Pleasures with guilt – 5

I held up a pair of black lace, a similar pair of white ones, and then a pair of light blue almost sheer panties that left very little to the imagination. I found it interesting that I could actually be standing there not even wearing any, though his eyes were suddenly glued to the three pairs I was holding up.

“I’m not sure your mom and I even wear the same size,” I told him, though I happened to know we did. “And I know this might sound a little silly under the circumstances, but would you mind telling me if they look ok when I try them on?” I now asked. “I don’t want to look silly in them, even if I’m only going to be wearing them while I’m waiting for mine to get washed,” I then added, hoping my somewhat flawed reasoning would be enough.

“Ah sure…he said, actually taking a seat on the end of his parents bed as I began to step into the black ones. Looking down, I again grinned to myself, ad libbing here as things progressed. “Would it bother you if I took off my top?” I now asked, though he was once again staring directly at my openly displayed pussy. “Blue doesn’t go very well with black,” I then told him. “We won’t know if the bottoms look ok, with that color of top on,” I then informed him. Jared however merely agreed, accepting my crazy logic as quite natural as he sat there nodding his head trying to look serious and concerned for me.

I now stood, the panties not all the way up yet, still draped just above my knees as I now slithered out of my top, tossing it over onto the bed. I didn’t even meet Jared’s eyes this time as I looked over towards him, his eyes looking elsewhere as I once again bent over, now pulling Sophia’s black lace panties up into place.

“What do you think?” I asked, and then turned slowly around so he could give me his honest opinion. His hesitation once again proved to be perfect, as I pretended it was some sort of indecision on his part, or that they didn’t look very good on me. “No?” I said already taking them off. “Let’s try the white ones then.”

I had already known when picking the white ones out they wouldn’t look very flattering on me. They rode a bit too high up on the waist for my tastes, but having a slightly smaller waist than Sophia did anyway, they’d look disproportionate on my body. Even so I once again stood, turning around waiting for Jared’s approval or disapproval.

“I like the black ones better,” he told me enthusiastically. As he did, as he sat staring at my body, I took the moment to glance at his crotch, sure enough…pleased to see that there was a nice sized bulge already noticeable when I did.

“Yeah me too. But let’s see how the blue one’s look,” I said making a bit of a show out of it, taking off the white ones, and then holding up the almost sheer blue ones, turning them about to ensure I had them the right way, and then acting like I wasn’t sure if they were actually inside out or not.

Once again I caught Jared looking at me as I stood there wasting time, but giving him plenty to look at as I did that. I finally slipped them on, liking not only the way they looked at me, but even the way they felt. Sophia might not get these back as I turned looking at myself in the mirror first, and then back around once again facing Jared. “Well?”

“Oh yeah…those look really nice,” he told me. “Better on you than on…” He caught himself looking up towards me. I grinned at him.

“So you have seen these before on your mom then?” I asked teasingly. He truly was blushing now, nodding his head.

“Yeah, by accident,” he explained. “I once walked in on her while she was getting undressed,” he told me. “She happened to have that very same pair on at the time,” he then added.

“Funny you mentioned that,” I now said, implementing the second phase of my plan. “It just so happens that the chapter I’m just starting to edit deals with an experience similar to that,” I told Jared.

The truth was, there was no such chapter, but I decided to use that as further enticement, not that he really needed any. I could clearly see Jared was once again as hard as a rock now. It was more a matter of his working up the courage in an effort to seduce me, if he was in fact ever going to.

“Oh?” Jared said, obviously interested, “Tell me about it.”

“Well it is pretty naughty, but as we both are grownups here, and as you did masturbate for me so openly yesterday, I guess it’s ok for me to tell you what happens in the story,” I told him. I then crossed over to the bed sitting down on it, and then lay back making myself comfortable. I patted the bed next to me, indicating that Jared should perhaps do the same while I told him where I was at in the story.

He was blushing again, but smiling too as he lay back on the bed next to me. “Go ahead, tell me. Like you said…we’re both adults, and I am curious,” he stated.

“Well, as you already know, I’m editing the experiences and exploits of the main character whose memories I am reading through here. One of which was one he’d had when he was just about your age in fact. He indicated…in the story…how he’d gone into his mother’s room to ask her about something. Used to seeing her in various stages of undress, it wasn’t uncommon for him to have done so, or even in seeing her partially nude,

or even in the nude all together. As he stood there talking to her, watching her undress, he recalled how she was wearing a particular pair of very sexy underwear at the time. She had removed them, discarding them onto the floor in preparation for bathing for the evening prior to retiring, and then asked him to gather up her things, and take them into the laundry for him, which he of course did.”

“Of course,” Jared said, nodding his head as though envisioning something very similar himself.

“Anyway…when he got down to the laundry room he noticed that the crotch of his mother’s panties were still a bit moist, so he sniffed them, and in doing so, found it to be rather arousing. So then he decided to do something else with them too,” I said winking.


“Well…they obviously felt nice, slinky, sexy…so having an erection, he proceeded to stroke his young cock with his mother’s panties, eventually having an orgasm, and cumming in them,” I told him.

“Wow…that is nasty isn’t it?” He said, looking at me curiously.

“Nasty hot!” I responded back. “Admittedly Jared, and since we’re talking openly like adults here, I will be perfectly candid with you about it. I thought the scene as he wrote it was very, very erotic. I could easily see this young man, standing there stroking his hard erect cock with his mother’s panties, eventually showering them with a nice thick creamy load of cum, much like yours was yesterday, when you came!”

Jared was obviously horny, aroused…but he was also getting fidgety again. I knew then he was struggling with his feelings and emotions. It was time to ease off and let things settle down for a bit.

“Anyway…thought I’d share with you what I was working on, but speaking of which, I guess I really should get back to doing just that.” I sat up, standing up once again turning towards him. “While I do that though…would it bother you if I just worked the way I’m dressed now? I mean…unless you have friends coming over or something, it would just feel sort of sexy/nice to stay like this for a bit, at least until my clothes have been washed and dried.”

“Oh no…go right ahead!” He assured me. “I don’t have any plans for today either, and none of my friends are coming over either, so you don’t have to worry about that. But that reminds me, I probably should go downstairs and check on the laundry, see how it’s going,” he said standing up. “And after I do that…I’ll bring us up some more coffee.”

“I’ll try very hard not to spill it this time,” I said, winking at him once again, and then followed him out the door of his parent’s room, soon after heading back down the hall into Bill’s study as Jared ran downstairs to check on the laundry.


I’d have given anything to see what he’d do when he did. Wondering if in fact…he would. The subject had certainly been interesting enough for him, and he was certainly hard and erect. I half hoped he’d only use my panties just enough to get even more aroused, imagining him standing there sniffing them, and then wrapping them around his dick to stroke himself with. Perhaps, having done that, and with me sitting half naked in his father’s study, he’d return even more aroused. After all, I certainly was!

It was perhaps twenty minutes later when I heard him returning. Plenty of time for him to have gotten off if that’s what he did. He was smiling as he brought us in two fresh cups of hot coffee. This one I’d be more careful with. I couldn’t afford not to. I stood and walked over to sit down on the small little couch as opposed to remaining behind the desk. And though he could clearly see my exposed breasts of course, it was the sheer light blue panties I was only wearing that caught his immediate attention. To my surprise, rather than taking a seat in one of the two chairs, Jared actually joined me on the couch.

“I put your skirt in the dryer,” he told me. “I didn’t do anything with your red panties though,” he then blushed as though he’d just confessed to something realizing what he’d just said, quickly continuing on. “I ah…wasn’t sure if there was something special you needed to do, some ah…you know, delicate wash or something, so I didn’t do anything with them, I mean…to them,” he stammered.

“Was that something you’d think about?” I boldly asked, catching him a little off guard, especially since he wasn’t sure what it was exactly I was alluding to. “Or perhaps ever do?” I now asked.

His mouth was open, as though still trying to decide if we were talking about the same thing. I saw the confusion in his eyes, and the somewhat worried look.

“What I’m talking about is the guy in the story. Like yesterday Jared, the idea intrigues me, you know…watching a man playing with himself was erotic enough, but to imagine him doing what with a pair of panties is even more erotic don’t you think?” I then asked.

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