She sexually hunting me – 4

This Story is part of Bound Series

“She sexually hunting me” Part-4 Continues…..

Eleanor ‘s eyes darted to the open zipper and she licked her lips again. When Paxon  put his hand back on her shoulder and took a sip of his drink with the other hand, she whimpered softly and looked back at the pair in the center of the crowd.

Everyone in the place had moved to tables close to the action and in some cases they were the action. Valerie’s boy toy was feasting on her pussy. A cute brunette had her Master’s cock out and licked it like an ice cream. Another Woman was sucking on her master’s dick, while he fingered her pussy.

Eleanor ‘s eyes returned toPaxon ‘s fly and she shivered as the thought of people watching her suck his dick flashed through her mind. A loud grunting groan from Alice drew her attention back to the padded table. Mr. Lester’s huge dick was slowly disappearing as his hips closed on Alice’s ass.

By the time his hips touched her ass, Alice was yelling and writhing around on the table as a tremendous orgasm ripped through her body.

Eleanor was breathing hard, rocking back and forth, and whimpering from just watching all that meat disappear. Her pussy felt like it was trying to squeeze down on something that wasn’t there but should have been.

Mr. Lester held still for a moment and then started to fuck Alice with long, full, steady strokes. Alice yelled louder once and then grunted loudly as his hips slapped her ass. Eleanor could see her trying to push back at the bottom of each stroke. Somehow she had that monster inside and wanted more. Eleanor couldn’t believe it even though she could see it.

Paxon moved, shifting his position so he faced more toward Eleanor . She looked up at him and then got to her knees as his legs spread wider. His hand dipped into the fly of his pants and hauled his dick out. Eleanor licked her lips as she looked at it closely.

It wasn’t that big; nowhere as large as Mr. Lester or even the boy toy’s but it was still plenty for her. The head was circumcised and had a large mushroom shape to it. The shaft was long for its thickness and heavily veined.Paxon ‘s hand moved to the back of her head and pulled her forward and down as the other pointed his dick in her direction.

With a moan, Eleanor moved forward and bent at the waist to lick at the clear drop of fluid on the slit.Paxon  pulled harder and she sucked the head of his dick into her mouth with a deep groan of surrender. He moaned softly as she did. This spurred Eleanor on and she sucked him with a wild abandon she had never felt before.

She didn’t care if anyone was watching her or that anything else was going on. Her one goal was to give him as much pleasure as possible. She knew he would come in her mouth and that she would swallow it. She’d never wanted to do that before but that had changed somehow. She wanted him like she had never wanted a man before in her life.

Eleanor was swallowingPaxon  whole and sucking in hard enough to hollow her cheeks as she lifted her head. Her tongue was bathing his shaft on the way down and on the way back up. At the top it ran wildly over the head. She could feel his thighs tense up where her breasts were pressed to them. This was her gauge as to how well she was doing.

A loud, undulating yell from Alice made her turn her head to look. Mr. Lester was planted deep inside her and rapidly bouncing his hips off her ass. Alice was a wild woman, bucking and jerking on the table, her head whipping back and forth as she arched up high enough to get her tits off the padding.

Eleanor was in awe, a shiver running up and down her body. This was the first time she had ever seen another woman have such an orgasm and only the second woman she had seen come period. Her head had slowed in its movement for a moment and then she moaned as she felt a small orgasm hit her own body.

She returned her full attention to Paxon ‘s dick and bobbed her head faster. She wanted him and wanted him now. She knew she would come as hard as he did when the time came. It was only a few minutes before she got her reward. The first jet of hot salty semen splashed along her tongue and she moaned loudly as her pussy spasmed right along with it. Her orgasm was long and drawn out as she continued to suck greedily.


Eleanor had her head onPaxon ‘s thigh and she was nursing on the head of his dick softly as her mind slowly cleared. With a soft, deep sigh, she let it slip from her mouth.Paxon ‘s hand stroked her hair and then down across her back. Eleanor sighed again and sat back on her heels.

Only then did she realize that anyone behind her had had an excellent view of her pussy and the heart at the head of the butt plug. She shivered at the thought and looked up atPaxon .Paxon  smiled down at her and pulled the leash until she was close enough to kiss.

Eleanor was back up on her knees with her ass once again pointed out into the darkened room. Between the kiss and her newly discovered exhibitionist streak, she was shaking and on the edge of coming again. She couldn’t believe how sensuous and sexy she felt and how alive her body felt.

Paxon broke the kiss and looked at her closely. As his eyes ran down her body to her ass, he smiled and nodded. “So that’s it. The thought of people seeing your Valentine’s heart is getting to you, is it?”

Eleanor nodded quickly. “Yes. Yes Master,” she whispered before she even thought about it.

That brought a bigger smile toPaxon ‘s face. “Welcome to my world,” he said softly and pulled her forward for another kiss. This one was more passionate and a lot deeper. A thrill ran up and down Eleanor ‘s spine.

After a while, Eleanor was to the point of shaking with desire.Paxon  broke the kiss and asked in a whisper, “What if I put you on display? You with your little ass sticking up in the air, and your heart right there for everyone to see and to touch if they wanted to.”

There was a catch in Eleanor ‘s breathing at several points as he spoke; her eyes were big with excitement. “I’ll take that as a yes, in that case,” he whispered as he stood up and tucked his dick back in his pants.

He tugged on her leash and she got to her feet a little unsteadily. He led her over to a high, padded, bench looking thing that was only half as wide as it was long. One end was higher than the other but the slope was not very steep. Eleanor watched as he folded out rods at each end.

He positioned Eleanor at the high end and then had her bend over like she had been on the desk at the start of the day. That memory and thoughts of it being on tape made her shiver.Paxon  knelt behind her and worked her legs outward until she was lying on the soft pad. He clipped her legs there by her cuffs.

Her ass was raised and her legs spread wide. The shiver that went up and down her body was closer to shaking than anything. In her mind’s eye, she could see how exposed she was and she moaned deeply.Paxon  now pulled her arms out and attached the cuffs to clips on the ends of the rods. She was completely tied down, helpless and exposed.

Eleanor whimpered softly and bit her lower lip, she was on a hair trigger for a monster of an orgasm. Any touch would most likely set her off. In that she was wrong as she heardPaxon  say, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention. I have my new sub up here for display purposes only at this time. Feel free to come up and have a closer look. She will most likely come as soon as someone does come up.”

Paxon moved to sit at the table closest to her head where he could watch her face. The sound of someone walking up behind Eleanor caused her to try and turn to look and see whom it was. She couldn’t do it from the way she was restrained and whimpered loudly as the footsteps stopped very close to her ass.

“Very, very nice, I love the red heart. Very appropriate for Valentine’s Day,” a man’s voice said from close enough behind Eleanor that she could feel his breath as he talked.

Eleanor groaned loud and long as her hips worked her ass up and down in short quick movements. She could feel the butt plugs heavy movement in her ass and the groan got even louder. She was right on the ragged edge and wanted someone to touch her, to push her over.

A female voice, Valerie’s voice, came from very near where the man was kneeling. “Oh yes, that is lovely and I’ll bet it feels great, too. I need to get a couple for the boys. I’ll bet the slightest touch to it would put you into orbit right this minute. A tongue in that sweet looking pussy would put you in another universe,” she ended with a laugh.

Eleanor started to shake and shiver all over, a deep whining, moaning sound coming from deep in her chest. The sound got louder as she heard more people behind her. She heard a voice that sounded like the little waitress say, “Damn, I’d love to wrap my lips around that little clit but from the looks of things I’d need a raincoat very quickly.”

She sexually hunting me – 4 will continue on the next page

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