Sales team and confidential deal – part 1

This Story is part of Sales team with confidential deals Series

She sipped her wine. It was comfortably silent, but then I noticed she was starting to become nervous. I guessed what was coming.

She finished her drink and stared at the floor for a moment and then stood up and said, “William, you have been wonderful to me. I owe you so much.”

She reached behind to unbutton her dress. I quickly stood up and grabbed her shoulders. She looked up at me.

“Jan,” I said gently, “You’re the apartment cleaner and cook until you get back on your feet, but that’s all. I don’t want your thanks this way. Let’s stay friends for a week and then see where we are.”

She looked surprised.

“I’d make love to you in a second; it’s hard for me not to touch your body, but if we do have sex, I want it to be because we’re attracted to each other and not as a thank you. Can you understand that?”

Her eyes filled with tears and she stood on her toes and kissed me gently on the cheek. She walked into her bedroom.

I went to bed shortly and masturbated wondering why I had become so noble—I really lusted over her body.

When I woke the next morning, Jan was already up. When she heard me she yelled, “Fifteen minutes and the pancakes and sausage will be ready.”

It was a lazy Sunday. We walked about three miles around the city for exercise and then after a late lunch I took her to the swimming pool. When she took off her light swim robe I saw her new swimming suit. Her broad shoulders and bare chest highlighted her breasts, which were barely concealed by her black top. Her stomach was flat. Her suit bottom showed a lot of her ass, which was very tight and her long slim legs were sexy. Her skin was pasty white from lack of sun.

She looked at me for approval, but then noticed my erection pushing out my suit and giggled.

“I’m speechless,” I stammered.

She grinned again and sat on the lounge chair.

She put on some sun lotion and we sat there for thirty minutes or so. It was getting warm so we played in the water for a while. That is, Jan swam some laps while I sat on the steps and watched Jan. We went back to the chairs and she lay on her stomach. She asked, “Would you put lotion on my back William?”

I started on her neck and when I got to her shoulders she reached behind and untied the string to her top. As I continued down her back I could see and touch the edge of her breasts. When I got to her ass she opened her legs so that I could get to the inside of her thighs. I heard her sigh once, but the rest of the time I was trying to avoid my now fully erect cock from pushing into her. Finally I was done.

“Thanks William,” she innocently said, “That really felt good.”

Another forty-five minutes later we went back to the apartment. Jan needed time to prepare her first meal. She served Beef Wellington and it was fantastic. She was more than just a good cook!

After dinner we sat in front of the television. I was on my laptop researching the companies I was going to call on the next day trying to decide the best way to present my product. A few hours later Jan said she was tired and went to bed.

When she went to bed I stared at the closed bedroom door. It had been a lazy, nothing weekend, and yet, it had been one of my more enjoyable weekends since I moved to Atlanta. With that thought I went to bed.

I got up early Monday morning and drank coffee as I read the paper. Thirty minutes later Jan came into the kitchen.

“Good morning. Can I make you breakfast?” she asked.

“Nope, just coffee for me. Breakfast during the week makes me feel too full when I go to the first call. I only eat breakfast on weekends.

“How did you sleep Jan?”

“I slept great. When I woke up I thought for the first time in a week that I might have a chance at a life after all.

“William,” she timidly asked, “can I have money for cleaning supplies? I looked around and if you want this apartment really clean, I need some stuff.”

I handed her sixty dollars.

“I don’t need that much,” she protested.

“I wasn’t thinking about Jan. You need some walking-around money in case you need to buy something or for an emergency. I’ll give you more money later.”

Jan protested, “I really feel like a shit spending all your money…”

I grinned. “It’s week one and I’m the boss and we have a deal. Right?”

She nodded.

“Then have a great day and wish me luck selling,” I said as I got up to leave.

“Good luck William” was the last thing I heard as I left.

I returned to the apartment at about five. As I opened the door I could smell something good cooking. Jan was in the living room reading a magazine. Her hair was wet and it was obvious she just got out of the shower. I looked around and the apartment was shining. Now I’m not a slob, but some things like dusting and polishing the furniture is just not my thing. Jan had attacked the apartment with a vengeance.

“Wow, what a great job,” I said.

She grinned at me. “I’m only half done. Tomorrow is the kitchen and floor and I didn’t want to go into your bedroom unless I asked you first.”

“I have no secrets Jan. Go and clean everywhere. What’s for dinner?”

“Osso Buco.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

She laughed. “It’s a veal shank in a heavy gravy sauce served with saffron risotto.”

I asked, “Are you a cook or a secret chef?”

She grinned at my compliment.

Tuesday was a repeat of Monday and now the apartment was really clean. I had belatedly thought about the dozen condoms in my bedside table, but then thought maybe that wasn’t a bad thing for her to find. The dinner Tuesday was Chicken Cacciatore, green beans, garlic bread and a Caesar’s salad. It was as good as the Osso Buco.

“What are you going to do tomorrow, since the place is absolutely clean now?” I asked.

Jan replied, “I was going to ask you where the library was and do a little reading, and maybe look in the newspaper and see what jobs are out there.”

I thought for a few seconds and then asked, “Do you know how to use a laptop?”

She smiled, “Of course. I used one in high school and then took computer courses in junior college. I was on and off the computer all day for the three years I worked.”

I suggested, “Then why don’t you put off the library for a day and spend tomorrow with my extra laptop putting together a resume. It shouldn’t be more than two pages, but be sure it includes all your computer and business experience. Once I see your resume I can start going to the companies I call on and see if they have a fit for you.”

“But the newspaper has jobs advertised,” she said.

“The newspaper has some legit jobs, but there are scams by headhunters and companies often lie about what the job really is. My customers won’t lie to me.”

She stared at me a second and then grinned. “Okay, for a second there I forgot that you’re the boss this week. Right?”

I smiled and nodded.

Before I left the next morning I set up the extra laptop and connected the low speed printer to it. That night when I returned I found a two page resume on the kitchen table. I could hear Jan’s shower going. It was Wednesday and that meant eating out at night.

I made a drink and sat down on the couch with the resume. I skimmed the two page resume first and then went back and read it again slowly. I was flabbergasted. Jan had come to me as a low self-esteem, desperate person who grew up poor and had a terrible one year relationship with a bum.

What she forgot to say was that she was a straight A student who had excellent computer experience and three years of business that emphasized her computer expertise.

The resume was technically perfect and I could see subtle little things she did in printing the resume that only someone with a great deal of skill could pull off. It was a creative and professional document.

I was lost in thought when I heard a little cough. It was Jan presenting herself to me. It was the same dress that she wore on the previous Saturday, but she was even more beautiful wearing it. I thought that it probably was the five or six pounds that she had gained since we met. She had gone from skinny to slim and I would swear her breasts had gone up a size.

“What do you think?” she asked, looking at me.

“They’re perfect,” I replied without thinking.

She stared at me and then blushed red and finally giggled. “I was talking about the resume.”

It was my turn to blush. I tried to recover. “The resume is extremely professional and I like it a lot. Can I get you a drink before we go; I’d like to ask you some questions about your business background?”

“A light drink would be nice,” she answered.

We spent twenty minutes talking and in the first five minutes I already knew what I was going to do, but I didn’t want to excite Jan so I kept my thoughts unsaid.

We had a great dinner. Jan’s personality appeared. From a dirty, beat-up desperate person on the edge of despair, she had become a beautiful, witty person with a great personality.

She reversed the tables on me and got me talking about my background and family. Any time I slowed down talking she nudged me with a word or grin and I was off babbling again. I thought to myself that maybe cupid had sunk the arrow in a lot deeper this time.

We were back at the apartment having a nightcap. As we sipped I said, “I’d like you to do something for me. I sell a somewhat complicated software package for small businesses. I get a good commission when I sell and install it, and if they ever upgrade to the medium size package I get a second commission.

The problem is that the operating manual is big and I get a lot of complaints that it isn’t clear, so I have to make a lot of come back calls so that I keep the sale. For the rest of the week would you read the manual and play with the program and tell me how my company can make it easier.”

I could see I sparked her interest. She said, “Sure I’ll read the manual. Is the program on the laptop I’m using?”

“Yes, it’s on the computer and you can print out the examples if you want.”

Jan grinned, “I’ll start first thing tomorrow.”

I got the manual down and laid it on the coffee table. “Here it is—all five hundred pages of it.”

I finished my drink and stood up. She looked at me as I said, “I really enjoyed dinner tonight; you got me talking like a little kid and that’s normally my trick.

“It’s time for me to go to bed though. I have six calls tomorrow and it’s going to be a long day.”

Jan put her drink down and stood up next to me. She stared at me and quietly said, “You’re my best and only friend William. I can never pay you back.”

I started to say, “Jan, you’re wonderful…” but her lips covered mine and she pulled me into her. I could feel her breasts pushing against my chest as her tongue pressed against my mouth. My tongue met hers as my cock pushed into her. Jan’s hands slid down my back to my ass and pulled me into her groin. The kiss lasted a minute. When it ended I was breathless, horny, and shocked.

She grinned at me and said, “That’s not a thank you. That’s because I like you. Okay?”

I nodded yes.

“Go to bed William. Sleep well and dream of me.”

I nodded again and went to my bedroom, but sleep didn’t come easy. Jan was getting to me. I finally fell asleep and woke up about midnight to go to the bathroom. When I went back to bed I could see under the bedroom door that the lights were on in the living room. Jan was still awake.

This time I fell into a hard sleep for the rest of the night.

I woke up Thursday morning feeling great. I made coffee and had just finished the paper when Jan came into the kitchen.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to make you something?”

“No Jan. Six calls today and I need to be at full speed at the first one. Thanks for asking.”

A few minutes later I wished her a good day and left. In the afternoon I called her and said I was running late and would be home at least an hour later than normal. She told me the dinner would be ready whenever I was ready, and wished me luck for the rest of the day.

I walked into the apartment at seven that night. Jan was watching television news and smiled at me as I walked up to her.

Sales team and confidential deal – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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