Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 1

This Story is part of Promotion of Sophia with naked fortune Series

“Don’t you want a chance to practice? I want you to take your clothes off. If you can get naked in front of me, then you can do it for anyone. Consider this a test of your boundaries.”

A part of her wanted to slap MrBrooks across the face. But that was out of the question. Another part of her was secretly becoming aroused. She wasn’t a prude person, but she had always been modest with her body and sexuality.

Without thinking too deeply, Sophia unbuttoned her top and placed it on the table next to the contract. Next came her office skirt. The nice outfit she had carefully chosen was slowly being peeled away. Before long, she was standing in her bra and panties.

Her body was ordinary for a 34 year old career woman. She tried to exercise whenever possible. Her breasts were average sized, her arms and legs were toned, and her hips had a nice curve to them.

“How do you feel?” he asked, looking at her body.

“A number of things. Shy, humiliated, degraded, empowered, maybe even a little excited.”

MrBrooks raised an eyebrow. “Aroused?”

“I wouldn’t say that.”

“Things might change. Remove your bra and your panties.”

Sophia reached back to unclasp her bra, revealing her pert breasts with large pink nipples. She bent down to remove her panties, revealing her bare crotch which hadn’t been shaved in a while. She placed the bra and panties onto the table and stood completely naked for MrBrooks to observe.

“There,” she said. “You’ve got what you wanted.”

He smiled, “Now get dressed. Take the documents with you. When you’ve finally made your decision, sign the papers and bring them to my office.”

With that said, MrBrooks stood and walked past Sophia while she was still naked. He left the apartment. Sophia quickly got dressed and took another look at the documents. She made her decision. She put the papers back inside of the package and left the apartment, locking the door on her way out.

Part 2 of 4: The Naked Responsibilities

Later that night. Sophia paced back and forth in her narrow apartment. She had reviewed every sentence of every page, the same way any respectable lawyer would.

If she signed, her life would change dramatically. She would be working directly for upper management. It was a fast track to having a top job someday. But having to be naked would permanently alter her reputation and dignity forever. There would be no way to change things.

As she continued to pace back and forth, she saw her reflection in a full length mirror by the living room door. She thought she looked fairly attractive. To her surprise, getting naked in front of MrBrooks earlier wasn’t so bad.

Sophia stood in front of the mirror and examined herself further. She slipped off her night clothes and got naked. Her body was something to be proud of. It was something to be admired. It also may have been the key to a fast promotion.

‘Can I really do this?’ she asked herself.

The answer became clear when she slipped her fingers between her legs and felt a slight wetness. Being naked in front of MrBrooks gave her a strange sensation. It was an unusual thrill. She continued touching herself, until she reached a much needed orgasm.


The next day. Sophia walked into the corporate building with a newfound purpose and confidence, partially thanks to two cups of coffee. She went directly to MrBrooks’s office and asked the secretary to meet him immediately, even though she didn’t have an appointment.

After the secretary contacted MrBrooks, the impromptu meeting was quickly approved.

Sophia entered the office holding the packet of documents. She sat down and placed it on his desk, not caring that his desk was already cluttered with important papers.

“What’s this?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“I’ve signed everything. The contract, the non-disclosure agreements, everything.”

“That was a quick decision. Women like you usually take a couple of days. Are you sure you want to do this?”

She nodded. “I’ve thought about everything carefully. I didn’t move to this city so that I can be a financial analyst forever. I want to work at the top. If this is what it takes, then I’ll do it.”

MrBrooks ignored her words and examined the documents, making sure that everything was properly signed.

“Come with me,” he said.


They entered the elevator and went several floors up. When the doors opened, Sophia was taken aback by the extravagance of the floor. Everything was brand new, elegant, and sophisticated. It looked like something out of the future. So far, there was nobody in sight, which surprised her.

“What is this place?” she asked as they walked inside.

“This is where big decisions are made.”

“It’s beautiful here.”

“Get used to it,” he said. “You’ll be working here now. But before I can show you around, you’ll have to get undressed. One of the main rules of this floor is that female personnel must be naked at all times.”

It was the moment Sophia expected, and the moment she dreaded. Her face remained expressionless while she unbuttoned her clothes. Each article of clothing was handed to MrBrooks. She remained stoic while she got undressed. After she handed him her clothes, MrBrooks placed the clothing on a nearby rack.

Sophia stood completely naked in the hallway.

“Very good,” he said. “Follow me.”

They walked down the empty hallway. Sophia was barefoot, feeling the carpet on her feet and the nervousness grew inside of her. She had never felt so vulnerable in her entire life.

When they stepped into the large open-spaced office area, Sophia was surprised to see a number of naked women who casually did their work. Men were also working in the area, some of whom were also naked, others were in business suits. The nudity was casual and no one seemed fazed by it.

Sophia’s eyes continued to scan the room. To her amazement, she recognized a female executive who she deeply admired, completely naked while using the computer.

MrBrooks continued walking through the open office area and Sophia followed. At the end of the office space, they reached an area with glass doors. It was the private office of Mr.Ethan, the newly promoted CEO.

“He’s expecting you,” MrBrooks said, standing by the door.

“You want me to go alone?”

“Yes. The boss requested a private meeting once you’ve made your decision. Don’t be nervous. Unlike me, he’s a very nice guy.”

Sophia nodded and opened the door to the CEO’s office. She entered to see Mr.Ethan fully dressed, sitting behind his desk and talking on the phone, while a naked woman was on her knees performing oral sex. The CEO smiled at Sophia when he saw her enter. He ended the phone conversation and told the naked woman who was performing oral sex to leave.

The naked woman got up and headed towards the door. Sophia’s jaw nearly dropped when she recognized the woman as a former colleague who recently got promoted, even though she was grossly unqualified to work at a major corporation. They never got along. It almost made Sophia laugh to think that her former rival had just been sucking the boss’s dick. The naked woman rolled her eyes when she walked past Sophia and left the office room.

Sophia sat down on the chair in front of the CEO’s desk. She sat with perfect posture, breasts pointed forward, trying to look as professional as possible, even though she was completely naked.

This wasn’t how she envisioned her very first meeting with the top boss. Far from it. In her mind, she had envisioned a meeting like this being based solely on her merits and hard work, rather than her tits and ass. But sometimes life throws curveballs at you and you have to adapt, she told herself, while maintaining her posture.

“I’m glad to see that you’ve accepted the promotion,” Mr.Ethan said, as he buttoned up his pants underneath the desk. “You’re far more beautiful without any clothes. More beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”

“That’s not something you ever should have known, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes, sir.”

The CEO smiled, “That’s the right attitude for success.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Are you comfortable doing this?”

Promotion of Lauren with naked fortune – part 1 will continue in the next page.

Series NavigationPromotion of Sophia with naked fortune – part 2 >>

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