She sexually hunting me – 4

This Story is part of Bound Series

It sounded like a dozen people laughing and chuckling behind her and Eleanor was about to explode but she couldn’t quite get there.Paxon  saw the strain and the longing in Eleanor ‘s face. With a grin, he walked around to the end of the table Eleanor was on and tapped the heart lightly with his fingertip.

Eleanor gave a long drawn out scream and came like mad, her body jerking and shaking hard enough to move the table. From far away she heard someone yell, “Bombs away.” Another laughed and asked for an umbrella. Someone else said, “Holy shit!” All that just added to her orgasm andPaxon ‘s slow steady tapping finger only added fuel to the fire.


Hands running all over her body snapped Eleanor back to the here and now. There were hands on her inner thighs, hands on her ass, hands on her back, hands on her shoulders and arms, there were even hands on her feet and ankles. Eleanor ‘s overloaded brain just moaned and went with the flow. It felt like a wonderful massage gone out of control.

Slowly, she realized thatPaxon  was back in the chair next to her head and smiling at her. After a few moments he grinned and said, “I see you got back safely.”

Eleanor nodded and sighed. “The body is here and feeling great but I think the mind is forever damaged.”

“You’re in caress and stroke mode right now. I thought that would cushion the landing somewhat and relax you for the next stage of the project.” When Eleanor just looked at him dumbly he chuckled and added, “It’s about time to pull that little cork out of your ass and fill it properly.”

Eleanor ‘s eyes got really big andPaxon  laughed. “Don’t worry, you haven’t died yet, have you? Anyway, there are about thirty people standing around here waiting for you to get fucked in that cute little ass of yours. A lot of people have volunteered for the job including a female or two and they all looked dejected when I told them it was my job.”

“Thirty people!” Eleanor whispered softly and then shivered.

“Yeah. What do you think of that? You’re the big show tonight. Just think of all those people watching as I shove my dick slowly up your ass. Which do you think will make you come harder, them watching or me doing?”

Eleanor groaned loudly and her hips flexed up and then back down a couple of times. From behind her she heard someone say, “It looks like she’s warming up to the idea.” Warm wasn’t the word for it, Eleanor thought. Going up in flames was more like it.

“So you just relax and let things build for a little bit,”Paxon  advised her.

All the hands slowly and gently caressing her body had Eleanor relaxed and highly excited at the same time. She shivered and sighed deeply when several sets of hands ran up and down along her inner thighs. She could feel the slippery wetness there.

The little waitress appeared next toPaxon , her pussy a foot from Eleanor ‘s face. “She could use a little cleaning up,” the waitress said with a grin.

Paxon shook his head. “Not tonight. I want her to be as messy as possible when she leaves. I want her to remember how she got that way and who made it all happen.”

The waitress got a pouting look on her face. “There goes all my fun.”

Paxon grinned at Eleanor and replied; “I think there’ll be other nights in the near future.”

Eleanor whimpered softly and licked her lips. “I can almost guarantee it,”Paxon  added with a chuckle as he put his hand on the waitress’s ass and pushed her forward until her pussy was against Eleanor ‘s face.

With a soft moaning groan, Eleanor licked the soft spongy outer lips of the pussy. The waitress lifted a leg and put her foot on the end of the bench. She squatted slightly and pressed her sex to Eleanor ‘s mouth. She sighed softly as Eleanor ‘s tongue worked at her opening and up along her slit.

“She has such a light delicate touch,” the waitress said in a soft hissing voice, her hips rocking against Eleanor ‘s tongue, nose, and chin. “It wouldn’t take much for me to come big time.”

“Consider it your tip, I don’t think your boss will mind,”Paxon  said, looking at Valerie who was sitting at a table close by.

Valerie grinned and nodded. “It’s fine with me. My customers always come first, you know that.” About then her hips jerked and she sighed deeply. The boy toy between her thighs moaned softly and moved his head lower to lick at the flow of juices along the crack of Valerie’s ass.

A moment later she whispered, “Well, most of the time anyway. Damn, that boy has a good tongue and isn’t afraid to use it.”

The waitress whimpered softly and whispered, “This lady is very much the same way.” A few moments later she gave a little soft yell and ground her sex hard against Eleanor ‘s face. “Oh yes…! Hell, yes…!” the waitress almost yelled as she came with a small gush.

Eleanor moaned loudly as the waitress started to come and she felt the wet flow on her chin. She wanted to move down and lap it up but she couldn’t get there. Between the restraints and the sopping wet pussy plastered to her face, she could barely move or breathe for that matter.

The waitress raised her sex off Eleanor ‘s face and lowered her foot to the floor. She stood there on shaky legs and grinned atPaxon . “That was one hell of a tip. I’ll be your waitress anytime.”

“Just how the hell am I supposed to take taxes out of that, I wonder,” Valerie said and then laughed. “I guess I could have one of the boys clean up the overflow.”

With her fingers held up in the sign of the cross, the waitress shook her head and whispered, “Oh no, no way am I getting even close to either one of those tongues right now.”

Valerie laughed and stroked the head between her legs. “They do get addictive,” she said and then sighed deeply.

Paxon was watching Eleanor closely and when she opened her eyes he leaned over and kissed her slick, wet lips. Eleanor moaned into his mouth and kissed him passionately, her tongue going wild.Paxon  kissed her even harder. He had only meant to calm and reassure her but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

The taste of the waitress was strong on her lips and mouth.Paxon  licked his lips as he broke the kiss and sat back. Eleanor licked her lips and smiled at him. “She does taste good,” she whispered.

Paxon nodded and got up from his chair. “Yes, she does,” he said as he walked toward the end of the bench.

Squatting down behind Eleanor , he took a slow lick up the inside of one thigh. Eleanor gasped at the touch of his warm, wet tongue and squirmed in her restraints. He licked the other thigh the same way.

“You taste good also. Maybe your little friend would like a taste of you. It only seems fair,”Paxon  said and the waitress was by his side in a flash, a big grin on her face.

“Leave her clit alone,”Paxon  whispered as he moved back.

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