Pleasures with Guilt – 2

“pleasures with guilt” Part-2 Continues……

I honestly didn’t believe I had heard her correctly, so I asked her again.

“What did you just say?”

This time she didn’t hesitate. “I asked you, if you’d like to fuck my son,” she said simply…even more importantly, seriously. And quite naturally, I said,

“You can’t be serious!”

“Oh but honey. I am. I’ve even talked to Bill about it, and he agrees with me.”

“You what?”

“Yes, we talked about it, spoke a great deal in length about it, and came to the exact same conclusion about it. We really think that you should. Even Bill said he now wishes that his parents had done something like that for him when he’d reached the age of consent. Would have saved him a whole lot of trouble with all the misconceptions he’d been forced to live with after that. All the mistakes, the ungrounded fears,

not to mention the guilt he had endured afterwards because of it. Always wondering if he could have done better, been better at it. Learning from someone with actual experience who knew what they were doing as opposed to the blind leading the blind as it were.”

“So get him a hooker!” I said disbelief clearly being revealed in the tone of my voice.

“Yeah, we talked about that as an option,” she actually admitted. “But then decided against it. As Bill reminded me, and I him…part of that first time experience is doing it with someone you really care about. Obviously Honey…Jared really cares about you. I think he’s made that quite clear, so sending him to a hooker wouldn’t actually be in his best interests.

“What about mine? What about MY interests? Or my husband’s?” I asked, beginning to sound hysterical.

I finally calmed however, having vented, collecting my senses along with my breath.

“If you’re finished ranting and raving?” Sophia asked.

I said nothing on my end of the line, waiting for what I knew was coming.

“We agree with you on that too. And because of that, because of our friendship with one another, we wouldn’t expect you to go behind Rob’s back. This is something he would likewise have to be in agreement with before we’d ever consider actually pursuing it. So…what we’d like to propose is to perhaps come over this evening, maybe even have a little barbeque or something, and then lay it all out for him.

See what he has to say, at least explain our reasoning to him personally ourselves, to both of you. Then…later on, after the two of you have had a chance to think about it and discuss it, you can tell us what your final decision is. How’s that sound?”

The fact that I actually agreed to hearing them out was one thing. Actually going through with it even after we did, was something else. Though I was also in agreement not to even mention we’d talked about it this much until they came over later that evening and spoke with the two of us together. At least that way, I could pretend to be hearing it for the first time too, and then gauge my husband’s reaction and similarly react the same way that he no doubt would. I was fairly confident he’d laugh it off as more of a joke than anything, and then that would be that.

Or so I hoped anyway.

Sophia and Bill arrived later on that evening. We’d enjoyed a nice quiet little barbeque. Almost too quiet as Rob periodically glanced towards me, his eyes raised in question. Obviously he knew there was another purpose behind our friend’s visit though he was patient enough to wait it out and see what it was.

I was nervous as hell, sitting on pins and needles and half hoping they had changed their minds and not even brought the subject up. I should have known better, especially when Rob decided to open the door to whatever it was they had come here to really ask us about.

“So, as much as I enjoy having you guys over, you’re not acting like your usual naughty selves…what’s up?”

It was all the opening the two of them needed, though it was Sophia of course who finally broached the subject.

Though Sophia told the entire story from start to finish, which she’d told me she’d do. I was grateful at least that she did it in such a way, that it appeared I was just then hearing about her son’s conversation with his friend at the same time Rob now was. When she and Bill finally got to the reason and purpose of their visit having said all that,

I found I was holding my breath. I continued to hold it as Rob sat back in his chair digesting what Sophia had told him, exactly the same way she had said it to me. For a moment, his facial expression gave absolutely nothing away, one way or the other, and I nearly screamed out at him to say something as it was driving me nuts. When he did, I still sat there looking at him with a stupefied expression on my face.

“Damn, I wish my parents had done that for me!”


I’m fairly certain by the look on my face as Rob finally turned to look at me that he backtracked a little, hesitating. It’s not like I was opposed to the idea emotionally, or that I had any real reservations about actually doing it. Though obviously there were some. But it was the fact I’d at least expected him to look a bit more shocked perhaps, or even offer up some sort of initial reservations about it. Which he did, but only after he’d seen my face.

“I think we’ll need to give this some thought and discuss it,” he finally added. “Obviously Jen’s the one that has to make the ultimate decision for herself, but I think my own personal concern would be, not wanting this to affect our relationship with the two of you. To be honest, when you came over tonight, I was actually concerned, well worried…that you guys were moving away or something and had come over to tell us that.

As you well know, Jen and I are very fond of you two, hell…I’ll come right out and say that we even love you guys, a lot! So I’m actually relieved that wasn’t what you came here to tell us. But…I’ll be the first to admit, this was a bit of a surprise.”

“We figured it would be,” Bill finally said, jumping in after being silent most of the evening. “But Sophia and I have talked about it at length, and came to the same conclusion about it. But we did so for the very reasons you just mentioned. Because we love you guys too, and wouldn’t have asked this of you otherwise, if we didn’t. But you’re right, it is something you should probably discuss and consider privately. Especially as Jen’s the primary individual involved here. Though there is a bit of another caveat we’d like to discuss, if and when you agree to do this for us.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” I now said finding my own voice. Whatever this was, was new, and not something that Sophia had obviously chosen to share with me yet, which I could see was the case by the expression on her face. She didn’t blush very damn often, and now she was.

When we’d begun talking, we had moved from the patio table where we’d eaten our dinner together. Sophia and I are now sitting down on the patio swing where we still were. Rob and Bill had each taken one of our cushioned lounge chairs, sitting down on those, drinks in hand. Sophia now turned towards me, sitting a bit sideways in the swing, taking my hands in hers as she spoke.

“If you do decide to do this,” she began. “And I honestly hope that you will, what Bill and I would also like, and appreciate, is if you’d take the time to let Jared attempt to seduce you himself. That way…it won’t appear as though we actually set him up. Not only do we think his first experience should be with someone he truly cares about,

but that he also has a good memory from it to keep with him always. I think that in his knowing it was mommy and daddy that had fixed up his first time, he might have reservations about it later on. And that would of course go against part of the reason for doing this in the first place.”

“You’re telling me, that if I do decide to actually go through with this, that you want it to be Jared’s idea, or at least let him believe that it is, and allow him in time, to eventually seduce me?”

“In a nutshell, yes.”

This time Rob really did have some reservations about it, which I was a little relieved to hear him respond to.

“I’m not sure that I’m really comfortable with that,” he told our friends. “I mean, it’s one thing for Jen to sleep with Jared, taking his virginity and all that. Something else entirely for him to think he’s having some sort of an affair with her, or hoping to.”

Pleasures with Guilt – 2 will continue on the next page

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