She sexually hunting me – 2

This Story is part of Bound Series

“She sexually hunting me” Part-2 Continues…..

Eleanor tried to stifle a giggle but didn’t quite succeed. “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you? Then maybe you should clean these fingers up before I spank your ass,”Paxon  said sharply.

His two fingers moved to rub the slippery juices on them over her lips. Eleanor opened her mouth to protest but found that impossible asPaxon  jammed the fingers in her mouth and said, “Suck, bitch, suck them clean.”

Eleanor froze and thenPaxon ‘s other hand closed on her right breast and squeezed it tightly, painfully so. Eleanor gave out with a muffled yell and tried to turn her head away.

Paxon rammed the fingers deeper in her mouth, gave her breast a slight twist, and said, “Suck my fingers, bitch. You made this mess and you’re going to clean it up.”

The shock and pain had Eleanor sucking on his fingers instantly. He relaxed his grip on her breast and then caressed it as she sucked and licked his fingers. The grin on the driver’s face made her whimper and then groan softly as he watched her sucking her own juices offPaxon ‘s fingers. She felt embarrassed at him watching but somehow it seemed to turn her on wildly.

After a couple of minutes,Paxon  pulled his fingers out of her mouth and looked at the driver. “Hand me a couple of those handy wipes you keep up there.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver said, still grinning as he turned to get them.

When he handed them toPaxon ,Paxon  passed one to Eleanor and told her, “Here, clean yourself up, that is unless you want Paxon’s son here to lick you clean. He has a big strong tongue and loves to eat pussy, ain’t that right, Paxon son?”

“Yes, sir, you better believe that’s right. Although, if I came home with the smell of a white woman’s pussy on my breath, my old lady would kill me deader than a knob.”

Paxon laughed and told Eleanor , “Then you’d better do it, we wouldn’t want Paxon’s son’s death on our conscience, would we?”

Eleanor took the moist paper towel and lifted her hips. She was acutely aware of both men’s eyes on her sex as she cleaned herself up. It both scared and excited her at the same time. She found herself doing it slowly and showing herself off even more as she did. She even lifted her hips higher and wiped around the heart shaped button of the butt plug.

“Damn!” Paxon’s son whispered as she did. “I ain’t ever seen nothing like that before.”

“You should get your wife one for Valentine’s Day,”Paxon  said with a grin.

“Getting her one would be one thing but even suggesting where to put it would get me killed, so no thanks,” Paxon’s son said seriously.

“So she wouldn’t like it, huh?”

“No, sir, she surely wouldn’t. I’d love it but she wouldn’t stand for me even asking. Her ideas on sex are pretty vanilla if you know what I mean. Missionary mostly and maybe a little doggy if she gets too lit on Saturday night but that’s about it,” Paxon’s son explained.

“Maybe you need to get a little forceful with her, show her who’s boss,”Paxon  said with a grin, his eyes on Eleanor ‘s.

“She’s a good Christian woman but if I was to throw my weight around, she’d make a bow tie out of my balls. She’s loving but she’s mean when she’s crossed. I think I’ll just take what I get and call myself lucky,” Paxon’s son replied with a chuckle.

“Probably a good idea in that case,”Paxon  said.

Eleanor had lowered her hips back to the seat and closed her legs. She dropped the towel in the trash and started to pull her skirt down.Paxon  caught her wrist and shook his head. “Leave it there and open your legs back up, I like to look at that red patch of hair and your pretty pussy.”

Slowly, Eleanor spread her legs and then shivered as Paxon son licked his lips.Paxon  was right — Paxon son’s tongue was long, thick, and looked strong as hell. A mental picture of it buried in her pussy and his wide nose rubbing her clit made Eleanor whimper softly and then moan.

Paxon grinned at her and then said to Paxon’s son, “I guess we can go on now.”

“Yes, sir,” Paxon’s son replied as he turned and started the car.

Paxon leaned over and asked Eleanor in a whisper, “You were thinking about him eating your sweet, little pussy, weren’t you?”

Eleanor nodded and then blushed a scarlet red.

“You’re getting to be quite the little slut, aren’t you?”

Eleanor ‘s eyes got wide as she drew a sharp breath. “I am not!” she said louder than she meant to.

Paxon just grinned, dropped his left hand down to caress, and pet her pussy as they drove on to the restaurant.


The meal gave Eleanor time to think and by the end of it, she was ready to grab a cab and get the hell away fromPaxon . Her mind had been in a daze ever since he came into her office and kissed her and her body a whirlwind of desire ever since.

It had been exciting and fun even if it was embarrassing but it was now time to call a halt. His words about her being a slut kept floating around in her head. She didn’t see herself that way and the comment ticked her off to no end.

The limousine was waiting when they came out of the restaurant. Eleanor started to turn aside butPaxon ‘s hand on her elbow pulled her back, his thumb biting into the nerve above the joint. With a gasp at the pain, she followed him to the car and got in.

“Fun is fun but I’ve had enough,” Eleanor said as the car pulled away.

Paxon opened his briefcase and popped a small video camera out of a bracket. His hands worked the buttons and dials for a second and then he turned the tiny view screen toward her. Eleanor felt the blood leave her face as she saw herself bent over the desk in her office, her bare ass pointed straight at the camera.

“The fun is only beginning,”Paxon  whispered and turned the camera off.

“There’s also the camera up there if this isn’t enough,” he added, pointing at the corner of the roof where it met the driver’s compartment. An identical camera to the one he held was mounted to a small shelf.

She sexually hunting me – 2 will continue on the next page

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