She sexually hunting me – 3

This Story is part of Bound Series

“She sexually hunting me” Part-3 Continues…..

All of the women were naked except for a woman in leather pants and an open leather Paxon et. She had on a see-through blouse under the Paxon et. What had caught Eleanor ‘s eye were the two naked young men sitting one on each side of her. Both were beautiful, with sculptured muscles and hard dicks standing up against their bellies.

A tug on Eleanor ‘s leash drew her attention back to Paxon . He was smiling at her. “I see you’ve noticed our hostess. I’ll have to introduce you later; she likes women almost as much as she likes her boy toys. Just be careful, she’d eat you up in a heartbeat. Unless you’d like that, of course.”

Eleanor shivered at the thought as her eyes returned to the lady in leather. She was quite beautiful and her body was stunning. The leather pants seemed to be spray-painted on, molding and highlighting her thighs and calves more than just covering them. The gauzy top under the Paxon et showcased her large firm breasts.

Paxon chuckled as Eleanor licked her lips unconsciously and gave the leash a gentle tug as he headed for the center of the room and the raised platform. He took a seat on a wide padded bench and pulled on the leash until Eleanor was kneeling on the softly carpeted floor at his knee. He took a moment to unclip her cuffs and then had her sit down to curl her feet up next to her beautiful ass and to drape one arm over his thigh near his knee.

“This is your position when we are together. It is the basic position you will get in unless told otherwise. You may touch my leg only. Do not touch yourself at all. That is, unless I tell you to do so and then you will do exactly as I say and when I say.”

Eleanor saw that the other couples on the stage were seated the same way. “Are they all masters and subs?” she asked in a shy whisper and then wondered why she was feeling that way.

“Yes, they are. Even our host and her two boy toys. You may look around discreetly but no staring, it’s even ruder here than it normally is, especially for a sub. A master or mistress on the other hand is free to look as he or she may. Although staring at another master can be dangerous unless he or she is showing off their prized possession or inviting it.”

A naked waitress in a French maid’s cap arrived to take their drink order. She was short and cute, a cascade of long, blonde hair only allowed brief glimpses of her pert breasts. Her sex was only inches away from Eleanor ‘s eyes. Eleanor could see the dusting of fine, blonde hair covering it. She licked her lips again and never realized it.

Paxon gave the waitress the order and as she left, he whispered to Eleanor , “If you keep looking at women, and licking your lips, someone is going to take you up on your offer.”

Eleanor ‘s eyes had been on the blonde’s ass as she walked away. Her head snapped around to Paxon  and she protested, “I’ve never…. I couldn’t…. I wouldn’t…. I….” The grin on Paxon ‘s face made her drop her eyes. She was protesting too much, she realized.

“You’d be surprised what you could and would do under certain circumstances. As for never, I believe that, but you’ve thought about it, haven’t you?”

Eleanor nodded slowly and then whispered, “I did once in college but was scared to death by it. Being branded a lesbian wouldn’t have been fun and anyway, I was drunk and horny as hell. So was she for that matter. I don’t know if she even remembered it later when she sobered up.”

“She remembered, believe me, especially if she started it. She probably wasn’t as drunk as she seemed to be. You were a freshman, if I don’t miss my guess and if you were, you were had in more ways than one.”

“I was a freshman alright and you’re probably right about being used. I got approached by at least a dozen other girls over the next few weeks. I turned down all of them of course but….” Eleanor paused for a second and then added, “There were a couple that I later regretted turning down. I even still fantasize about one of them.”

Jake’s hand caressed her hair and then rubbed her neck. “If you ever see anyone who reminds you of her, point her out, and I’ll see what I can arrange with her master,” he said to gauge her reaction.

Eleanor wondered if she could or would if presented with the situation. Paxon ‘s hand moved off her shoulder and down across her upper chest to cup and gently squeeze her left breast. She bit her lip and looked around to see if anyone was watching.

A sub across the room quickly turned her head and whispered to her master. Eleanor moaned when he glanced her way and watched Paxon  caressing her breast. Her shoulders went back as she pressed the breast forward. She felt a surge in her pussy as she covertly watched the couple looking at her.

“Is your pussy getting wet? “Paxon  asked her softly.

Eleanor tilted her head back a little and then nodded. “I like being watched. Paxon’s son’s eyes were driving me crazy in the car. Now these strangers are watching and it excites me in a strange way.”

“You are an exhibitionist in that case. I had always thought you might be from the way you dressed all slick and tailored but always completely covered. They are usually the ones that want to show it all off but are afraid to. They fear rejection or ridicule more than public outrage. They know if they ever start then they will be hooked on the thrill.”

Eleanor was thinking about what he said when he pinched and rolled her nipple. She moaned deeply and leaned her head back to rest on the seat. Paxon  now had access to her whole chest and fondled both her breasts randomly, pausing every so often to pinch a hard, sensitive nipple. She moaned each time he did.

By the time Paxon ‘s hand left her breasts, she was breathing raggedly. She had been watching the couple across the way and then the waitress had shown back up with the drinks. Once again her blond muff was only a little ways away. On impulse, Eleanor lifted her head and took a quick lick up one of the puffy outer lips.

The blonde grinned down at her. “Oh, yeah, my favorite type of tip.”

“She can do better than that, “Paxon  said, looking at Eleanor with a frown. “I didn’t give permission to do that but she’s still in training so put your foot up on the seat and give her a chance to do it right. You’ll be her second pussy ever.”

“Neat,” the waitress replied as she did as she was told. Her pussy slowly settled toward Eleanor ‘s face.

Eleanor whimpered softly but she wasn’t sure if it was fear or passion .Paxon  and the waitress were both smiling at her encouragingly. She could see the couple across the way looking in her direction. Licking a pussy while being drunk when she was young and in college was one thing but now and in public to boot, was something else completely.

The word “public” hung in her brain and became “pub lick.” Eleanor started to giggle but the waitress’s pussy touched her lips. The giggle came out as a loud groan and she buried her tongue in the sweet, wet opening to the waitress’s sex. Memories of a similar flavor shot across her mind and she groaned again.

She sexually hunting me – 3 will continue on the next page

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