Pleasures with guilt

“You don’t have any concerns, fears about your son having sex at this age?” I asked curiously, already knowing the answer.

“Of course not, why should I? I certainly had by the time I was his age, as long as he’s responsible for himself and his partner, shows maturity with regards to it and respects her, why should I? Frankly honey…I’m actually surprised he’s still a virgin!”

“He is?” I was surprised to hear that. I’d actually assumed he wasn’t. “How on earth do you know that?”

“Because he told me, and I believe him,” she responded back easily.

I’d often wondered if there was any truth behind the old adage about feeling your ears tickling if someone was talking about you. As though to support that, seconds later I heard a door opening and then closing a bit back further into the house.

“Speak of the devil,” Sophia giggled. “Sounds like Jared’s up.” I noticed that she reached up and closed the front of her robe with her hand, though as usual, she didn’t do anything more than that, still sipping her coffee when he came walking in.

“Morning honey,” she said as he did so, lifting her cheek in order to receive an affectionate morning kiss from him as he leaned over towards her, though eying me. Seeing me shouldn’t have been much of a surprise either, I very often was on Saturdays when he’d gotten up before. But for some reason I noticed an odd expression on his face as he glanced over towards me, smiling quickly however acknowledging my presence.

“And good morning to you too Jen,” he said, shortening my own name with equal affection. The only other person who ever called me that had been Rob. Even Bill called me Jennefer, as did Sophia, though usually I was always Sweetie or Honey whenever she spoke to me. But again, it was an odd look that I had received from him there for a moment before he moved further into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee and then returning back towards his own room.

I didn’t even ask Sophia the question, merely looking at her with a curious expression on my face perhaps. She had obviously seen it too. We waited until we’d both heard his bedroom door closing again before I finally spoke.

“He really doesn’t seem like his usual self, did you see the way he looked at me?” I asked, wondering why he had. Sophia giggled and then purposely looked down at my chest.

“Maybe that had something to do with it,” she then said.

I looked down at myself, totally oblivious, and then saw what they both had. My nipples were rock hard, sticking well out of the thin tight men’s sleeveless tee shirt I had on. I hadn’t worn a bra, though I usually didn’t a great deal of the time either.

 Like I said, I had smaller than average breasts and usually didn’t worry about wearing one unless I was going out for one reason or another. Making the walk over to visit with Sophia didn’t constitute the requirement of having to wear one. My mistake. I was also wearing a lightweight floral print blouse over that, but it wasn’t buttoned hanging fashionably open. I hadn’t even thought about it when I had gotten dressed and walked over. Now I wish I had.

Once again Sophia laughed seeing my face turning beet red.

“Honey, don’t worry about it. Yours certainly aren’t the first tits he’s ever looked at, probably even felt, and they sure as hell won’t be the last. I’m sure he’s just a bit over stimulated at the moment after his frustrating night last night.

 You know, having a severe case of blue-balls as it were?” she said joking around about it. “And it’s not the first time I’ve caught him looking at your boob’s either, or mine for that matter either,” she then added. “So…don’t let it get to you. Jared’s a normal average American boy whose hormones are currently running rampant at the moment. I should know,

 I’ve changed enough soiled sheets lately, not to mention finding an inordinate amount of dirty hankies as well. And never once have I seen Jared running around blowing his nose. Like I said earlier, Frankly, I wish he’d find someone and take care of his virginity issue, all this laundry I’m doing is starting to get expensive!”

That honestly did make me laugh, and I felt a little better. Though I felt something else in addition to that, which didn’t. My panties were once again starting to feel a bit sticky, though I blamed my own hormonal needs left unsatisfied due to my husband’s fault, which still didn’t help my current problem. I stood up, excusing myself.

“Potty time,” I told her. “All that coffee we’re drinking, like usual, has run right through me.”

“Speaking of which, I’ll start up another pot while you’re doing that. When you come back, I’ll tell you about what Doris Jackson told me she saw yesterday afternoon!”

Doris was another friend of Sophia’s, not a close one, not the way we were of course, and certainly no real close friend of mine either, more passing acquaintances than anything. But she never failed to gossip about one person or another, which very often proved to be true, so it was interesting to hear from Sophia what the latest bit of news was. Getting the “Doris Report” as we jokingly referred to it, had become a natural part of our weekly get-togethers.

“Hold that thought,” I said as I hurriedly retreated down the hallway towards the bathroom. I knew I’d be passing by Jared’s room on my way there, which I had so often done in the past. The exception was, this time I happened to notice that his door hadn’t been closed all the way. It was only open just a crack,

 but enough so that I caught movement coming from within his room as I started to walk by. The fleeting image of what I then saw stopping me cold, backing me up. I knew I shouldn’t, and had I thought about it before then, wouldn’t have. Logic and reasoning make more sense. Unfortunately at the moment, I wasn’t thinking quite as clearly as I should have been. Aroused, with a very wet pussy driving my emotions had caught me off guard, as had Jared.

I found myself holding my breath as I realized what he was lying there doing. Even though the guilt of actually standing there peeking at him was already beginning to worm its way into my thoughts, I managed to hold it off for a moment more, still looking before finally giving in to it, and then hurriedly entering the bathroom. I basically collapsed down onto the toilet, only then daring to breathe, fearful that he might have heard me coming. (“Cumming?”) I actually found myself thinking, realizing I was horny as hell.

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