She sexually hunting me – 3

This Story is part of Bound Series

The waitress made a soft sound of pleasure and rocked her hips. “She sure isn’t shy, is she?” the waitress said to Paxon .

“It doesn’t look that way,” was his reply.

After a moment or two the waitress straightened and stepped back. With a shiver, she whispered, “Oh yes, baby girl, a little of that tongue of yours goes a long way. Anymore and I’d be coming my brains out.” She paused and blew out a soft breath. “And the management frowns on that.”

Eleanor had her eyes closed and she was licking her lips provocatively as if she were trying to get the last little taste off them. With a deep sigh, she whispered a few seconds later, “Maybe you could come back on your lunch break or something.”

The waitress looked at Paxon  and replied, “That would be up to your master but I’d love to if it’s alright with him.”

Paxon grinned. “If the service is good enough, then you should be tipped, or is that licked, well.”

“Talk about your job incentives,” the waitress said with a wink as she turned to leave.

Eleanor sighed and watched her walk away, her eyes glued to the cute little butt just above eye level. She licked her lips and looked up at Paxon . “Why did I do that?” she asked softly. “I’m not complaining you understand, I’m as wet as hell and equally as horny, but I can’t believe I did that on impulse.”

“Some part of your brain realizes just how free you are now and your body reacts. You must have enjoyed that time with another girl more than you knew. Maybe it was just a horny reaction to a pretty pussy in your face. You are the only one who can say for sure. Avenues are opening to you you’ve never fully explored or even allowed yourself to think about.”

With a giggle Eleanor said, “You’ve got that last part right. Since that kiss in my office, this day has been like no other in my life. I’ve had more and stronger orgasms than I ever had before and I haven’t even been fucked.”

“Fucking is over-rated in some ways. The mind is the largest sex organ by far. Once it’s freed then the sky’s the limit. Consider this the ultimate foreplay and then think about what it will be like when you truly are fucked. Remember what I told you about removing that butt plug. I might just do it right here in front of everyone.”

Eleanor ‘s eyes got big at that last part. Paxon  laughed gently and stroked her hair. “That’ll be later and by then you’ll be more than ready, believe me. You’ll most likely be begging for me to fuck your ass.”

Wanting to protest, Eleanor opened her mouth and then quickly closed it. Yesterday she would have told him he was crazy but after today she didn’t dare. Today she was sure he would do something to her to make her do just that even though she had no idea what “that” could be.

She shivered at the thought of everyone here watching her getting fucked in the ass. She squeezed her thighs together but the way she was sitting she had no leverage and it was not satisfying at all. Her free hand had been on her ankle but now it moved across her thigh and started between her legs.

She jerked her hand away and put it back on her ankle as she remembered what Paxon  had said about not touching herself unless told to do so. She rocked her hips from side to side and whimpered softly. She was suddenly twice as horny as she had been a few minutes before.

“You were almost a bad girl,” she heard Paxon  say softly. “But you caught yourself just in time, otherwise I’d be spanking you right now.”

Eleanor squirmed at the thought of being draped over Paxon ‘s knees, her sex, and that red heart exposed to all the eyes in the place. She would go off like a rocket the first time his hand touched her ass and the spanking would just drive her higher, she realized. Her hand started to move again and she had to force it back to her ankle.

“A spanking is sounding better all the time, isn’t it? Just like getting fucked in the ass is also. You thought about touching yourself so I would spank you,” he whispered.

Eleanor moaned softly and nodded, he was in her head in a big way she realized and shivered heavily. She shifted her hips and felt her pussy lips rub together slickly. There was an itchy, antsy feeling deep inside her pelvis that she had never felt before. She rocked her hips and that only made it worse.

“The brain is a strong stimulant in small doses and you’re getting more than a small dose today. Right now you’re getting it with no physical contact to connect it with, so it’s pooling up and building, waiting for a trigger ,”Paxon  whispered and then he caressed her hair and the back of her shoulders.

“Just relax and let it build, the release will be spectacular. Remember when I ate your sweet little pussy in the car and how that orgasm felt. “Paxon  paused for effect and then went on. “Then double it and it might be close.”

Eleanor shivered and whimpered softly. “That would kill me.”

“No, I don’t think so. You’ll live through it and a lot more just like it in the future. You’ve held it in for so long and so hard that you’re like a spring under tension. My job as your master is to release that tension in the most pleasurable of ways. I’ve watched you over the last year, and especially all day today, so I’ve learned more than you realize. I’ll use that and my past experience to our best advantage.”

“I…. We…. Uh….” Eleanor stammered as she searched for what she wanted to say. Finally it came out as a question. “What about after tonight, what does the future hold? You talk as if there is a long one in front of us as a couple.”

“That decision will be up to you. Tomorrow at work you will be my boss as usual. By the time you leave work is when you’ll need to figure out what you want. You will either go home alone or with me. If you go home alone, then it’s over for good. If you go home with me, you’ll take your clothes off at the door and never wear any again in our house unless we have company.”

“What about love?” Eleanor asked in a whisper that was almost inaudible.

“I do love you and I have since we first met. Being around you has shown me who and what you are. How good a woman you are. You’ve filled my mind so much that it’s been hard to even be around you without telling you.”

Eleanor took a shuddery breath and shivered long and hard, causing goosebumps. She couldn’t believe her ears. Then she swallowed hard. What would she say if he asked her the same question? She didn’t have an answer right at the moment but she figured she would before tomorrow afternoon.

Paxon didn’t ask her; in fact they were both distracted by a couple coming up on stage from the back booths. The man was short and round, wearing a dark suit and a white tie. He looked odd and out of place next to the naked, Amazon-proportioned blonde next to him. She towered over him but kept a hand lightly on his shoulder as they walked.

They stopped next to the large X-shaped frame standing on end in the center of the stage. The blonde backed up to it, spread her legs, and lifted her arms. Her large breasts swayed and lifted with her arms. The dark circles on their ends were the size of the opening to a coffee cup and very dark in color.

The man bent down to shackle her ankles in place. As he rose back to his knees, he planted a kiss on the woman’s bare pussy and licked at the blonde V of hair on her soft mound. She wiggled her hips and smiled down at him as he kissed her navel and then stood up.

Series Navigation<< She sexually hunting me – 2She sexually hunting me – 4 >>

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