Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 1

This Story is part of Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune Series

“It takes getting used to,” she admitted. “I’ve always been an ambitious woman. That’s how I was raised.”

“I love that! What has Brookstold you about your current promotion? In terms of your new duties, I mean.”

“Apparently I’ll still be a financial analyst. I’ll be working directly for upper management. And that I’m expected to be naked at all times while I’m on this floor.”

“What else?”

She thought for a moment. “That’s about it.”

“Are you aware that our company is in the midst of a transitional period?”

“Somewhat. I’ve heard talks, but that’s always been above my pay grade. I’ve never been privy to that information.”

“Now you are,” he replied with a charming wink. “Our company, with my leadership, is attempting to transform itself to be better able to compete in today’s market. Furthermore, our company is planning a major global expansion, which requires a great deal of strategy.”

“That sounds like a serious undertaking.”

“It is. Our top leadership will be attending a 3-day retreat in Denmark. All expenses paid. We’ll be discussing and finalizing our plans during that time.”

Sophia became cautiously optimistic. She secretly wished the CEO would invite her to the retreat so that she could become part of the big decisions.

“What would you like me to do?” she asked, trying not to sound obvious about what she wanted.

“Come with us,” he said. “There’s a reason why I had you promoted so soon. We have a shortage of women and I realized that we need to be more diverse in that regard. You’re expected to be naked, of course.”

Sophia’s heart sank a little. She was thrilled to be part of the retreat, but being used for sexual objectification wasn’t her ideal scenario. Still, it was her chance to prove that her brains were more of a company asset than her breasts.

“Will I be involved in decision making?” she asked, hoping to be included.

“Absolutely. You’ll be consulted. I’ve reviewed your reports and you’ve always done good work.”

She smiled, “Thank you, sir. I would love to be involved in this retreat.”

“I knew you would. I’ve already made arrangements for you to be traveling with us. Remember, pack lightly, since you won’t be wearing anything once we get to the resort.”

Sophia’s heart sunk once again when she was reminded of her new duties.

“Will I be the only undressed woman there?” she asked.

“There will be others. Some of the women are executives, the others are interns and assistants. They’ll be naked the entire time. Some of the men will also be naked to serve our female management.”

“Equal opportunity. I think that’s great.”

“You must be a feminist,” he smiled.

“Only if you mean that as a compliment. That side of me comes from my mother and I’ve been a strong advocate since college.”

“Yet here you are, naked in my office.”

She felt her nipples harden. “I’m driven to succeed. Most career women never have a chance to meet the CEO they work for.”

“We’re going to get along just fine,” he said with a pleased expression. “Brookswill keep you updated on everything regarding the retreat. He won’t be coming though. He’ll be staying here to help run the company while we’re away. I hope you enjoy new adventures. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Part 3 of 4: Most Valuable Employee

Two weeks later. The plane ride was only a few hours and Sophia was able to sit in first class near the CEO and other corporate executives. All she knew about the trip was that it was a private resort and big things were happening.

Once they landed at the airport, a few private shuttles took them to their destination. It was a large resort with its own private facilities.

The group of corporate employees walked to their respective rooms after getting their keys in the lobby. To her delight, the CEO walked cozily next to her as they went to their respective rooms. Sophia expressed her admiration for this place along with her gratitude for being invited.

“You haven’t seen the best parts yet,” he said, alluding to more. “In case you haven’t noticed, these facilities were built for a nudist resort. The owner decided to sell the place and I bought it specifically so that our corporation can have business retreats.”

“Well you’re full of surprises.”

“Just wait until tomorrow,” he said with a sly expression.

“What happens tomorrow?” she asked.

“Tomorrow is the official start of our big conference. It’s going to change the future of our company and possibly the business world, if I may be so bold. We plan on pursuing a very aggressive corporate expansion, so make sure you’re sharp. We’re going to need that brain of yours.”

Sophia winked. “I always come prepared, sir.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” Mr.Ethan nodded with gratitude. “I’m sure that all of our other guests will be thrilled with your brains and bare beauty tomorrow.”

Her attention was piqued in ways she hadn’t prepared for. Mentally, she had already resigned herself to the fate of being naked in front of colleagues and managers, but only them.

“Other guests?” she asked, mildly confused.

“Brooksdidn’t tell you?”

“Apparently not. Are other people coming?”

Mr.Ethan thought for a moment. “Don’t freak out. I’m sure you’ll do fine no matter what.”

“I have a tendency to over-prepare.”

They got to Sophia’s private room. She opened the door with the room key and Mr.Ethan helped bring her stuff inside.

“Speaking of last minute preparations,” he said while arranging Sophia’s belongings. “How do you feel about helping me host the conference tomorrow? I have to admit, I’m impressed with your speaking abilities.”

Sophia was taken aback, but she didn’t want to show it. She had no trouble with public speaking and it was something she enjoyed very much. But knowing there’d be other guests, it seemed inevitable that she’d be naked in front of an untold number of people. But after all that she had done so far, there was no way she could refuse the CEO’s offer.

Promotion of Lauren with naked fortune – part 1 will continue in the next page.

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