Pleasures with guilt – 8

“Pleasures with guilt” Part-8 Continues…..

Author’s note: Though I am planning that this series will end with two more chapters including this one, it has been a fun and exciting one for me to write. I have truly appreciated all the comments and emails I’ve received on it. If in fact I get enough who feel like it shouldn’t end at that point,

or that you’d like to see me continue it on for another couple of chapters, let me know. If you think it’s a good place to leave it, I’d appreciate hearing that too. But again, thank you so much for your feedback and support on my writing (even with the hopefully few typos along the way).

I remain.

And now…continued

Chapter Eight, and then Chapter Nine…the conclusion.

I arrived home just in time to start fixing dinner. Rob would be home soon, so there was no point in calling him now. We’d have plenty to discuss and chat about after he got home. No doubt Rob would be anxious to hear what had happened, and no doubt later on be wound up tighter than a drum after I’d told him everything we had done.

As tired as I actually found myself, I also needed more than anything at this moment, a good stiff hard cock inside my pussy. The thought of that already making me wet as I stood in the kitchen preparing our evening meal.

I felt a little bad about keeping Jared in the dark about the way things had gone too. But I only wrestled with it briefly, deciding almost immediately that I couldn’t betray the trust and confidence I had with my friend. When I had the chance to call her, I quickly told her everything. She was surprised at that of course, but had thankfully and excitedly gone along with it.

When Jared had accidentally stumbled into the wall, it could have ended everything right then and there. But Sophia was smart enough not to react to it, pretending she hadn’t heard anything. I had caught only the briefest of looks and knowing smiles from her in that moment, as we went on from there to spend a rather erotic encounter with one another while her son stood watching us most of the entire time.

I had also been thinking about the whole reason any of this had begun in the first place. It was almost funny. Initially it had been the idea and concept of taking Jared’s virginity, but we hadn’t really come close to actually doing that, not in the real sense. I’d begun to think that up and to this point,

the main reason it simply hadn’t happened…was that Jared really wasn’t ready for that. The last thing I wanted to do was for Jared to give his virginity to someone that he would later regret having given it to. I could relate to that as I had done so myself early on in my own life. It was entirely possible he was waiting for the right girl, the right woman to come along, and I was more than willing to ensure he did that.

Going in, I had already made the decision to give it a week. After that, if it still hadn’t happened, then as far as I was concerned, it wasn’t going to. As much as I had enjoyed this dalliance with Sophia’s son, the last thing I wanted or needed was for him to suddenly have feelings for me that would in time only cause everyone grief. And as much fun as this had been, it wasn’t worth the price of destroying friendships, or causing discontent within our best friend’s family.

Tomorrow was Friday. Even with the weekend ahead, it would in fact be the last day we’d actually have any alone time together though he might not even know it at the time. I was also nearing the finish of the book I was working on, so I wouldn’t have that as an excuse to stay there while working on it. Things were rapidly coming to an end one way or the other.

When I heard Rob’s car pulling into the garage, I smiled inwardly as I put the pasta on the stove to boil. I still held the erotic image of him standing there in the laundry room jerking himself off, which now never failed to arouse me. I was in fact in an odd way, looking forward to the end of the month when he’d be forced to work late again, wondering if he would in fact do that again when he did.

I was still standing at the stove stirring in the pasta when I heard the door open. As he usually did, Rob sat his briefcase down on the kitchen table and then walked over to greet me. I expected my welcomed greeting on the neck as Rob walked over, which I received as I had expected, along with another, which I really hadn’t.

He kissed me, but it wasn’t one of his quick little smooches on the back of my neck, it was a well planted, somewhat lingering one as he did that. Additionally, his hands came up and around cupping my still somewhat tender, sensitized breasts, though even that felt good as he stood there kissing my neck holding them. But I also felt something else, the hard press of my husband’s cock burrowing into my ass from behind.

“My my…what’s gotten into you today?” I asked. “Or should I say…who’ve you gotten into?”

He laughed at that. “I wish…but I hope you didn’t wear yourself out today, because later on after dinner, I’m planning on fucking you silly!”

I liked the sound of that, it was just what I needed at the moment in more ways than one. I turned, kissing him deeply, passionately as my hand reached down grasping the hard swollen member now pressing against my thigh.

“When do we eat?” He asked, stepping back reluctantly.

“Right after dinner,” I said, eyeing him purposely, letting him know what I really meant as I said that.

He laughed walking over to pour us both a glass of wine taking a seat at the kitchen table as he loosened his tie.

“Why are you in such a damn good mood anyway?” I now asked. “Not that I’m complaining mind you.”

“Number one, because I’m sure I’m going to hear a very hot erotic story about the day’s events, so that’s kept me aroused and excited most of the day anyway. But number two…we’re going away for the weekend!”


If I thought that Jared and I were going to have at least one more day, I was dead wrong. It was then that Rob informed me we’d been invited to stay at a resort with Bill and Sophia. Bill had called him early that afternoon, informing him that he’d been given a company thank you for his recent contributions at work in the form of a weekend stay at a nearby resort. We had actually gone there a while back, and had hoped that we’d eventually return there ourselves. It really was beautiful and offered all sorts of pampering amenities. But the best part was,

the entire three day weekend was free. Bill said he’d been given the finest of suites for us to stay in, three bedrooms in fact with a centrally located dining, sitting room and a fully stocked bar. By the smile on Rob’s face, I already knew what he and Bill were planning on, and hoping for. And to be perfectly honest, I now found myself looking forward to that as well.

“Anyway, I took the day off, we’ll be leaving first thing in the morning. Bill at this very moment is likewise breaking the news to Sophia, so I’m expecting her to be calling you any time now after he has. I’m sure the two of you will want to coordinate your activities together while we stay there,” Rob laughed. “Not to mention going over what clothes you’ll be taking, wearing…or not wearing,” he now added, looking over his wine glass at me as he sipped it.

“You just want to see Sophia and I eating one another out,” I laughed back knowing full well what he…and no doubt Bill, were hoping to see.

“Only fair,” he said. “Hell Jared’s seen more of that than either Bill or I have, so it’s about time that things get back to normal around here don’t you think?”

It was a subtle reminder that he and I had agreed to give this a week. The week was essentially now up. One more day either way at this point really didn’t make much of a difference, and I was inclined to agree with him. Fate had determined that it wasn’t I who would be the one to take Jared’s virginity, and I was almost relieved in accepting that.

It was then that the phone rang. Sure enough…it was Sophia.


Although she was just as excited to be going away for the weekend as I was, I could also sense a bit of sadness in the fact that we would be. She knew how I felt, and had accepted my reasoning. As much as she might have liked for me to be the one to finally seduce her son, or he me…it hadn’t happened. We in fact discussed everything but that. Sophia had already called making an appointment for us to spend the following day getting pampered. We’d be getting side-by-side massages in our room, we had appointments for facials, pedicures,

manicures and the whole nine yards. The boys of course would be out on the golf course for the better part of the day. The resort had a five star restaurant where we’d actually dress for dinner, and I was actually quite looking forward to that. I had a black cocktail dress I’d purchased a while back and had been dying to wear. Even Rob hadn’t seen me in it yet, and as sexy as it looked on me, which I believed it did, I knew it would set the tone for the rest of the evening.

After we’d sat and discussed everything that was possible, I then had to ask.

“So, have you spoken to Jared at all?”

“Yes, shortly after he got home with the steaks,” Sophia laughed. “He’s actually in a pretty damn good mood too for a change, though not too surprisingly after his…and our…adventure this afternoon. He was even pleased to hear about us going away for the weekend with you guys,” she added. “Though I think part of that is because he knows he’ll have the house to himself for the next three days. Perhaps…he has plans for he and Cheryl, who knows?”

“Maybe it’s for the best…and good for him if he does then,” I told her.

“I did tell him he was more than welcome to come up and join us if he wanted to, you know…use the pool, spend the day just laying out in the sun if he wanted to, even told him he could bring Cheryl if she wanted to come, so guess we’ll see if he decides to do that. I have a feeling though that by the way he received the news, he has other plans on his mind.”

Once again, I was ready to accept things the way they were, and basically wished him the best in my own mind. I’m not sure if he’d expect things to continue on after the weekend, but if in fact he did, that would be a conversation we’d have the next time I went over there when the two of us were alone. Though that too didn’t look to be like anytime soon.

Pleasures with guilt – 8 will continue on the next page

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