The thought that all those people were watching her suckingPaxon ‘s dick and the waitress licking her pussy, made the orgasm loom closer and bigger.

Eleanor was whimpering and moaning whenPaxon  pulled his dick out of her mouth and walked around to stand behind the waitress. His hand on the girl’s shoulder made her look up. He smiled as he saw how wet and shiny her face was. She grinned broadly and licked her lips as she moved out of his way.

With a nod,Paxon  moved up behind Eleanor and rubbed the head of his dick up and down in the slippery wet slit of her open pussy. Eleanor jerked and then groaned deeply.Paxon  almost groaned himself as he rubbed the head over and around her hot opening. She was far hotter and wetter than he figured she’d be.

As his dick slipped into her tight, wet pussy,Paxon  groaned. He was glad for the blowjob from earlier or he would be well on the way to coming. That was something he definitely didn’t want. He had to fuck her ass and he had to do it right.

Eleanor had frozen whenPaxon ‘s dick touched her sex. She had taken a deep gasping breath as he slid slowly into her core and held it until his hips touched her ass. She couldn’t believe that he had hilted himself in one slow motion. She marveled at the ease he had entered her pussy and how full she felt.

Paxon held still with his hips pressed tightly to Eleanor ‘s ass. Her hot, tight pussy was doing marvelous things around and to his dick. He wanted to fuck her as hard and fast as he could but he didn’t dare. They would both go up in smoke and flames in a matter of minutes.

Eleanor suddenly realized that she needed to breathe and blew out sharply. The breath she took next was ragged and shuddery. After that it got easier but there was a whiny whimpering component to each one. She was waiting for him to move. She tried to get him to move.

Finally, she tried to lift her hips so he would move inside her. His hand slapped her ass sharply. She gasped loudly and froze. Her orgasm was very close and very big, she realized. She also realized thatPaxon  was holding still for the same reason.

They stayed that way for a long time or so it felt to Eleanor . Then slowly, very slowly, excruciatingly slow,Paxon  pulled out of her. Eleanor was panting by the time the head left her sex. When he touched the butt plug she gasped loudly and then moaned. When he started to work it in and out of her ass, she gasped even louder and started to shake.

Paxon pulled the plug out of Eleanor ‘s ass, and let her rest and calm down for a few minutes. He held the plug right above the opening and watched it pulse and slowly close. When he thought the time was right he touched the tip to the opening and pushed it home.

Eleanor gave a soft yell and arched her back. Her head and shoulders strained upward.Paxon  worked the plug in and out of her ass in a slow, fucking motion. The monster orgasm was back, lurking in the shadows and bigger than ever. It stayed right there even whenPaxon  pulled the plug completely out.

Paxon grinned and rubbed the head of his slick, slippery dick over her opening and then over the pucker of her asshole. Eleanor was shaking and whimpering loudly. It was time, he thought as he centered the head on her anal opening. He eased forward and applied a light pressure.

Two things happened at once.Paxon s dick squeezed through the loosened ring of muscles and slid into Eleanor ‘s ass a couple of inches easily. The second was the monster orgasm waiting in the shadows consumed Eleanor in one long loud yelling explosion of pure pleasure.

Paxon held still and let Eleanor ‘s orgasm run its course. It was hard to do, the way she was wiggling and jerking. Her ass was clamping and clenching at his manhood as if to gobble it up. As her body moved, his dick moved inside her and fed the orgasm more fire, and pleasure.

It was a never-ending cycle or so it seemed toPaxon . The crowd around them was cheering, whistling, and yelling, egging him on to fuck her. This just added to Eleanor ‘s orgasm even more as she was reminded they were there.

Paxon was in awe of how long and how hard her orgasm was. He grinned and rode it out. He loved it when a plan literally came together. Now if he could just hold his own off until he was ready.

As Eleanor started down from her orgasmic high, she stopped moving and slowly relaxed back against the bench’s padding. Ripples and sparks still flowed along her nervous system but nowhere near the overload that it was before. She could feel the pulse and throb in her tightly stretched ass that wasPaxon . She shivered hard and moaned.

That was the cuePaxon  was waiting for. He pressed his hips forward and felt his dick slide even deeper. He paused as Eleanor gasped and lifted her head. Her hips flexed up and down and then she moaned softly deep in her chest.

Paxon let her relax a moment and then eased forward again. When he felt his manhood move forward, he reversed and pulled out until the head was just inside the opening. Eleanor yelled and shook her head but not from pain. A jolt of pure delight shot straight to her center and hung there glowing and hot.

That glowing ball of heat and passion expanded asPaxon  pushed back inside even deeper than before. Eleanor opened her eyes and lifted her hips to meet him. He pulled back out and the ball shrunk. He pushed in and the ball expanded. Eleanor felt a joy fill her completely as his hips touched her ass cheeks.

Paxon held still with his hips against her ass and his dick buried as deeply in her ass as it would reach. He bit his lower lip to keep from moaning as he leaned over and kissed Eleanor on the shoulder. The burning heat, along with the clenching and clutching of her inner muscles were ecstasy around his dick.

“Happy Valentine’s Day. How does it feel to have a dick buried completely in your ass?” he asked her.

Eleanor whimpered loudly and then almost yelled, “Fuck me! Fuck my ass!” The ball of energy was pulsing with life and slowly growing. She knew what was coming and this would be even more powerful than the monster from the dark.

“I told you, you would say that,”Paxon  whispered as he raised his hips.

Eleanor started to chant “Yes,” each timePaxon ‘s hips touched her ass. The glowing ball kept on expanding and growing stronger the longer and harder he fucked her. A part of her wondered what it would feel like when he came deep in her ass. Another part shivered and she yelled even louder.

Paxon felt his climax rising and pounded her ass even harder. He needed her to come with him, for both of them to speak at the same time. She was close but he felt like he was even closer. He hoped his orgasm would spark hers if he couldn’t hold back.

WhenPaxon  slowed his strokes to try and hold off his growing need to come, Eleanor yelled “No!”Paxon  had his answer and pounded into her as hard and fast as he could. In a matter of a few minutes, he planted himself as deep as he could and came harder than he ever remembered. Jet after jet of hot semen sprayed her insides.

Eleanor yelled incoherently and thrashed around in her restraints as the glowing ball exploded deep inside her belly and flooded her sex and ass with pure heat and energy. Her body was glowing golden and bright in her mind’s eye as she came right along withPaxon . Her yells were for the pure joy of it now.


Eleanor andPaxon  were cuddled together in one of the back booths. Eleanor was sitting in his lap.Paxon  had called the driver and he was on his way with the car.Paxon  was surprised that it was only ten o’clock, it seemed far later for some reason.

The little waitress came by and sat two drinks on the table. “Compliments of Valerie,” she said with a grin. “That was quite a show, half the people in this place are fucking their brains out, if they hadn’t already,” she added as she turned to walk away.

“It seems we are a hit,”Paxon  said to Eleanor .

She nodded, her head against his chest and sighed deeply.Paxon  hugged her tightly and rocked her back and forth slowly. She sighed deeply again and snuggled closer. She was so relaxed and stated that that was all she could do. Her mind and body were still wrapped in a warm glowing cocoon.


The next day after work, Eleanor stopped at the door ofPaxon ‘s apartment building and rang for security. The guard signed her in and gave her an envelope. On the elevator to the fifteenth floor, she opened it to find a key and an ID card with her name on it.

She was smiling as she used the key to unlock the door to her future home. She quickly undressed and hung her clothes on the hook behind the door. A blouse and skirt were all that she had on besides her thigh high stockings and heels. She had left her Paxon et in her car.

She noticed the cuffs and collar on the side table and took a moment to put them on. He hadn’t mentioned them but they were hers so she would wear them proudly. She now knew what they meant and what they were for.

Walking into the living room, she saw Paxon  sitting in a chair by his computer desk. She walked over and sat down by his right knee, tucking her feet up under her ass.

“Hi and welcome home,”Paxon  said as he leaned over to kiss her softly on the lips.

Eleanor kissed him back and then replied, “It’s good to be home with you.”

He smiled and stroked her hair as she laid her head on his knee and sighed contently.

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