Pleasures with guilt – 5

“Pleasures with guilt” Part-5 Continues…….

It was with mixed emotions that I lay there in bed pretending to be asleep when I heard my husband finally ascend the stairs to our bedroom. He slipped into bed quietly beside me, and then only moments later the sound of his gentle snoring told me he was asleep.

I lay for the longest time remembering the vision of him standing there in the laundry room, my black panties wrapped around his hard stiff cock as he stroked it. Eventually spilling his hot sticky spunk, remembering the way it seeped through the material looking so wickedly decadent. I slipped my hand inside the waistband of the frilly red-laced panties I was still wearing. I was wet, very much so, and began fingering myself as I lay there on my side. I came minutes later, soaking the crotch of my panties even more than they already were. The same panties I would be wearing over to Sue’s place in the morning.

As we’d already prearranged and discussed, I called Sue first thing, just before she left for work. Curious as to what I was planning to do next, I only hinted at it briefly, not really giving her any details. I still wasn’t sure it would have the same impact on Jared that it obviously had on my husband, but I was curious to find out. I knew it would drive Sophia nuts all day wondering, but it would also make for an interesting discussion later if everything worked out the way I hoped that it would.

“I need to ask you for two small favors,” I had then added. “One, I need to use your washer as I plan on having an accidental spill of coffee on my white skirt,” I said, hearing a knowing giggle on the other end of the line. “And two…I’ll also need to borrow a pair of your panties after that.” Once again she giggled, though she tried pressing me for details as to why it was important that I do that. Once again I told her she’d find out, when I called her later provided everything went the way that I hoped it would. Though I also left her with another tease,

telling her I had seen Rob masturbating out in our laundry room the night before, and had a question for her regarding that too. Once again she pressed me, even more curious, but I told her she’d have to wait until later on that night for all the details. Frustrated perhaps, she still laughed and told me I could wear any of her panties that I wished to, and that her really sexy lingerie was in her bottom drawer as opposed to her top drawer where she kept all her everyday stuff.

Armed with my plan I headed off to their place minutes later.

I was very pleased to see that Jared was up and basically waiting for me when I arrived. He seemed a bit more relaxed and friendly as I came in. Even more importantly, I could smell freshly brewed coffee coming in through the kitchen. I hadn’t been sure when I’d actually implement my plans, but I was already aroused just thinking about it, still wearing my twice now cum-filled panties as I headed upstairs to Bill’s study.

“Coffee’s almost done,” Jared told me. “I’ll bring us a cup as soon as it is.”

“Us?” I smiled inwardly asking myself. That was a good sign as I thanked him and then headed upstairs. So far so good. Now it was just a matter of arranging things and staging a small little accident that I hoped would put my plans into play.

As I settled into Bill’s desk, I was pleased to see he did indeed have one of those plastic mats beneath his chair. I wasn’t planning on spilling much coffee anyway, just enough to stain my white skirt, though I hoped I would indeed get the small stain out of them after I did. It would be a small price to pay if I pulled this off however, and then finished placing things in such a way that I would be careful so as not to spill coffee on anything except for myself when I did.

It wasn’t long after that, that Jared came back upstairs carrying two hot steaming mugs of the fresh smelling brew. It needed to cool down some of course before I actually spilled any, and I needed to drink most of it before I did. But that would also give us a chance to chat about what had happened the day before, or so I hoped. Pleased when Jared was actually the one raising the subject.

I was glad he had taken a seat sitting in front of me, just where I wanted him to be when I had my accident. I could respond in kind far more easily when I did.

“Can I ask you something?” He began, once again appearing a bit nervous, a slight flush already beginning to spread across his face. I knew then it was something of a sexual nature, and I felt a slight flush actually begin in my own face, hoping it was.

“Sure Jared, ask me anything. And don’t be shy either. By now…I’d hope you know we’re well past being shy around one another, so whatever you want to ask me about, feel free…and don’t hold back.”

I had again worn another tight fitting top, sans bra, so I knew that my breasts were well molded, nipples already beginning to grow erect which he noticed as he periodically sat there staring at them.

“About yesterday…” he hesitated slightly. I smiled urging him to continue. “Were you serious when you said you’ve never even seen your husband jerk himself off before?”

This was working out even better than I’d anticipated. I now knew I could incorporate my seemingly flustered emotions when I spilled the coffee, ensuring that I took another drink as I wanted the cup to be nearly empty when I did.

“No, oddly enough, I haven’t. Though I’ve asked him to do so for me a number of times. He’s played with it a little for me of course, but that’s about it. Maybe men in general are just too self conscious about doing that in front of someone, which is why I was so pleased…when you did…for me.”

It was a joy to see the smile on Jared’s face when I said that. I glanced down towards his crotch, purposely…though there was no way of course that I could see him as he sat in front of the desk, though for a moment I did so as though having x-ray vision or something. I smiled as he fidgeted in his seat, as though I actually might have.

“So…was it anything like you hoped it would be when you…ah, when you stood there watching me?” he nervously stated, and immediately adding to that before I could even respond, apologizing in addition to that. “I’m sorry that it ah…well you know, that it sort of ended the way that it did with the carpet thing and all.”

I drank the last of the coffee I needed to before sitting my cup down on the corner of Bill’s desk. It was now just a matter of time, biding my time waiting for the perfect moment.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, actually blushing a little, appearing to be flustered. “Though I have to admit Jared, I found it very, very arousing, watching you. Having never actually watched a man so openly pleasuring himself, and then cumming the way you did, well…it was just pure erotic, and to be honest…”

I reached for my cup, my eyes locked on his when I did, my hand as I hoped glancing off the side of it as I now felt it leave the desk, dropping down into my lap just the way I’d planned it. The moment it did, I stood up alarmed looking down at myself. Sure enough, there was just enough coffee to have made a rather large noticeable stain on my skirt, and nowhere else.

“Fuck!” I cried out in alarm, startling poor Jared as he stood too, unsure of what to do himself. “And my new skirt too!” I exclaimed further. I didn’t hesitate however, immediately unzipping my skirt and dropping it where I stood. I caught an appreciative glance out of the corner of my eye as Jared took in the frilly laced red panties I was wearing as opposed to a simple thong. “Where’s your mom’s laundry room?” I now asked. Obviously I knew where it was, downstairs in the basement, but I didn’t recall ever being down there when I’d seen Jared in the past. “I need to get these washed before the stain sets in!” I said worriedly.

As I’d hoped, Jared immediately told me to follow him. Seconds later we were racing downstairs towards the basement, me in my likewise soiled panties as I ran after him.

As I’d asked her to do for me, Sophia had sorted out a pile of whites, which sat in a basket next to the washer as though preparing the next load. In addition to that, she also had a small pile of bright colors next to it, which I’d also asked her to place there for me.

As I stood there in front of Sophia’s washer using some of her pretreatment on my skirt before tossing it, and then some of her own whites in the washer, I could almost feel Jared’s eyes boring into my ass as he stood behind me patiently waiting. As he did, I could feel a renewed trickle of my own moisture and smiled to myself as I knew I was adding a bit more of my female essence to them, hoping he’d be considering that too when moments later I turned likewise taking them off. Much to his surprise.

“Damn, a little of the coffee soaked through and into these too!” I said as I turned now, slipping them off. “Thank god there wasn’t as much,” I then added, not feeling at all embarrassed to be standing there in nothing but my skin tight top once again, another reminder of yesterday perhaps. Tossing my red panties onto the colored pile, I now looked over at Jared. His eyes just then came up to meet mine after standing there gazing at my openly displayed pussy.

He swallowed.

“Jared? Do you think your mother would mind if I were to borrow a pair of her panties? At least until mine is washed?” I now asked.

He swallowed again, looking at me, his lips having gone dry as he licked them. “No…probably not,” he slightly stammered.

“Good, could you show me where she might keep them?” I now asked. This time, I purposely led the way, which I was pretty sure Jared was pleased to see me do as he followed me back up the stairs to his mother’s room, staring at the back of my bare ass the entire way.

“Where’s she keeping them? I asked, turning towards him once again as we entered her bedroom. I already knew of course, but I was also curious if he would.

“Well, a lot of her stuff, bras and panties and things are in her top drawer, but her really nice stuff is actually in the bottom drawer,” he told me. I didn’t react as though he knew that would be out of the norm, thanking him and smiling at him as I bent over, opening the bottom drawer.

I knew as I did so, I was again giving him a perfect view of not only my ass, but most likely my puffy swollen lips as I rummaged around in Sophia’s drawer, especially with Jared standing directly behind me as I did so. I was half hoping he’d just walk up to me with his cock sticking out, and shove it in. Not at all surprised when he didn’t.

“Wow, your mom’s got a lot of nice stuff,” I said, still looking. I smiled upon seeing a pair of crotchless blue panties, but quickly discarded them. “A bit too obvious,” I thought. I wanted to find something I could actually wear and sit around in for a bit, giving him some food for thought without making things obvious. I found three different pairs that I thought would work, and then decided to make a game out of that, holding them up in order to show him. “What do you think Jared?”

Pleasures with guilt – 5 will continue on the next page

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