Pleasures with guilt – 6

“I will Jared, but not with words so much, as with actions. What I want you to do is learn to read my body. If you do that, then you’ll know what I like, what feels good or what doesn’t. Learn to know the signals, and then keep doing that, or switch off and do something else when the signals are no longer telling you to keep doing the same thing. I might moan, or tremble, even at times speaking to you, but only in a good way…a pleasurable way. Learn to do that, and then you’ll know what it is I do like, or what I dislike.

Or what it is that I want you to do again. You will begin to know and understand that perhaps something you tried the first time I wasn’t ready for, but then later would be. And just because it might not feel good now, doesn’t mean that it won’t. Learn to read a woman’s body, Jared, and she’ll become putty in your hands.”

I then told him what we would do…afterwards, long after we’d satiated one another that we would indeed sit back and talk about it. I would only then tell him in words, but not during, what it was I enjoyed, or might not have enjoyed, but teaching him in a way where he could better interpret my signals.

In that way, he would hopefully gain a better understanding of my body just as he should with any woman’s body, and that no two women were ever exactly alike when it came to that either. With patience, understanding and trust in himself, he would learn how to read and come to understand each and every woman independent of one another.

Once again I felt the tip of his finger as he began, gently probing me, touching me as I lay there on the floor in front of him. I then felt the tip of his tongue as he touched me exploringly. I loved the way it felt as it danced on the floor of my clit, for a moment…but he indeed went too fast, too quickly, too hard. With the gentle pressure of my hands on his head, I forced him away, backing off.

He hesitated only for a moment, and then got the hint, now once again continuing as he feathered my clit so lightly with his tongue…I moaned.

“Yes Jared yes! Just like that baby, just like that!” I purred.

He now included a single finger inside me, soon after trying to include another. I wiggled away from allowing him to do that, so he went back to one. I moaned again, enjoying it, enjoying the tip of his tongue as it fluttered wildly on the tip of my hard little clit. I groaned audibly, deeply as he ran his tongue up the entire length of my split, flattening it as he continued to tickle me with his finger, once again a bit later adding another. This time I was ready for it, wanting it.

“Yes Jared, fuck me with your fingers, lick me, eat me, even suck my clit a little. But do it softly…gentle for a moment. I’ll tell you when to do otherwise,” I added. He seemed to respond to that, enthusiastically, passionately, enjoying the sounds of my words as he now wrapped his mouth about me, drawing my clit inside, sucking it, and gently chewing it. I was in heaven, and I let him know that.

When I came, I tensed up crying out audibly. I arched my back, my ass lifting up off the floor. I then felt his hands as they came up underneath my ass, pressing me into his face, and I came again. He was sucking on my clit, firmly now, damn near swallowing it, and I came again. Over and over I climaxed, the juices now running from my split, washing his face, bathing it in my nectar until he was covered in it, smiling, looking up at me, happy, relaxed, contented.

As was I.

We sat there on the floor recovering, and though he was now flaccid again, I toyed with it, enjoying that. As did he. And we talked, discussing what we’d just done and shared together, and now in words I told him what I’d liked, what I at first didn’t, and then why. He took it all in, smiling, nodding his head in understanding. It was like a light-bulb had gone off inside of his head.

“Now I understand, now I see what you mean,” he told me. “It hasn’t been like that before. I kept trying to do this, or do that, failing every time, getting frustrated, as obviously she did, as she was. But now at least I think I know what you meant, what you were constantly trying to show me.”

We sat there talking for the longest time, I continued to idly play with his prick, though it remained somewhat soft as I did. There were no expectations, no urgency as we did that. It was soft, it was sweet. And then he finally surprised me.

“Jen? Can I ask you a personal question? A very personal question? And you don’t have to answer me either, unless you want to. Unless you’re comfortable enough in doing so.”

“Go ahead, ask me,” I told him. “Not at all worried by what I might answer…if I did. It was a time of openness between us, trust, honesty. So I did when he asked me, even though I was surprised by what he did ask.

“Have you and mom…you know, messed around a little?” He asked.

“Why do you ask that?” I questioned him curiously. But I likewise knew that now was a time for truth here. If he really wanted to know, I would tell him.

“I’ve overheard a few things here and there, every once in a while, and it’s made me curious…you know. I mean, I know you and mom are best friends and such, have been for a long time now. But you two have flirted, and do flirt with one another from time to time too, and it’s pretty obvious, so yeah…I was wondering if you had, if you do.”

I then told him that we had, though it had only been recently that we’d actually begun to, though I didn’t go into specific details about it, or really why. He seemed to accept that, and liked the fact we were both so open-minded about it, especially his own mother, but then he surprised me again.

“I know I shouldn’t be asking you this, and in fact…expect you to say no when I do. But I was wondering…” He paused and I waited as he tried to screw up enough courage to ask me the question, so I finally gave up, prodding him.

“Go ahead Jared, ask me. What is it you want to know? Want to do it?”

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