She sexually hunting me – 2

This Story is part of Bound Series

“Yeah, that sounds good, four young studs, full of cum and horny as hell. What would they do if they found a pretty, naked lady tied to a couple of trees? Feel her up, suck on her tits, and finger her pussy at the very least. Four mouths, eight hands, they could and would be everywhere at once.”

Paxon paused and rolled the nipple sharply. Eleanor shuddered and moaned loudly. “Do you think you would like that?” he asked as he leaned in and licked her neck and then kissed it.

“No, I…. No!” Eleanor whispered loudly but her body arched up asPaxon  rolled the nipple. She whimpered softly as he kissed and nibbled on her neck. She was pulling against the restraints, her muscles tight and burning slightly in places, her shoulders, and thighs most notably.

“Oh, yes, you would,”Paxon  said as he continued to kiss the tight muscles of her neck and shoulder.

A shiver ran up and down Eleanor ‘s body asPaxon  sat back, releasing her nipple. “We will have to save that for a hot summer afternoon. As for this afternoon, we could go to your apartment or mine. That would take some time redressing you, removing the cuffs, which I have no intention of doing, and getting past the doorman. Anyway, it would be too long of a time to let you relax.”

Paxon turned to Paxon’s son and said, “In which case I have the perfect place in mind.” He gave Paxon’s son an address.

As the limousine pulled away from the curb,Paxon  turned and slipped off the seat to kneel between Eleanor ‘s wide spread legs. His hands fondled her thighs and hips for a moment and then caressed her inner thighs lightly. When his fingertips brushed her sex, she lifted her hips and moaned softly.

“Paxon’s son’s going to have fun cleaning this seat,” he said with a chuckle as he bent over closer to her bare sex.

The shockingly red of her bush contrasted highly with the milky whiteness of her skin. Her outer lips were open and the inner ones a bright, shiny, coral color. Her slit glistened with her moisture and her clit was dark and standing tall at the top.Paxon  took a deep breath through his nose, inhaling her earthy, sweet scent.

“Damn, that smells good enough to eat,” he whispered and he took another whiff.

Looking up at Eleanor ‘s face, he said, “We have enough time and I think you’ll need it. It’ll take the edge off until we get to the club.”

Eleanor ‘s foggy brain took in the word “club” and was processing it asPaxon  unclipped her left ankle. She was still somewhat lost in the fantasy about the four guys, the park, and the remark about a hot summer day later on.

When he lifted her foot nearly to the roof, she slid down in the seat. Her arms were tight above her and her ass was on the edge of the seat. She felt how slippery the seat was andPaxon ‘s comment on Paxon son cleaning it made more sense.

Paxon clipped Eleanor ‘s ankle cuff to the grab handle above the door. Her knee was only slightly bent. Her other knee had been forced outward as she slipped forward. Her sex was now even more on display than before, even the heart-shaped head of the butt plug was visible.

She saw Paxon son adjust his rearview mirror and moaned softly. She knew his eyes were now feasting on her openly exposed wetness. She wondered if he was licking his lips and then she jerked and yelled as a hot tongue made a swipe from the butt plug to her clit. She almost came right then and there.

Paxon had seen Eleanor was distracted and had given her a quick, full lick. Her reaction was as expected and he smiled as he sat back and waited for her to calm down and relax again. When she did, he used the tip of his tongue to tease her opening and to spread out the thin inner lips.

When his tongue touched her wet opening, she would gasp and when his tongue returned to the inner lips, she would whimper softly. He knew if he touched her clit or rammed his tongue home, deep inside her juicy sex, she would explode. He wasn’t ready for her to do that just yet. He wanted her orgasm to build until she couldn’t stand it any longer, that getting off was the only thing that mattered to her.

He took his time, licking around her opening, sucking on the delicious inner lips, even dipping down to lick around the heart sticking out of her ass. Each time she got to the point of coming, he would raise his head and wait. Her hips would jerk and she would make loud, impatient, whining noises.

The fourth time he went down on her, he drove his tongue deep inside and wiggled it wildly. At the same time, he had worked his fingertips under the heart’s edge, pulled the plug out enough to grasp it, and fucked her ass with it.

To say she came unglued is an understatement. She went berserk. Her hips were thrashing around and she was yelling incoherently. She was shaking her head back and forth violently.

Paxon had seen plenty of women come but this took the cake. She had all of her body up in the air except for maybe one shoulder and her right foot. She was hunching her sex against his face and the butt plug like a maniac. He was afraid she was going to hurt herself.

When he lifted his head away from her sex, she yelled, “No!” and thrashed around even wilder than before.

He grabbed her hips from underneath and dove in to suck on her clit. She screamed sharply and then settled down to just hunching her hips. Her hips would shake and shiver each time his tongue touched her clit. She was still coming like there was no tomorrow.

Finally, when her hips were down to a quiver, he raised his head and released his grip. Her ass slowly settled back to the edge of the seat and when it did, she relaxed and sighed deeply. Her eyes were shut tightly and she was breathing rapidly with a big smile on her face.


Paxon’s son pulled the limousine to a stop in the alley and shut off the motor. When he turned in the seat,Paxon  handed him some rolled up bills. Without looking at them, Paxon’s son stuck them in his top pocket and nodded.

“If you can pick us up when I call later this evening, I’ll double that,”Paxon  told him.

“I’ll take the car home with me so it won’t be a problem but it might take me an hour or so,” Paxon’s son replied.

“No problem. I’ll keep that in mind when I call,”Paxon  said as he turned in the seat and took something out of his briefcase.

Turning to Eleanor , he snapped a narrow chrome collar around her neck. To the ring on the front of it he attached a silver leash. “Now, you are ready to make your debut,” he whispered softly with a smile.

Eleanor shivered and whimpered softly. She was totally nude except for her cuffs, heels, and dark thigh high stockings. Her clothes were inPaxon ‘s briefcase. He had made her undress completely after he released her earlier. She had still been groggy and disoriented from her orgasm.

Now, she told him he was crazy if he thought she would get out of the car dressed this way. He reminded her of the cameras and put the one from the car in his briefcase as well. Eleanor shivered at the thought of what was on that tape.

She didn’t remember all of that last orgasm but she knew she had been totally out of control and ready and willing for anything and everything.Paxon  had played her body like a musician playing a delicate instrument. He had rung her out.

He told her not to worry, that she was dressed perfectly for this club and that it was very discreet. It was also a very, very exclusive, members only club so everyone there would be into the same things they were. After that, he helped her clean herself up and allowed her to redo her makeup and hair.

Now she was trembling as he got out of the car and gave the leash a gentle tug. With a quick last look at Paxton’s son, she slid across the seat and slowly exited the car. The air was cold on her naked body and her nipples hardened to the point they hurt.

Paxon used a keycard on a plain metal door and then opened it. Warm air wafted out of the dim hallway inside.Paxon  closed the car door and stepped inside the entrance. Eleanor remained where she was.Paxon  had told her to only move when he tugged on the leash, that the leash was her guide as to what to do and when.

She wanted to run inside badly and when the car pulled away, she almost panicked. Here she was naked, standing in an alley in the middle of downtown where anyone passing by could see her. She shivered from more than the cold as heat flashed into her sex.

Paxon gave a tug on the leash; she walked a few feet to the door, and stepped inside, her heart pounding with fear and excitement.Paxon  closed the door, stepped behind her, and clipped the wrist cuffs together. With that done, he headed off down the hall and she followed, keeping a little slack in the leash.

They came to a window andPaxon  knocked. When it opened,Paxon  passed over her purse and his briefcase. The guy took the items and handedPaxon  a stub along with a clipboard.Paxon  handed him a credit card as he signed the sheet of paper on the clipboard.

Extending it out to Eleanor he said, “Here, sign this.” And then he laughed and added, “Oh yeah, you can’t. I’ll sign for you.”

He wrote for a moment and then held it up for her to read. It had his name and the word “member” after it and then it had her name with the word “slut” printed after it.

She gave a loud gasp and started to say something butPaxon  cut her off. “That is your official title and don’t forget it. I am your master and you are my pet,” he said softly but with an iron edge to his voice.

“And while I’m at it, remember, you can get spanked anytime and anyplace in here. I am the master and you are the submissive, that’s another thing for you to remember. I won’t abide by an unruly sub.”

Eleanor was stunned. She had heard these words and basically knew what they meant but they didn’t apply to her. She was her own person and nobody’s slave. “I’m not your slave!” she hissed at him in a harsh voice.

Jake’s hand blurred as he caught the leash up short by her neck. He pulled her toward him until her face was only inches from his. “I said nothing about a slave. You are a submissive. You love taking orders and directions and giving yourself up to me and my pleasure for your own pleasure.”

He kissed her lightly on the lips and dropped the loop of the leash. As he turned to sign the credit card form, Eleanor ‘s mind flashed back to the first of the day and it ran like wildfire as she reviewed it based on what he just said.

She was startled to find he was right, that she had given all control over to him. Sure, she had tried from time to time to break away, and, yes, he had blackmailed her, but even so…. Her mind shied away from the thought that she had gone along with everything and that she had liked all of it.

In fact, she liked it more than anything. It explained a lot about herself that she never fully understood. She was aggressive and forceful at work but passive in bed. She had always thought she was weird in that respect. The thought that she was submissive by nature was unsettling though.

A tug on the leash snapped her away from things she didn’t really want to admit and she followed Paxon  through a second door and into the dimly lit club.


It wasn’t a big place and it wasn’t crowded. There was a small bar in the far right hand corner and a small dance floor on the left wall. Open fronted U-shaped booths with low tables lined the walls and the center of the room was dominated by a raised round platform. The platform slowly turned. There was equipment and such, the likes of which Eleanor had never seen in real life.

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