Pleasures with guilt – 9

“What if he hates me after I tell him?” Sophia said worriedly. “What if he turns his back on us, I couldn’t handle him doing that!”

“What if he ever finds out he’s really adopted, and that you never told him?” I countered. “Which one do you think will hurt him and confuse him even more?”

We sat for a long time together in silence after that sipping our wine sharing unspoken thoughts.

“God, I wish I could sleep,” Sophia stated. “Even the wine doesn’t seem to be helping any.”

“I know what you mean,” I told her, feeling the same way. I laughed after saying that.


“Well…what I usually do, if all else fails…is masturbate!”

“Sophia laughed, almost a bit too loudly. “Yeah, me too,” she giggled, already slipping her hand down between her legs.

I glanced over realizing she was really going to. “Sue?”

“Well, it was your idea you know, and don’t tell me you’re still not horny from this evening either. Even with everything that happened, I was still damn fucking horny, and looking forward to doing a lot more with you!”

She had me there, I was…and had been a little disappointed in myself that we hadn’t. Not to mention the fact that with Jared now being here, our activities would indeed be curtailed to some extent while he was.

“Come here, touch me,” she whispered lustily. “Feel how fucking wet I am!”

I scooted my own chair over towards her a little, now sitting directly beside her as I slipped my hand down between her legs, and as she then did the same to me. We sat, fingering and playing with one another pleasurably.

“God that feels good!” Sophia moaned, just as I did.

“Look’s pretty good too!”

If I had jumped earlier when Sophia had surprised me as I’d walked over to pour myself a wine, it was nothing in comparison to the way I jumped now. Before I even realized it, I was actually standing. The sound of Jared’s voice speaking from the dark shadows of the curtain behind us only then alerting us both to his presence. It had taken Sophia a moment longer to realize what had just happened,

she’d been a bit more lost in the pleasure of what my finger was busily doing to her clit when it finally dawned on her that it had been Jared’s voice and not mine that had spoken. She stood, scrambling with the towel still wrapped around the back of her chair in an attempt to cover herself up with it.

“Don’t bother,” he said, stepping all the way out onto the patio. “I’ve seen you naked before mother…” he said emphasizing the word. “Most recently in fact…when I peeked through the window, when I saw you and Jen kissing one another…when you sucked my sperm from her mouth. Only then I didn’t know or fully understand everything…now, I do.”


Sophia was wild-eyed, as I was. But I decided that this was a conversation that needed to take place between the two of them as I started to step around where Jared now stood in an effort to go back inside. “I think I’ll leave the two of you to talk about this,” I said attempting to do so. But Jared quickly stepped in front of me blocking the way.

“Sit down Jen, you’re not going anywhere. You’re just as much involved in this as Sophia is,” he said, calling her by name, which is the first time I’d ever heard him refer to her like that. I also noticed as he did that, he was only wearing a robe, one that the resort furnished. It was open, his hard stiff cock poking outwards towards me obscenely.

“Jared!” Sophia spoke almost angrily, now seeing what I saw as I turned taking my seat next to her again, Jared now stepping over to stand there in front of us, his prick clearly revealed, about as hard and erect as I’d ever seen it.

“What mother?” Jared said once again emphasizing the word. “Or should I start calling you Sophia? Or just what do I actually call you anyway?” He now asked. “Obviously, you’re not my real mother, so just who is anyway?”

It was strangely surreal, sitting there looking up at Jared while he asked her about this, who he really was, who his mother and father were, all the while doing so with an erection.

“I don’t know Jared,” Sophia said honestly. “We went through an agency, never knew who your parents were, where they lived, or why they decided to give you up. But we couldn’t have children, so we adopted you,” she said, tears filling her eyes.

“But why didn’t you just tell me? Years ago when I could have at least had the chance to better understand things about myself?” He asked, obviously angry. “And why…that for all this time I’ve been dealing with the guilt and the confusion of what I’ve been feeling, especially lately, with regards to you,” he said looking down at her.

“Wha…what do you mean Jared?” Sophia said, looking up at him.

Jared turned once again facing me however. “And no offense Jen, because I really was tempted to be with you…in more ways than you could ever imagine, and nearly did a couple of times, when I knew we could have. But I held back, I held back because the only person I’ve ever truly wanted to be with…” He once again turned facing back towards Sophia. “Were you!”

Sophia held in a gasp, or rather tried to. “Jared! You know we can’t, that’s impossible, I’m your…”

“What? Mother? Technically Sophia, you really aren’t. And tell me, so that I can understand it, you’re sitting here telling me we can’t, that we shouldn’t, and yet…I see you and Jen kissing, obviously you knew I was there all along, which I didn’t realize at the time. But even more importantly, knowing…that Jen still held and had my cum in her mouth when the two of you kissed, can you imagine what I was thinking at that precise moment?

The one thing I had always wanted, and knew I could never have…and then suddenly there you are, tasting me, drinking my sperm, the same sperm I could have easily given you myself. So…tell me, tell me so that I can understand it…what’s the difference?”

I didn’t know what to say. I was truly and utterly speechless. I was also ashamed of myself, that I’d allowed my own emotions to cloud my better judgment. And regardless of how close Sophia and I had always been, and to which I hoped now we would still be, even through all of this, I now felt guiltier than I ever had in my entire life over what we had done. All I could think of to do at the moment was to apologize to him myself for my own actions.

“Jared, I am…truly sorry for what’s happened. You and I…well, I now know, we shouldn’t have…”

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