She sexually hunting me

This is a new story called She sexually hunting me” let’s begin…. The set of four black leather cuffs in Paxon ‘s hand caught Eleanor ‘s eye. They seemed so out of place here in his office at the insurance company they both worked for.

“And just what do you think you’re going to do with those?” she asked, a slight catch in her voice.

“They’re part of your Valentine’s Day present. One I should have given you a long time ago.”

Eleanor perked up and then frowned. “I have to work all day and half the night. The new ad campaign is due out Wednesday. Anyway, you’re just teasing.”

“We’ll just see about that, “Paxon  replied with a hard look.


That had been four days earlier and that hard look of Paxon ‘s had kept Eleanor on edge. Curiosity about what he had planned and the thought of being tied up with the cuffs fought for her attention. She sat in her office this Valentine’s Day morning and rocked her hips from side to side. She could feel the slip and slide of her inner and outer lips as she did.

She was technically his boss and had teased him relentlessly at a business conference. In a moment alone in an elevator he pinned her to the wall, her arms above her head. He hadn’t looked as strong as he actually was and Eleanor had struggled but to no avail.

Paxon had taken a long lick up the side of her neck and then whispered the threat in her ear. “I’m going to tie you up one day and fuck the ever-loving shit out of you.”

The elevator slowing rapidly made him release her and step back. Eleanor was shaken by his roughness and the explosively quick power he had shown. With her high-profile job, she was the one used to having the power. This sudden turn of events had shaken her and made her wonder what it would be like if he carried out that threat.

He never mentioned it again but seeing those cuffs brought that threat back to mind and made it a distinct possibility. With a shiver, she rose from her chair and turned to her favorite window, staring out over the city. Her corner office was one of the perks of the job but it came with a price of time and devotion.

Her private social life was almost non-existent. She seldom dated and rarely slept with any of them when she did. She was at all the right parties and seen with all the right people, but it all felt wrong to her. Most in the office figured she was a social butterfly and she had the world on a string. If only they knew.

Her flaming red hair, heavily tailored suits, and business sense scared the hell out of the other vice presidents in the company but drew approval from those higher up. She was good at what she did and made sure it showed. The VP’s considered her the bitch from hell and left her alone. Eleanor was only too happy to let them. She got stabbed in the back less that way.

Paxon was the exception. He did his job and treated her as an equal but didn’t take her attitude. The first few times she had pulled the bitch act on him, he had looked at her sharply and frowned as he ignored it. He never even mentioned it or made reference to it in any way. He wasn’t afraid of her or afraid to argue with her if he didn’t agree with something she proposed.

Eleanor sighed and turned from the window. For those reasons, he became a target of her flirting and teasing. He had flirted and teased back until the incident in the elevator. Afterwards he acted like nothing had happened, which inflamed Eleanor ‘s curiosity even more and, if she let herself think about it, her desire to have him.

Giving herself a little shake to snap her mind out of these memories and thoughts, she headed for her private bathroom. She really didn’t have to pee but once inside with the door shut, she hiked up her straight skirt and slipped her silk bikini underwear down around her knees. She sat down on the commode and relaxed.

Her panties dropped around her ankles as she spread her knees wide. Well-manicured nails combed teasingly at the small patch of carrot-colored hair on her mound as a shiver ran up her spine. All the memories and thinking had her strung out and horny as hell. Her fingertips just barely grazed the skin of her plump outer lips and she shivered harder. She loved to tease herself, to bring her orgasm close and then let it wait.

She bit her lower lip as she dipped her middle finger between the folds and ran it up and down, feeling how wet and slippery she had become. Her nail flicked her swollen clit once and she moaned deep in her chest. It wouldn’t take but a few minutes to come, if she decided to masturbate to a climax.

The ringing phone on her desk made her jerk her hand away from her sex and stand up. She stepped out of the panties and worked the skirt down as she headed off to answer it. She left the panties lying on the floor and grinned in that direction as she picked up the receiver.

“Hello, Eleanor Parks,” she said in a business-like manner.

“Now that you have your panties off, the games can begin, “Paxon ‘s voice said on the other end of the line.

Eleanor gasped loudly and looked around wildly. Not seeing anyone she asked, “How do you know I don’t have my panties on?”

“I know everything. I know you’re going to go back to your bathroom and take off your bra and then get dressed again.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll find someone else to use these cuffs on,”Paxon  said and then hung up.

Eleanor felt her thighs tighten up, squeezing her sex as she hung up her phone. How did he know she didn’t have her panties on, there wasn’t a camera in her bathroom, in her office, yes, but not in there. She was back in the bathroom in a flash, searching the walls and ceilings.

She found nothing but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there, only that she couldn’t find it. She shut the door slowly and then stood there trying to decide whether to do as he said or not. If she did, then she was committing to go along with him. If she didn’t, he might do as he said and find someone else to use the cuffs on.

Her mind was at war over what to do as she started to unbutton her Paxon et. Those cuffs were hers damn it, and she wanted to find out what they were all about. The Paxon et came off, the blouse came off and then the bra. She dropped it next to the panties and ran her hands over the full globes of her breasts. Her nipples tingled and itched as her palms caressed the hard nubs.

When she pinched and rolled them around with her fingers, her back arched and her head tilted back. Visions of Paxon  watching her on a monitor flashed before her eyes and she moaned softly. The urge to masturbate was back stronger than ever.

She squeezed her thighs together and flexed her hips. Oh God that felt so good, she thought. It wouldn’t take much for her to get off big time. A loud knocking at her office door jerked her up straight and she scrambled for her blouse. She got it on quickly, buttoned it up, and tucked it in.

She was well aware of her hard nipples rubbing on the silky material as she walked toward the door. She was also aware of the slick slippery feeling between her thighs and along her slit. She hadn’t been this turned on since college. Her body was set and primed, so whatever Paxon  had planned had better live up to expectations or else.

Paxon was standing at the door and came in when she opened it. Without a word, he closed the door and sat his briefcase down. He quickly pulled her over to the corner of the room, took her in his arms, and kissed her with a passion that took her breath away. At first, Eleanor was frozen in shock and then she melted into the kiss with a whimpering moan.

She sexually hunting me will continue on the next page

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